Kai Fu Han

Chapter 582 Natives

Chapter 582 Natives
Liu Xinyuan's last words stimulated Ye Chuan. He thought that back then he was the one who blocked the Qiantang River outlet and left Nan Zhao helpless: "Okay, if you want to do it, do it big. What's the point of just harassing us? Let's steal money, Steal food and people, and give him Nan Zhao a good blood-letting."

"Among the four fleet captains, I think you are the one who likes me. Good brother, let's rob money, food, and people together!" Liu Xinyuan patted Ye Chuan's shoulder hard and praised.

"Don't flatter me first, finish renovating Liuqiu Island quickly before we can talk about anything else." Ye Chuan pretended to be disgusted and patted the clothes that Liu Xinyuan had patted.

"No problem, when the Japanese people come over, I will let them enter the mountain, clean up village by village, clear out all the natives in the mountain, and drive them to the city to educate them. I believe that within a month, the island It will be completely under control." Liu Xinyuan patted his chest and assured.

"Then wait for your good news."


It took two days to unload all the personnel and materials carried by the fleet.

"I hope the port here can be more decent when I come here next time." Ye Chuan said goodbye to Liu Xinyuan.

"Don't worry, the water depth in the bay has been initially measured in the past two days. I guarantee you that next time the fleet comes over, the mountain-class warships can directly dock at the dock." Liu Xinyuan stepped forward and hugged Ye Chuan.

After seeing off the fleet, Liu Xinyuan turned around and returned to the camp.

"Brigadier, some natives came over again, and we captured most of them." A subordinate came up to report.

"Well, catch those alive if you can, and try to cause as little killing as possible. It's all good work." Liu Xinyuan replied.

According to the knowledge imparted by Liu Xinqi in the geography textbook, the natives on Liuqiu Island are actually a branch of the Ancient Yue people from the mainland, and belong to the same type as the primitive culture along the southeastern coast of the mainland.

Some of the natives in the southern part of Liuqiu Island come from Mayi and other South China Sea islands, and they can be considered a real foreign race.The natives in the northern part of Liuqiu Island can be considered to have the same ancestors as the Han people on the southeast coast.

"Among the people caught today, two of them can speak Chinese. With these two people, we can finally communicate with the native people." The subordinate continued to report.

"This is really a good thing. Arrange people to learn the indigenous language as soon as possible. At least master the basic key applications, which will be of great use later." Liu Xinyuan arranged, and then asked someone to take him to meet the two natives who can speak Chinese.

After a brief conversation, it was found that these two natives were engaged in external relations in the tribe. They had been dealing with the Han people in Beigang, Ryukyu, selling the local specialties produced by the tribe to these Han people, and then buying exquisite ironware and pottery from the Han people. , porcelain and cloth and silk.

"Is there gold around your tribe?" Liu Xinyuan asked in surprise.

"Yes, I sometimes find them in the river. The Han people in the west like this yellow metal very much." The native replied carefully.

"Where is it?" Liu Xinyuan asked.

The native hesitated to answer and hesitated to explain clearly.

Liu Xinyuan knew that these two people were worried that he would lead his troops to kill them.

"Don't worry, as long as your village surrenders obediently, I will not only guarantee that I will not kill anyone in your tribe for no reason, but also guarantee that your days will be better and better in the future." Liu Xinyuan said, pulling up his clothes: "See? , this kind of good clothes, each of you can wear them."

"Is what your Excellency said true?" the native confirmed timidly.

"It's absolutely true. I guarantee it with my ancestors." Liu Xinyuan already knew that the natives believed in their ancestors, so he immediately made an oath.The two of them were also in the final struggle. Since they had Liu Xinyuan's newspaper, they sold the tribe with peace of mind.

"Follow the river in the south and go east for more than ten miles. There is gold in several rivers there."

Liu Xinyuan sighed in his heart, the alliance leader is indeed a god, he can know that there is gold on the island thousands of miles away.

Everyone didn't quite believe it before, thinking how could there be gold on the island, but now they have to believe it.

"Natives can pick it up here, there must be a lot of gold reserves here." A subordinate said with emotion.

"So, what the alliance leader said before, there is a lot of sulfur on the island, more than the sulfur on the mainland, is true." Another subordinate reminded.

"It shouldn't be wrong." Liu Xinyuan nodded.

All thermal weapons in the alliance require gunpowder, and making gunpowder requires sulfur, saltpeter, and carbon.

Carbon is everywhere, and saltpeter was imported from Japan and manufactured in saltpeter fields. Later, several saltpeter mines were found, and now there is no shortage.What the alliance is most lacking now is sulfur.

"Speed ​​up the construction of the camp. We must occupy this island as quickly as possible, and then organize manpower to mine the gold and sulfur on the island." Liu Xinyuan ordered.

"Tell the soldiers who are out on patrol to emphasize again that if you encounter natives, capture them alive as much as possible. We will be short of labor in the future."

…Orders came out one after another.

In the next ten days, the two regiments who landed on the island were very honest before the follow-up troops arrived. They just patrolled the plains around Keelung Port and cleaned up all the surrounding native tribes. They were not in a hurry to go to the gold mine. there.

All the soldiers have learned almost all the local dialects, and have basically learned the following phrases: "surrender without killing", "surrender with food", "surrender with clothes", "resistance to death" and other phrases on the battlefield.People who learn quickly have learned advanced communication phrases such as "Turn over and lie on the ground!", "Drop the weapon!"

A few locals who can speak Chinese are already a little happy to miss Shu. They never thought that they would be able to receive a salary at the end of November.

According to the military official who distributed the money, this is only his salary for the past few days of work. If he continues to work in the future, he will be paid in full every month, which will be three or four times more than this.

Calculating a few days' salary, the food that can be purchased is enough for one month. If there are more in the future, wouldn't it be "one person works and the whole family is not hungry." Several native people are already very grateful.

The most discussed topic among several people now is: "How to really join the Xinghan Alliance."

Because some of them saw that the soldiers received monthly pay, which was more than 20 times theirs, a figure beyond their ability to calculate.

Having seen the charm of money, who doesn’t want thread?
On December 4000, the second batch of backup troops arrived, a Japanese servant army of [-] people.

The arrival of these people also means that the Xinghan League's attack on Liuqiu Island has truly come to an end.

The day after the servant army arrived, it was divided into twenty medium-sized teams, each with a company of field troops. They set out from the east, west and south of Keelung Port and entered the territory of the natives.

(End of this chapter)

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