my wonderful zoo

Chapter 222 Zhao Gou’s silent call

Chapter 222 Zhao Gou’s silent call

At this moment, if you can take a bird's-eye view of the entire battlefield from the sky, you will find a scene that is very consistent with a science fiction horror movie.

Thousands of boats are like houseboats embedded in the blue sea, divided into two sides, forming two villages, with more on one side and fewer on the other.

The larger side is being besieged by endless tentacled monsters of the opposite sex. Looking from a distance, it looks like a dense colony of giant ants that have found a rice drying field and swarm over to grab food. They are constantly being eroded from the outside like the inside.

There were so many giant squids that were released that Chen Xun himself looked a bit creepy, let alone facing their enemies.

Therefore, he did not order the Chen Jiajun naval vessels to come forward, but stayed on the periphery and waited patiently.

In less than half an hour, the warships of the Three Kingdoms on the battlefield were completely unable to hold on, and began to flee in all directions.

But they never would have thought that Chen Xun had already arranged a circle of giant squids on the outside. The scattered warships just hit this wall of squids. A single warship was attacked by at least five or six squids at the same time. .

Chen Xun, who was standing on the bow of the ship watching the battle, suddenly felt something strange. When he looked back, he saw that the other Chen Jiajun officers on the ship looked at him differently.

In the past, there was respect and admiration, but now there is fear, and fear suppresses other emotions with an absolute advantage.

Even Ke Lei and Wang Yuan are no exception.

"They are enemies." Chen Xun unconsciously defended himself.

"Yes, Zhao Gou colluded with foreign races, and the governor imposed heavenly punishment, which is what they deserve." Ke Lei stumbled a little, showing a lack of confidence.

"Captain, don't worry about us. You often say that kindness to the enemy is cruelty to oneself. Now we have these fairy beasts helping us fight, preventing our own people from being injured and killed in battle. I believe they can understand it afterwards." Wang Yuan's tone was much firmer.

Considering that as a native of Dengzhou, all his family members were killed by the Jin people, and he joined the Chen Family Army because he wanted to use the power of the Chen Family Village to avenge his hatred, I guess the biggest feeling in his heart now is happiness.

"That's good if you think so." Chen Xun replied, knowing that in this case, there was no need to explain.

As the master of a power, it is a good thing that his power exceeds his favor.

It can be expected that from today onwards, the loyalty value of the Chen family's navy to Chen Xun will inevitably drop out of full marks. When these people are scattered all over the world in the future, they will become the chief officials of a land and the generals of an army. Courage gives birth to rebellious thoughts.


"Guan Family, I have already sent someone to contact Suzhou in the Liaodong Peninsula (the modern Luda City). We can supply supplies when we get there, and then go all the way south. Thief Chen would never have thought that we would turn north. ." Wang Boyan stood beside Zhao Gou and asked for credit.

Although Zhao Gou's power is now almost completely destroyed, he has not lost confidence.

In other words, his desire to avenge his son supports him, and he will not give up until the last moment.

He believed that as long as Zhao Gou entered the Yangtze River, as Zhao Gou, he would definitely be able to gain the support of the gentry class in the Yangtze River Basin, and he would be able to easily rise again.

After his son Wang Si was killed by Chen Jiajun, Wang Boyan studied Chen Jiajun very carefully. He even sent people from Guangzhou to study several new laws implemented by the military government.

He knew very well that the military government and the current gentry and wealthy business class were natural enemies. The contradiction between the two classes was simply irreconcilable and could only be resolved through war.

The winner is king, the loser is bandit, the obedient prosper and the rebellious perish.

There may be some small businessmen and wealthy people who can survive within the military government system, but for the giant businessmen, wealthy people, and great Confucians, the new laws of the military government are absolutely evil laws that will tear them apart.

The wealthy gentry and merchants who were accustomed to eating delicacies from the mountains and seas, and white flour and polished rice, were suddenly forced to be careful about their budgets, and only had pickles in their buns. How could they be persuaded by just their mouths?

Wang Boyan felt that he still had a chance. "Mr. Sir, there seems to be something in the sea ahead." A crew member reminded loudly.

Wang Boyan got out of the cabin and looked outside. There were no ships or other eye-catching floating objects on the sea ahead.

"Why can't I see it?" Wang Boyan asked.

"Look carefully, there are many dark shadows under the water." the crewman reminded again.

While he was speaking, the black shadow had already come closer and became very clear.

"There are big fish under the water, watch out for collisions!" the lookout warned loudly.

Wang Boyan reached out and grabbed the window frame next to him, cautiously.

At this time, Zhao Gou also came out and asked Wang Boyan: "What happened? You are yelling."

As he spoke, he went straight to the side of the boat and retched: "This sea boat is different from a river boat. It doesn't look like there are too many waves, but it is very bumpy."

I guess I vomited too much just now, and now I have retched several times but can't vomit it out.

Not hearing anyone's reply, Zhao Gou turned around and looked at Wang Boyan, "What's that look in your eyes?"

Wang Boyan seemed to have seen something terrifying, his eyes were wide open, his fingers were pointing behind Zhao Gou, his lips were trembling and he was speechless.

"You're talking." Zhao Gou was about to raise his legs to walk towards Wang Boyan, but his legs seemed to be hugged by something, making them a little slippery.

"Bold!" Before the words of reprimand were spoken, Zhao Gouji felt himself flying.


"Officials! Be careful!" Wang Boyan's warning came belatedly.

Everyone was about to step forward to rescue them when they suddenly discovered that the same terrifying tentacles were rising from all sides of the ship, entangled with the people on the ship.

"A monster!".
All kinds of terrified cries sounded at the same time, and the lucky boats that were running normally just now were stopped by the king squid.


This kind of terror that had never been seen before made everyone unable to resist. Only a small number of the imperial guards slashed at the tentacles with their knives, but to no avail because there were too many tentacles.

Soon, as the squids climbed onto the boat, the resistance on the ten boats gradually weakened. The clever people saw that the squids only grabbed moving objects, so they hid in the corner and did not dare to move. They survived by luck.The other ones who tossed hard were either strangled to death by the tentacles, or thrown into the sea.

In the sea, the giant squid is a ruthless character that can fight with whales. Anyone who falls into the sea has basically no chance of survival.

Finally, in less than half an hour, the originally noisy sea became silent again, leaving only the sound of the sea breeze blowing on the sails and masts of the ship.

Chen Xun may not know that an enemy he valued was quietly sunk into the sea by an unknown squid, accompanied by his loyal subordinates.

The main battlefield was also silent. The sea between the ships was filled with dense floating corpses. The squids cruised back and forth under the ships and corpses.

The officers and men on the Chen Jiajun warship also seemed very quiet. The trousers between the legs of many timid recruits were a little wet, mixed with the sea breeze, and there was a faint smell of urine.

(End of this chapter)

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