Kai Fu Han

Chapter 517

Chapter 517
Arriving at the government office, Yu Jin had someone move in with the military registration of the rebels and the civilian registration of Huacheng, officially handing over power to Liu Xinqi.

Liu Xinqi flipped through the thick stack of documents, and finally opened a summary document. He saw that the rebel army currently has 570 people, Huacheng has 970 households, and 970 people (registered).

"In addition to the nearly 1000 registered citizens, there are also some businessmen who are no longer registered. It is estimated that there are nearly [-] people." Yang Jin introduced.

Although both of them are big leaders, they still have some division of labor. Yu Jin is partial to the army, and Yang Jin is partial to the people.

"Well done." Liu Xinqi praised.

"I will equip you with muskets and armor according to the standards of a field army. I will also equip you with forty squatting tiger cannons and twenty Jingyan second-year artillery pieces. They will be shipped within half a month."

"Thank you, leader, what is the mission for us?" Yu Jin understood that Liu Xinqi would definitely use the rebels as his own army if he took out so many things, and the mission would not be easy.

"The goal is the same as last time, but this time it is not to invade, but to attack the enemy." Liu Xin said.

"The Liaoyang Prefecture in Tokyo is only 1000 and two hundred miles away from the Huining Prefecture in Beijing. With just 2 people, I'm worried that I won't be able to withstand the counterattack of the Jin army." Yu Jindao.

"Don't worry, the field army will enter Zhongdu Road and Beijing Road, and you will not be left alone at the front." Liu Xinqi replied.

Ask the guard who followed him to open the map, and Liu Xinqi made detailed arrangements on the map.

The time when the Jin Kingdom drove away the Liao Kingdom was not long ago. The Nanjing Road of the Liao Kingdom had just been set up as the Zhongdu Road by the Jin Kingdom. There was a slight difference in jurisdiction, but it was basically the same.

According to Liu Xinqi's plan, in early February, all the rebel equipment was in place, and the field army recovered all the more than a dozen state military mansions on Hebei East Road. The next step was to move all the way north, jointly attack Tokyo Road and Beijing Road, and lure the main force of the Jin Kingdom southward, again A decisive battle to completely eliminate the resistance of the Jin Kingdom.


In the second half of the first month of the year 3828 of Kaiyuan, the Sixth Field Brigade, the Seventh Field Brigade, the Fifth Field Brigade and the Eighth Field Brigade of the Xinghan League were attacking cities and territories on Hebei East Road.

Liu Zhijie's Seventh Field Brigade was the first to make contributions, and took the lead in completing the recovery of Baoding Army, Xin'an Army, Qingzhou and northern Cangzhou.Later, with the support of the Eighth Field Brigade, it was even more powerful, sweeping the northern part of Hebei East Road all the way.

Xiongzhou and Mozhou were easily captured, and then they turned back and headed south to recover Hejian Mansion, the fifth brigade's mission target.

After the Fifth Field Brigade captured the Yongjing Army, it saw that Liu Zhijie had taken the lead in its mission, so it had no choice but to go south to expand the scope of the Bohai Rim strategy, recapture Jizhou and Enzhou to the south of the Yongjing Army, and follow the Sixth Brigade in Texas Rendezvous.

Because the prefectures and counties recovered by the Sixth Brigade were too scattered, they only completed the task of recovering southern Cangzhou, Cangzhou and Dezhou within the specified time, which was in February.


On the 3828th of the first month of the Kaiyuan year 29, a new issue of "Baixin Xundao" was released. The headline on the front page was the news that the Xinghan League would start the Kaiyuan calendar. This news officially separated the Xinghan League and the Zhao Kingdom. Come, it can be regarded as tearing off the last shame leaf of Zhao State.

When the Xinghan Alliance launched a westward attack strategy, Zhao State deployed [-] troops south of the Yellow River.At the end of December of the third year of Jingyan, the Jin army moved south, and Zhao once again sent an additional [-] troops to Haizhou.

As the new issue of "Baixin Xundao" was released in various places, Zhao Jun of Haizhou immediately took action.

Han Zhonggang was about to lead an army of [-] gold and set off on Jingdong East Road, when he received an urgent military report from his subordinates:
"A huge fleet has arrived from Yuzhou Island, flying a Chinese flag, and it's coming menacingly."

Han Zhong came to Haizhou Port and looked towards the outer sea. He saw dozens of large ships in the northern waters of Yuzhou Island, the smallest of which were larger than the flagship of the Jin Navy in Haizhou Port.

The two largest ships had chimneys in the middle that were constantly smoking, and they could actually move forward without raising the sails.

The fleet did not attack Donghai County and Haizhou Port, but cruised in the northern waters of Yuzhou Island, but the threat was already very obvious. "As long as you dare to go north, I will cut off your retreat."

Han Zhong clearly understood this sentence from the approaching fleet.

Someone called Haizhou Navy Qianhu, and one look at his cowering look, and knew it was of no use at all: "Can you defend it?"

Han Zhong asked holding the last bit of luck. He didn't expect to drive away the fleet, as long as he could protect Haizhou from being threatened.

"Replying to your lord, I apologize for the incompetence of my subordinates. The Haizhou Navy has a small number of people and a small ship. It is really no match for the Xinghan Alliance fleet in the outer sea." Qianhu of the Haizhou Navy reported: "Not to mention the artillery on this fleet, just the With a fleet of this size, there are four in the Xinghan League."

Extravagant hopes dashed.

"Why did those two ships sail without hoisting their sails?"

"The rumor is that it is because there is a 'steam engine' on the ship. I have never seen it, so I don't know what the reason is."

After waving Qianhu the navy to go back, Han Zhong stopped preparing to go north, returned to the official office and began to write a letter to the court. In the letter, he wrote the reasons why he could not go north, and the rapid development of the Xinghan Alliance, which was now more threatening than the Jin Kingdom. Even more so.


In the clear blue sky, a golden eagle circled and landed on the Huashan. The signal soldier took the bamboo tube containing the letter paper from the leg of the golden eagle and handed the letter volume to Ye Chuan.

Beside Ye Chuan stood the vice-captain of the fleet, the captain of Huashan.

"Unfortunately, Han Zhong wasn't reckless, so we made this trip for nothing." After reading the contents of the letter, Ye Chuan felt a little regretful.

"Can't we take Yuzhou Island first?" the captain of the Huashan suggested.

"No, the main force of the army is currently in Hebei, and the alliance's combat materials are also converging on Hebei. There are no conditions to open a second front, so Yuzhou Island cannot be moved yet." Ye Chuan replied.

It's okay to show off your power, and really occupy Yuzhou Island, but it's just setting Zhao Guo on fire.

A dead skinny camel is bigger than a horse.

Even if Zhao only has half of his country left, he can still do it with all his strength and an army of one million.

Once the human sea tactic is adopted, the three field brigades located in Licheng Town and Shimen Town will be directly overwhelmed.

"But there's no way we can stay here all the time. As soon as we leave, Han Zhong may go north." The deputy captain asked: "Even if Han Zhong is not Liu Xinjun's opponent, once the war starts, Zhao Guo doesn't know How many troops will be gathered here, it will definitely be difficult to deal with by then."

"That's the truth, so we want Han Zhong not to dare to go north rashly." Ye Chuan replied.

"How to do it?"

"Go to Hangzhou and use artillery to blast away Zhao's trade blockade." Ye Chuan replied.

(End of this chapter)

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