Chapter 114
Taojia Village is located in the westernmost part of Shimen Town, Nanhai County, Guangzhou.

Across a river to the west is Duanzhou.

Zhu Lei (provided by book friend Shu Shu's Qinxian) is debating whether he should report Tao Yuanwai in the village to the military government.

In May, the "Chen thieves" whom Tao Yuanwai called "Chen Thieves" occupied Guangzhou City. The frightened Tao Yuanwai fled across the river at night to Duanzhou.

Unexpectedly, "Chen Thief" was not as cruel as Tao Yuanwai said, but was much better than the government.

When the early rice was harvested in July, Tao Yuanwai still didn't dare to come back. He just sent a steward back to collect the tenant rent.

People in the village are spreading rumors that Tao Yuanwai signed a "futures" contract with Chenjiazhuang and received money from Chenjiazhuang, but did not prepare the goods at all. Now he dare not come back for fear that Chenjiazhuang will be liquidated.

A few days ago, people from the Chen Jiajun military government were promoting the "Land Law" in the village. Only then did Zhu Lei find out that all the ownership of the land he was currently cultivating had been transferred to the military government, and the original landowner, Tao Yuan, only had farming rights.

According to the propaganda of the military government officials, he only needs to pay [-]% of the rent to Mr. Tao, and the steward hiding in the Tao family compound has just collected [-]% of the rent from him.

When Zhu Lei was a child, he remarried with his mother to Taojia Village. The family conditions were very poor. All the land in the family was given to his stepfather's biological son, his younger brother. As an adult, he has been renting and farming the fields outside the Taoist family.

From the age of 16 to 26, I was busy all day long. After paying the rent, I only had enough food for myself and no savings at all. I still live in a mud house built by my stepfather for me. It rains, leaks and wind blows. It's leaking that I'm almost thirty and haven't talked about my next marriage yet.

Zhu Lei lived in hardship since he was a child, and only his mother loved him, so he was very self-reliant and diligent.But because of his foreign surname, he was not only bullied by people surnamed Tao in the village, he even had to pay [-]% more rent than people surnamed Tao for renting land outside the pottery.

Officials of the military government have said that as long as violations of the Land Law are reported, the whistleblower will not only be kept confidential, but will also be rewarded.

Zhu Lei was not interested in the rewards he would get after reporting the report, he just didn't want to make things easier for Tao Yuanwai.

In fact, with my diligence and ability, I can rent thirty acres of land, and even if I pay [-]% of the land rent, my life will be better.But Tao Yuan was so cruel that he only rented five acres of land to himself, but as long as he had a little leisure time, he would let himself work for their family, otherwise the land would not be rented to him.

I actually cultivate more than [-] acres of land every year, but I can only get benefits from five acres of land.

Tao Yuanwai is treating himself as an animal.

But Zhu Lei couldn't live without these five acres of land, otherwise eating would be a problem.

Zhu Lei hated Yuan Tao and the people of Taojia Village so much that he dreamed of taking revenge on them every night.

Now he had the opportunity to take revenge on Chen Jiajun, and he didn't want to miss it.

Even if you don't end up well after reporting it, you won't hesitate.Anyway, he has lived enough in the past few decades, and he has had enough of this endless miserable life.

Wang!Wang!Wang! …

The local dog next door suddenly barked loudly, and Zhu Lei was immediately awakened and sat up from the bed.

There are no outsiders in the village all year round, and there are no strangers at night. In the past few days, officials from the Chen Jiajun military government came in the morning and returned to town in the afternoon, and did not spend the night in Taojia Village.

The guard dog barked suddenly, surely smelling the stranger's scent.


Immediately afterwards, Zhu Lei heard the firewood door of his home being pushed open.

There was only one room in the yard, which was surrounded by a fence made of thick-armed wood, with a firewood gate in the middle.

Only Zhu Lei's family in Taojia Village has this kind of simple Chaimen.

"Someone is coming in!" Zhu Lei realized something was wrong.

Strangers never come to visit my home, and my half-brother is eager to see me walking around, afraid that I will ask him to borrow something.After my mother passed away the year before last, no outsiders have come into this yard for a long time.

Moreover, if it was a normal visit, how could he come in uninvited in the middle of the night.

"This person is not evil!" Zhu Lei has lived in an extremely harsh environment since he was a child. He has seen a lot of the ugliness in the world, and he immediately realized that this was an uninvited guest who came with malicious intentions.

"Who could it be? I haven't offended anyone. If I have, the most likely person is Tao Yuanwai. He is afraid that he will report him." Zhu Lei's thoughts were spinning in his mind.

"This is to kill me and silence me."

If someone wants to eliminate this hidden danger of his, he must be very well prepared, and he must escape.

Zhu Lei, who wanted to understand, no longer hesitated. He saw a knife sticking out from the crack of the door. The bright blade reflected the moonlight, and it stabbed Zhu Lei so much that he didn't dare to stop for a breath. He quickly opened the window at the back and climbed out.

I didn't even bother to bring anything with me, and I didn't even have time to put on my shoes.

"Here, he ran away from behind!" Zhu Lei, who had just climbed out, heard a low roar from the side of the house: "Stop! Don't run!" Wouldn't he be a fool if he didn't run?
Zhu Lei ran as fast as he could. Years of hard work gave Zhu Lei a very strong body. Even without shoes, he could still walk quickly.

There were rapid footsteps chasing behind me, and while chasing, I shouted softly: "Stop, I have something to discuss with you, why are you running!"

"Stop running away, I really have something good to discuss with you."

Does your family use a knife to pry open the door when discussing something good?Zhu Lei complained in his heart and ran faster on his legs.

After running continuously for almost half an hour, the footsteps chasing behind him gradually became smaller, but a river appeared in front of them.

Zhu Lei knew that this river was more than ten feet wide and had fast currents. On the other side of the river was Shimen Town.

After standing by the river for a few seconds, Zhu Lei jumped into the river decisively when he saw that the footsteps and shouts behind him had not disappeared.

Relying on the swimming skills he had developed to satisfy his craving for fish, Zhu Lei successfully swam across the river.

It was safe after crossing the river. Zhu Lei planned to wait here to see who was chasing him behind him.

Soon, five people caught up with them across the river. Because he often ate fish, Zhu Lei did not suffer from night blindness. He vaguely saw that the figure of one of them was very familiar.

"Brother, don't run away. I really have something good to discuss with you." The familiar figure said.

He turned out to be his younger brother, his biological brother from the same mother.

"Why?" Zhu Lei asked.

"What why? Don't do stupid things, come back quickly, Tao Yuanwai plans to recruit you as a servant." The younger brother continued to persuade.

It's true that except for Tao Yuan, before he reported him, he first thought about silencing himself.

"Why, why! Brother, have I ever owed you anything? Have I ever argued with you? Why do I do this?" Zhu Lei was desperate, with tears in his eyes.

My younger brother is my only relative in this world.

He knew that his surname was foreign, and he never expected to receive any inheritance or gifts from his stepfather.

Before reaching adulthood, working for his stepfather was as good as a strong laborer.

Even after the family separated as an adult, I was grateful to my stepfather for helping me build an adobe house. Whenever I had free time, I would go and work at my stepfather's house.

If you have already reached this point, why would you bring someone to kill your own brother?

"For no reason, Manager Wang promised to give your brother five guan of money." A stranger next to him replied.

Zhu Lei found that two people were missing on the other side, and there were two more black shadows on the river, approaching him.

"Brother, is this true?" Zhu Lei's voice was as cold as the ice in winter. He couldn't believe that the love between brothers was worth five taels of silver.

"It's not all about the money." At this time, the younger brother stopped concealing it: "Everyone in the village knows that you will definitely report to Thief Chen that the potters are charging high rent."

"But what does this have to do with you?" Zhu Lei asked, knowing that they were delaying time by talking to him, but he still wanted to know the answer.

"Of course it does matter. Chen's rebellion will definitely be wiped out by the government in the end. Now that you have reported Tao Yuanwai, Tao Yuanwai has already hid in Duanzhou. The Chen thief will definitely have nothing to do with Tao Yuanwai. At most, they will just steal him and leave him in Tao. The property of our village." The younger brother spoke very slowly, and his intention was very clear: "When the thief Chen is wiped out by the government and Yuan Tao comes back, how can our family have any good fruits to eat?"

"I understand." Zhu Lei murmured.

The younger brother was afraid of Tao Yuanwai's retaliation and that his report on Tao Yuanwai would implicate their family. Taking the initiative to lead the way was to submit a certificate to Tao Yuanwai, indicating that their family and Zhu Lei's were not the same, but two separate families.

If the younger brother can do this, his stepfather must know about it and must have allowed it.

"Brother, we have nothing to do with each other from now on." Zhu Lei said calmly.

The black shadows on both sides had already come ashore and were running towards him. Zhu Lei stopped stopping and turned around to continue running.

He is going to Shimen Town, not only to report to the Chen Jiajun military government, but also to become a thief.

Since he was born, except for his mother, he has never felt warmth in this world.

His mother has passed away, and he has nothing to do with this cold world, Taojiacun, or the Song Dynasty.

From now on, he, Zhu Lei, will live for himself.

(End of this chapter)

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