Kai Fu Han

Chapter 565 Examination Room

Chapter 565 Examination Room
Penglai, June [-]th.

Because there were so many candidates for the official recruitment exam that the building could not bear it, some candidates had to take the exam in the open air.

Quickly made simple tables and stools filled the examination room of the boot camp.

The recruits of the Xingren Army, most of whom were still illiterate, assisted the officials in invigilating the exams.

These recruits, who don't know a few Chinese characters, can't help the candidates even if they want to, not to mention they have instructors watching them.

Liu Xinqi inspected the examination room under the guidance of Minister of Civil Affairs Wu Xinggong, accompanied by Luo Cheng, Zhou Xinyuan, Xu Zhong and other senior officials in Penglai.

"How many people will take part in this official recruitment examination?" Liu Xinqi asked.

"14 people, Jingdong East Road and Jingdong East Road account for 11 people." Wu Xinggong replied.

The age limit for the official recruitment examination of Xinghan League is 16 to 40 years old. This examination allows candidates from Hebei East Road, Damingfu Road, Zhongdu Road, and Beijing Road to participate. Counting Jingdong East Road and Jingdong East Road, the total Only 14 young people from the six groups participated, which is a bit low.

"With so many officials recruited this year, we should be able to slow down in the next few years." Liu Xinqi said to Wu Xingong.

"It depends on how far you have progressed. Our Government Affairs Council has also followed your development. I believe you will not stop now. Maybe you will recruit more people next year than this year." Wu Xinggong's flattery skills are not good. minus the current year.

The implicit meaning in this statement is that the Xinghan League will occupy more territory next year than this year.

"If you take too big a step, it's easy to pull off your balls." Liu Xinqi said an expletive in anger.

Among the old literati like Wu Xinggong, there were a few civil servants who surrendered to the Xinghan League early. What they hoped in their hearts was that the Xinghan League would unify the world as soon as possible.

To prove that they were right and how far-sighted their choices were.

Therefore, Wu Xinggong does not feel that Xinghan League has made great progress at all.

But Liu Xinqi knew clearly that this year's locust plague was a wake-up call. Until now, the food problem has not been solved.The grain transport fleet that returned to Penglai at the end of May only alleviated the food crisis, but did not solve it.

The limited transportation capacity of food imports cannot be the biggest obstacle to solving the food crisis of the Xinghan League.

If the autumn harvest goes wrong again this year, the people of Xinghan League will really go hungry.

Look all the way.

The order in each examination room is very good.

Xinghan League has organized too many exams in the past few years, and some candidates who cheated in the exam room ended up miserable.

Not only will they be made public, but they will also be arrested and sentenced to six months of hard labor.

In addition to these penalties, candidates who cheat for the first time will be disqualified from participating in any league exams for five years, and cheating a second time will extend this period to life.

You must know that the education level test is also a union exam, and those who cheat are not even qualified to take the education level exam.

It has been four years since Xinghan League was established. Now, even when private employers recruit people, those who pass the basic literacy test will be given priority.

The employment channels for illiterate people will become narrower and narrower, and they will eventually be limited to some hard work.

Suddenly, Liu Xinqi saw a particularly familiar person.

Walking in and looking at it carefully, I finally remembered.

"Isn't this Mr. Liu?"

Jiao Fan, who was called Liu Ye, looked up.
Yo!It’s the leader of the Xinghan Alliance!

He quickly stood up and bowed: "I've seen the alliance leader, this villain can't bear it!" The bow was very large, and he was shaking slightly.

"What are you afraid of?" Liu Xinqi asked.

"What happened in the gold mine before was that our Jiao family was ignorant and took your money. Since then, I have been looking for an opportunity to return the money to you, but I have been unable to find a way, so I have been delayed until now. I will take the exam today, and the exam room cannot You are carrying something that has nothing to do with the exam, otherwise, I will leave the exam room to get money for you right now?" Jiao Fan quickly explained.

"No, you can take the exam with peace of mind. Relax, I, Liu Xinqi, am not the kind of unreasonable person. You helped me that time and I deserve the money. You don't have to worry about this." Liu Xinqi patted Jiao Fan on the shoulder. : "Take the exam seriously and I won't bother you anymore."

"Thank you, leader, thank you, leader." Jiao Fan bowed and thanked him again.

Liu Xinqi stopped disturbing the order of the examination room and turned around to walk away.

"Who is this person?" Wu Xinggong asked curiously after he was far away.

Liu Xinqi briefly explained.

In the second year of Yuankang, the Xinghan League moved from Qizhou to Penglai. On the way, they rescued Zhao Liang from Zhaojia Village. When they learned that some villagers in Zhaojia Village had been sold to the Jiaojia Gold Mine, they went to the gold mine to rescue them.Cui Fan was the manager of the mine at that time. He heard about Liujiabao and did not mistreat the villagers of Zhaojia Village. When Liu Xinqi visited, he readily returned the villagers to Liu Xinqi and only took the money.

"So there is such a story." Wu Xinggong nodded, not knowing what he was thinking about.

"Don't their Jiao family have a gold mine? Why are they here now to attend our civil service examination?" Liu Xinqi asked Xu Zhong this question.

"Gold mines are precious metals, and they can be recovered by the alliance." Xu Zhong replied: "The Jiao family is very aware of current affairs, and the alliance was very cooperative when they sent people to collect the ore, so the alliance gave the highest standard of compensation."

No matter how high the compensation standard is, it cannot be worth the value of the gold mine.

As Jiao Fan said, the Jiao family's ability to survive in troubled times relies on "being well-informed and having a clear eye."

"Is there anyone named Jiao Sheng among the candidates?" Liu Xinqi asked again.

The official next to Wu Xinggong quickly turned over the account book in his hand, and then replied: "Yes, in the Penglai-B-72 examination room."

"Want to take a look?" Wu Xinggong asked.

"No need." Liu Xinqi waved his hand and refused, he just asked casually.

Back then, Jiao Fan and Jiao Sheng were Liu Xinqi's "sixth and ninth brothers". With their current status, it would only be awkward to meet each other.

"Should we treat these two people specially?" Wu Xinggong asked in a low voice.

"No, just treat him normally." Liu Xinqi refused again.

"According to the promise made during the previous mine collection, the children of the Jiao family will have extra points when they take the civil servant examination." Wu Xinggong reminded.

No bonus points for being treated normally.

"Then fulfill your promise. In the past, we all had our own positions. The Jiao family has always done pretty well, so there is no need to be embarrassed." Liu Xinqi made it clear this time.

Wu Xinggong also realized that he could take care of her without any difficulty.

It seems that today is a good day for these two children of the Jiao family.

As soon as Liu Xingqi saw Wu Xinggong's attitude, he knew that there would definitely be a follow-up to this matter. However, with his current position, it was inevitable that his every word would be scrutinized by his subordinates. This was unavoidable.

The Jiao brothers are being taken care of. If they have the ability, they will naturally be afraid of climbing higher. If they don't have the ability, no one can help them.

For Xinghan League, this doesn't matter. As long as it can be used, it can be used by anyone.

(End of this chapter)

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