my wonderful zoo

Chapter 162 Turtle

Chapter 162 Turtle
"It is possible. Zhao Ji and the surrendering Song officials were held back before. Now that Zhao Ji and these Song officials have been killed, these forbidden troops are equivalent to having no restraints." When Chen Xun said this, he also felt that It's a bit wishful thinking, but it's still the same truth, everything depends on human effort, and it's better to do it than not do it.

"And I heard that their chief general Zhang Shuye is a handsome man who dares to fight and is capable of fighting. His two sons Zhang Bofen and Zhang Zhongxiong are also good generals. With these three strong generals leading the way, it shouldn't be difficult to achieve my vision." Chen Xundao.

"Captain, I think your thinking may be a bit too idealistic. Those soldiers of the Forbidden Army are serving as soldiers to eat food. They used to have military salaries and could not do anything. Now that they don't have the Song Dynasty to issue money, they have no food and clothing. How can we expect them to do this? What you said is very unlikely." Pei Ren was still not optimistic about Chen Xun's plan.

Don't these Song soldiers have any feelings for their family and country?
Chen Xun did not ask this question, nor did he continue to argue with Pei Ren.Because he didn't know whether Song Bing, who was imprisoned in the south wing of the outer city, had feelings for his family and country.

"Try to do it. As long as it can cause some trouble for the Jin people, it will be beneficial to the war overall." Chen Xun ordered directly.

"Okay, I will make preparations when I get back and try to complete it within three days." Currently, there are more than 200 military government intelligence personnel gathered inside and outside Kaifeng. This is still under the direct administration, and with the addition of peripheral and temporary workers, the number is even higher.

And in the current Kaifeng City, as long as you have money and food, you can easily hire a large number of young people to work hard for you.

The matter arranged by Chen Xun was not difficult for Pei Ren.


On April [-], Chen Xun met Sun Zheng in Yangwucheng (northeast of Kaifeng City and south of the Yellow River).

After the meeting between the two parties, Sun Zheng gave Chen Xun a small surprise.

When the troops were divided in Xinxiang, Sun Zheng and Lai Qingyun were basically divided in half. Each side had more than four battalions of troops (with battle damage).

But when Chen Xun saw Sun Zheng's cavalry army in Yangwucheng, he actually had more than 4000 people under his command, many of whom were strangers.

"Most of these people are elite cavalry from King Qin's army, who were selected and sent over by King Qin's army. There are also some people who came from Hebei to join us. Those who can't fight on horseback are given to Lai Qingyun, and those who can fight on horseback are also given to I sent it over." Sun Zheng explained.

This is the benefit of building a reputation.

Chen Jiajun established a reputation as "saving the country and resisting the Jin Dynasty", so naturally there were comrades who were willing to fight against the Jin Dynasty and came to join him.

"You have done a good job. These people are all people with lofty ideals who serve the country loyally. They are very rare. We must not treat them badly." Chen Xun was very happy that this phenomenon happened, especially that he was on the side of righteousness.

"Don't worry, they will be treated the same as Chen Jiajun." Sun Zheng replied.

After lunch, Chen Xun and Sun Zheng led their troops out of Yangwu City. This city had been visited many times by the Chen family's army and taken back by the Jin people several times. It was now basically an empty city.

Standing on the roadside on horseback, watching the Chen family's army passing by on horseback on the pipeline, Chen Xun especially observed the new "recruits" and found that their riding skills were very good, most of them were better than the Chen family's dragoons, and the horse army camp The soldiers are equal.

"Not bad, right? I didn't expect these people to be able to reach this level." Sun Zheng said with a smile next to him.

"Nonsense, these people are carefully selected from hundreds of thousands of King Qin's troops, and they must be of high quality." Chen Xun replied: "Those patriots who came from Hebei are also courageous and capable people, otherwise they would not would do such a feat.”

For ordinary people, running all the way from Hebei to Kaifeng, the core of the war, to fight against gold is definitely a feat.

"You said that when we defeat the Jin Army, can you also raise your arms and then gather those who respond to achieve great things?" Sun Zheng said and laughed.

"You're just trying to be weird. Just give me a shout out. Only people named Zhao have this ability now. We're still far behind." After all, the Zhao family has been in the country for more than 100 years and has already been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

When all Chen Jiajun walked over, Chen Xun and Sun Zheng just rode behind and chatted: "How is the battle in Fengqiu City?"

"The Jin people have been besieging the city for two days, but because King Feng Qiuqin's army is outside and our Chen family army is assisting us from two directions, it is still safe for now." Sun Zheng replied.

In these two directions, one was Ke Lei's naval force, which attacked the Jin soldiers near the river bank from the fork of the Yellow River. The Jin army could only siege the city on three sides, and the north of Fengqiu City was always in the hands of King Qin's army.

The defenders in the city can communicate with the outside world, and King Qin's troops from the five northern cities also receive continuous support through this channel.The other is the dragoon led by Sun Zheng. This wandering cavalry is like a ghost, which prevents the Jin army from going all out to attack the city. It always has to leave a large reserve force to prevent Sun Zheng from backstabbing.

And precisely because of this cavalry, the Jin Army must retain basic city defense forces in Kaifeng City to avoid losing Kaifeng City.

"What's your next plan?" Chen Xun asked.

"Before you came, I received intelligence that the Jin Army would send out a transport team from Kaifeng with a strength of about [-]. I planned to rob it." Sun Zheng replied.

Chen Xun recalled that before the Kaifeng operation the day before yesterday, a wave of golden soldiers were transferred from the inner city of Kaifeng, probably to form this supply camp.

As the war progressed, Chen Xun was completely unable to figure out the actions behind the Jin army.

I can only take one step at a time and have no better suggestions.

Marching along the way, the Chen Jiajun dragoons stopped the Jin Army's baggage train twenty miles north of Kaifeng City. Unfortunately, just after firing a round, they found that the Jin Army who was besieging Fengqiu in the north came to respond. They had to withdraw and release the baggage train. past.

"This kind of guerrilla warfare is becoming more and more difficult to fight. The Jin Army is like a turtle with its limbs retracted, leaving people with nowhere to eat." Sun Zheng did not successfully eat this baggage team, which was considered a small thing in front of Chen Xun. I was embarrassed and a little frustrated.

"This also shows that the Jin Army adopted this tactic because they had nothing to do with us." Chen Xun didn't think it was a pity.

The original purpose of this dragon cavalry wandering outside was to contain the strength of the Jin Army.

Sun Zheng had already accomplished a great job, but he only felt this way when he wanted to make greater contributions.

This is the lack of human support.

"I heard from Lai Qingyun that Xuzhou's reinforcements will arrive at Fengqiu as soon as the [-]th. Will we be able to launch a counterattack by then?" Sun Zheng asked.

"No, all the recruits who came here to support this time are pure recruits who have not experienced battle formation. Let them fight with the golden men, and more than half of them will die." Chen Xun shook his head.

The support from Xuzhou going north will only be used as a reserve army. It can defend the city, but it will definitely not work for a field counterattack.

"Then we can only continue like this. We will see when the Jin army can no longer hold on and becomes disorganized." Sun Zhengdao said: "When the Jin people disperse, we should have an opportunity."

Sun Zheng was talking to himself, but his last words reminded Chen Xun.

Because of Sun Zheng's cavalry roaming around Kaifeng, the Jin army turned into a tortoise. What if there was no such cavalry?
"I have a plan that should be able to defeat a partial division of the Jin Army."

"Oh? What's the plan?" Sun Zheng asked.

"Create something out of nothing!" Chen Xun replied.

"How can something be created out of nothing?" Sun Zheng was puzzled.

"The first step is to make the Jin people think that this dragoon is gone. Then..."

 I work on the railway. Affected by the epidemic, railway passenger and freight traffic has dropped sharply, and the traffic flow has decreased. Our maintenance system finally has time to work hard.And now that we are entering spring, the weather is just right.I've been really busy lately. I really don't have any free time during the day, so I can only stay up late at night coding.

  But I promise, no matter how tired I am, I won't stop updating, and there will be another chapter in a while.

(End of this chapter)

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