my wonderful zoo

Chapter 227 There is only one way

Chapter 227 There is only one way

"General Han, I have admired your name for a long time. I have always wanted to meet with the general, but there is no chance." Wanyan Zongbi did not dare to let them really surround him and others, and quickly motioned to his men to get on their horses: "Today is not the right time to talk in detail. As long as If the general lets us go, we will be rewarded with ten thousand gold coins the next day."

Whoosh! !An arrow flew quickly and accurately shot into the eye of Wanyan Zongbi's horse.

Xilulu! !The horse screamed and raised its front hooves, then rushed forward in pain.
Poof! !He rushed into the enemy's spear formation and was stabbed to the ground.

Wanyan Zongbi no longer had a horse, so his followers could only surround him again, with three circles inside and three outside surrounding him in the middle.

"Wanyan Zongbi, don't struggle to your death anymore. Today, you can't fly even if you have wings." Han Shizhong was not tempted by Wanyan Zongbi's promise.

This kind of empty promise may be sincere or sincere when Wanyan Zongbi says it now, but when he really returns to the Kingdom of Jin and is personally safe, no god can tell what will happen then.

Do you believe in the credibility of Jinren?The endings of the two first emperors of the Song Dynasty are precedents.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!While Wanyan Zongbi was thinking about it, another wave of arrows came over. The outermost golden soldiers were immediately hit and fell to the ground screaming in pain. The remaining golden soldiers saw that one of their own was shot but did not dare to fight back, fearing that it would attract the enemy. More attacks to come.

"Wait! Stop shooting, I surrender." Seeing that Han Shizhong was unable to talk, Wanyan Zongbi finally couldn't hold on and surrendered.

"Put down your weapons!" Someone quickly stepped forward to disarm them, then separated them for guarding, and brought Wanyan Zongbi to Han Shizhong alone.

"Wanyan Zongbi, even without the ten thousand gold you mentioned, I think you are still very valuable in your own right." Han Shizhong looked at him and sneered.

Then Wanyan Zongbi saw those close men who were brought to the side, all of whom were hanged by the Song army despite being unarmed.

"You! You broke your word!! Despicable!!" Wanyan Zongbi cursed.

"I have never promised you anything." Han Shizhong asked someone to come forward and tie his upper body tightly with rope, and then called his men over to discuss.

"If Wanyan Zongbi can be captured here, the Jin army must have been defeated by the Chen family army. I don't think we need to go to the rebel army."

At the end of the discussion that day, Han Shizhong's men did not disband directly. Most of the generals and soldiers were unwilling to go home like this, and all wanted to follow Han Shizhong to make a career in this troubled world.

In the end, after several discussions, everyone felt that it would be better to vote for the rebels first. They would rather be a chicken head than an ox tail. They voted for the rebels and waited for the opportunity to become bigger. Not only would they be able to protect the peace of the people in Hebei, but they would also be able to earn more in this troubled world. Some capital.

In order not to cause Chen Jiajun to misunderstand, everyone took off their Song Army uniforms and put on civilian clothes. They eliminated those who wanted to go home. Finally, 320 people were left, carrying weapons and armor and setting off for Hejian Mansion.

But who would have thought that as soon as he arrived at a small village in Linjin Town, he would meet Wanyan Zongbi.

The people in the village kept their doors closed because Han Shizhong and others came to the village to borrow water from the well and frightened them.

"Why don't you go?" one of his subordinates asked.

"The fact that Chen Jiajun was able to easily destroy Wanyan Zongbi's Jin Army shows that they sent a powerful infantry to Hebei East Road." Han Shizhong analyzed: "The main force of the Jin Army on Hebei East Road has been eliminated, and they will definitely occupy it quickly. Here, when the time comes, whether the rebels in Hebei surrender or flee, they will not end well."

"If we surrender now, there will only be two results. One is to follow the big leader and surrender to Chen Jiajun. The other is to follow the big leader to flee south or west."

"But as far as I know, the south and west of Hebei have been occupied by Chen Jiajun. Even if they escape temporarily, the final result can only be surrender to Chen Jiajun."

Having said this, Han Shizhong glanced at Wanyan Zongbi.

"It just so happens that we now have a good bargaining chip. We can go and make demands with Chen Jiajun. At the worst, we can exchange it for a sum of gold and silver, so that we can have more money when we go home." After hearing this, everyone looked like they suddenly realized: " According to what you said, the situation of Chen Jiajun has been achieved."

"That's right, the general trend has come." Han Shizhong nodded.

"Then we have to follow Chen Jiajun. With your ability, you will definitely become the founding father of the country by then, and we can follow you to get the glory." A general complimented.

"I think the Chen Jiajun has no shortage of available talents, especially in the army, otherwise they would not be able to win consecutive battles. In just a few years, they have developed their power to such an extent." Han Shizhong guessed.

He didn't know that Chen Jiajun could be where he is today because of Chen Xun's years of hard work cultivating talents and his accumulation of experience.

Because of this, many "friends" said that I was too cowardly and useless in the early stage.

"It's better than going home and farming," someone added.

"Okay, let's go try it!" While everyone was still discussing, hundreds of cavalry suddenly rushed over from the southeast. You could feel the vibration of the ground from a distance. From the size of the people on the horses and the size of the horses, By comparison, we can know that these horses are all excellent war horses.

This shows that this is an elite cavalry.

"Don't panic, this is Chen Jiajun." Han Shizhong saw from the corner of his eye that one of his men was trying to draw a bow, and quickly stopped him: "Put away your weapons, don't cause any misunderstanding."

Everyone hurriedly sheathed their swords and carried their bows and arrows behind their backs.

Soon, the cavalry in the distance rushed forward, much faster than ordinary cavalry.

When they were still two hundred steps away from the crowd, the cavalry were neatly divided into three teams. One team slowed down, changed into a horizontal formation, and slowly approached.The other two teams formed vertical pairs and dispersed to both sides, quickly trapping everyone in the middle.

This rapid change of formations made Han Shizhong secretly speechless. He was truly the best among the best.

Moreover, when they got closer, everyone saw that there were dozens of huge wolves among the cavalry, which were comparable in size to ordinary horses.

Looking at these cavalry, even the armor of the horses was of better quality than the armor of the people on my side. Suddenly, I didn't dare to resist at all.

"Spy No. 62 Jiazi of the Hebei Branch of the Intelligence Department, Sun Gang! Please ask the Chen Jiajun ahead to put away their weapons. General Han is planning to surrender."

What frightened Han Shizhong the most was that among the hundreds of people on both sides, the first person to speak turned out to be a soldier on his side who he had never noticed before.

"General Han, but you really want to join my Chen family army." The general of the Chen family army riding on the horse put his saber back into its sheath, and asked Han Shizhong, who was standing in the middle of the crowd, with an outstanding temperament.

This question woke up the confused Han Shizhong. Knowing that now was not the time to think wildly, he quickly asked someone to pull Wanyan Zongbi up.

"This person is Wanyan Zongbi, dedicated to Chen Jiajun."

By this time, Han Shizhong had understood that he had taken credit for the achievements of the Chen Jiajun general in front of him.

Even without these people on his side, Wanyan Zongbi would not be able to escape the pursuit of these people.

(End of this chapter)

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