my wonderful zoo

Chapter 108 Modification of wooden donkey cart

Chapter 108 Modification of wooden donkey cart
The base and inner liner of the wooden donkey cart were removed, leaving only the top protection, which turned into a large triangular arched shield with a pole in the middle that could be supported on the ground.

Move one step at a time.

The front of the wooden donkey cart shell was finally attached to the city wall.

The commandos under the car immediately took out shovels and steel drills and began digging holes under the city wall.

With the tools in hand, the digging speed was very fast, and a small hole four feet deep and waist-thick was dug in no time.

An explosive package weighing thirty kilograms was stuffed into the hole, leaving a fuse, and the hole was sealed with dirt.

Rolling stones and wood kept falling overhead, causing the "big triangular arched shield" to crackle.

The commandos working underneath were not affected at all and still followed the procedures steadily.

The fire stick was blown and the fuse was ignited.

The commandos tried to move the shell of the wooden donkey cart to evacuate, but unfortunately there were too many rolling logs and rocks outside and they couldn't move it at all.


The protection behind the shell was kicked open, and the person inside rushed out from the rear, quickly got into the moat, and dived into the water.


Chen Xun stood behind the military formation and looked at the shells of three wooden donkey carts. Only one successfully escaped from the city wall and safely entered the moat while protecting the assault troops below.

The shells of the other two wooden donkey carts were suppressed, and the commandos underneath could only rush out.

Two of the commandos were unlucky. They were hit in the vital parts by arrows on the city wall and fell to the ground unable to move. Several more commandos were shot, but they all rushed into the water by luck.

With the air bag prepared earlier, as long as it enters the water and dives underwater, it is basically safe.

You can breathe underwater and swim across the moat.

Chen Xun counted silently in his heart.

Twenty, nineteen…ten, nine…three…

boom!An explosive pack exploded, and a nearly three-foot-long section of the city wall was lifted up and collapsed. The upturned earth and rocks buried nearly half of the moat, and smoke rose more than ten feet high.

Another explosive pack exploded, this time the city wall was only two feet away from the city gate tower. The flying bricks completely broke the suspension rope of the raised suspension bridge. The suspension bridge crashed down, and the moat at the city gate became a smooth road.

This saves a lot of trouble in attacking the city.


The last explosive package exploded, and the morale of the defenders fell to the lowest point.

During the explosion, the death of the defenders on the city wall was too tragic. The defenders on both sides of the wall received the baptism of severed limbs and arms, and those with poor mental health began to vomit profusely.

After so many years of peace, how many defenders have seen this battle?

Zhu Guang and Wen Ping who were on the city gate tower were also frightened. When the explosion sounded, after a brief moment of confusion, the close relatives immediately began to protect them and went down to the city gate tower to escape.

Rao, they had already overestimated Thief Chen a lot, and they couldn't imagine that the three small wooden donkey carts could cause such a big commotion.

"Blast towards the city gate!" Lu Hui ordered the artilleryman.

The muzzles of the guns were turned, and the ten artillery pieces began to concentrate their firepower on the city gate.

For a while there were constant explosions at the city gate, and smoke and dust billowed everywhere. Thanks to Zhu Guang and Wen Ping running fast, otherwise they might have been left behind.

"You can try to attack." Seeing that Lu Hui was playing conservatively, Chen Xun suggested.

"Okay." The order was passed, and two hundred Miao soldiers and three hundred infantry guards began to attack. There were auxiliary soldiers in front pushing the rapid bridge erecting vehicle. By the way, the bridge erecting vehicle was used as protection to block the scattered fire from the city wall. arrows.

When the bridge erecting machine reached the three gaps, the infantry guards began to use crossbows to shoot suppressively at the city wall.

A guard with good water ability grabbed the tow rope and swam across the river quickly, then pulled it from the front and pushed it from the back, and the sealed wooden box pontoon was quickly erected on the moat.

Two hundred heavily armored and fully armed Miao Dao troops took the lead, with three hundred infantry guards covering them, and began to attack the three gaps.

The loud explosion had already blown the defenders at the gaps to pieces. The siege guards easily occupied the three gaps and began to advance towards the city wall sections on both sides.

boom!boom!boom!From time to time, the sound of grenade explosions on the city walls and the roar of artillery bombarding the city gates complemented each other.

The city gate was quickly blasted open.


The Chen family army outside the city began to attack across the board. The cavalry army cruising in the distance rushed over quickly, and even the two hundred close combat sailors who came ashore to attack also rushed forward.

"Give me armor." Chen Xun was excited.

"Lang Jun, please don't go, otherwise Commander Lu will have to send people to protect you." The captain of the personal guard who was guarding Chen Xun next to him advised.

What he said was right, Chen Xun couldn't refute it.

"Forget it." The previous two battles on the battlefield made Chen Xun fall in love with the adrenaline secretion and blood boiling feeling.But now on the battlefield, our own side was already short of manpower, so I had better listen to the advice not to cause trouble.

Siege battles usually end quickly after the city wall is breached, and this battle in Guangzhou is no exception.

The Chen Jiajun had grenades, heavy-armored Miao knife teams, crossbows and other weapons for street fighting. After entering the city, their offensive became more fierce, and they soon reached the gate of the state government office.

Zhu Guang and Wen Ping from the yamen had just hid in, and before they could catch their breath, they were escorted out of the back door by guards again. They changed into the clothes of ordinary guards and walked through the streets and alleys, hiding towards the north. Go through the door.

From time to time, Chenjiazhuang's horse army roared past on the street. The two of them were frightened along the way. They often needed to hide and moved very slowly.

"Who is it? Come out quickly."

I often walk by the river, so how can I not wet my shoes?

The North Gate is just one place. If you want to reach your destination, you can only get closer and closer to the main street. When there are still two streets and alleys near the North Gate, the team guarding the two people is finally discovered by Chenjiazhuang's horse army.

"You protect Zhizhou and leave quickly, while the others follow me and fight out!" The guard leader was very generous and rushed out with most of the guards, intending to attract the attention of the horse army in exchange for the smooth escape of the two chief officers.

It's a pity that he underestimated the ability of Chenjiazhuang Majun.

The leading ten generals knew that there was something tricky when they saw this wave of people, and immediately blew the copper whistle hanging around their necks.


The piercing copper whistle sounded, and the surrounding Chen Jiajun immediately rushed in the direction of the sound. As far as the eye could see, at least three teams (a small team of ten people) of horse troops were rushing towards them at high speed.

The leader of the guard was brave and rushed towards the cavalry in the middle of the street without hesitation. He was greeted by crossbows and sabers, and they all lay down on the ground within a few seconds.

Fortunately, they finally bought some time for the two chief officers with their deaths.

Zhu Guang and Wen Ping relied on their familiarity with Guangzhou City to avoid being blocked by Chen Jiajun, who was attracted by the whistle, and successfully reached an alley to the west of the North Gate.

A guard poked his head out and found that the north gate was controlled by Chen Jiajun.

"Zhizhou, can't get out." Guard Hui reported.

"First find a place to hide in the yard. When it gets dark, climb over the wall and get out." Zhu Guang looked very decisive compared to Wen Ping, who had lost his sense of proportion.

(End of this chapter)

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