Kai Fu Han

Chapter 396

Chapter 396

Upon hearing Mu Fei's second question, the hope that had just appeared on the head of the Shao family immediately froze.

This is revenge coming!
"The old man is in a state of confusion and has done something wrong in a confused way. If there is any loss to the grain stack, I will repay it tenfold. Please also spare my life. From now on in Chengxian, we must walk around the grain stack. As long as there are heroes, If necessary, I will go through fire and water without hesitation."

The head of the Shao family is worthy of being a slave of the third surname. He has a very high level of consciousness, does not argue at all, and has a very good attitude in admitting his mistakes.

"My life is on your side for the time being. Get dressed and come down first. Do whatever you are told. Don't make your own decisions. You don't have a second chance. Do you understand?" Mu Fei ordered.

The head of the Shao family immediately nodded and got up to get dressed.The concubine in the bed covered her head and was trembling with fear. She didn't dare to make a sound or move. Fortunately, neither party paid attention to her.

During the dressing process, the head of the Shao family introduced his name as Shao Chang.

"Go outside, gather everyone in the yard, and then arrange for someone to lead our men to Zhuangzi in the south of the city. I want to arrest all the thieves who set the fire last night." Mu Fei said to Shao Chang.

Shao Chang just wanted to save his life at this moment, and naturally he didn't care about the lives of the chess pieces. He quickly followed Mu Fei's order and started to gather people in the mansion, and found a servant who looked very clever to guide Di Ting.

"You are right here. The five of us will go to the village and try to get everything settled before noon." The platoon leader said to Mu Fei, then he raised the servant leading the way with one hand, and the five of them quickly left the Shao Mansion. .

The horses were ready outside the door, and soon the sound of the horses' hooves hitting the ground became farther and farther away until they were no longer audible.

"Let's have a good chat now. I don't believe that your family is the only one involved in this matter." Mu Fei asked Shao Chang.

Shao Chang refused to admit it at first, knowing that exposing his accomplices would not do him any good, so he insisted that he was greedy and petty, and did this wrong thing that harmed others and did not benefit himself.

However, under Mu Fei's constant torture and repeated interrogations, Shao Chang finally showed his flaws and confessed all his accomplices before dawn.

It turns out that the families participating in the burning of the grain stack this time included four large families in Chengxian County.

There are a total of five relatively strong families in Chengxian County, each with its own major industry. The Shao family is considered to be the leader, and the other four families are evenly matched.

The four participating companies this time all have grain business, but only one of the five is mainly engaged in cloth business and did not participate.

"Point out all the money hidden at home. Don't hide anything. If we find out that you have concealed it, I will take your head immediately and give us the Xinghan League sacrificial flag." Mu Fei threatened.

Shao Chang quickly pointed out the places where the silver was hidden, but in the end, including the silver taels collected in the bedroom, the total did not exceed 1 taels, which was not in line with his wealth as the richest man in Chengxian County.

Mu Fei took action personally and finally found another hidden wall in Shao Chang's bedroom. After violently breaking the wall, he revealed a three-foot-square silver vault inside.

"Ghosts worry?"

Mu Fei was also a little shocked when he looked at the giant silver ball half a man tall in front of him.

According to the concept of Xinghan League, only money that circulates has value, and money that is saved can only be regarded as more beautiful stones.

This Shao Chang is really reckless.

"Is this what you said?" Mu Fei turned back to look at Shao Chang. The old man's face was pale.Seeing that he remained silent and looked like he would rather die than cooperate, Mu Fei spoke again: "It seems there is more than just this."

Shao Chang is still somewhat responsible. There are other children of the Shao family outside, so even if he spares his life, he does not dare to give away all the money of the Shao family.

"From now on, your life is mine." Mu Fei walked up to Shao Chang and put his right hand on top of his head: "I will keep this head with you for the time being. When I calm down the turmoil caused by you idiots, I will take it away." Wei, I’ll come to settle accounts with you again.”

After saying that he ignored him, after leaving the bedroom, everyone in Shao's mansion had been gathered together. Those who wanted to escape were driven back by the thugs guarding the door.If there were no hidden underground passages or anything like that, this time it would be considered as if all the Shao family members in Chengxian County had been wiped out in one fell swoop.

After all the Shao family members were disarmed, the guys from the grain store also came over to help organize the situation.

All valuable things in the Shao family will be sold by Mu Fei in the name of Shao Chang.

Even the Shao family's farmland will be specially sold to the other three families who participated in the burning of the grain stack.

When the Xinghan League raids in the future, these three families will naturally be settled, and now they will receive a wave of money first.

All the money from the sale will be transferred to Penglai, leaving only part for the reconstruction of the Chengxian grain stack.At the same time, a large family of the Shao family was also transported to Penglai. In the end, only Shao Chang and his one wife and concubine were left behind by the Shao family in Chengxian County.

Regarding Shaochang's voluntary sale of property, people in Chengxian County had different opinions, but their response methods were very consistent, and they all actively came to take advantage.Even the other three families actively raised money to purchase the Shao family's farmland that was packaged for sale.

"These are your allies, and you still keep a secret for them, haha." Mu Fei laughed.

"It won't take long for you to be proud. Daqi and Dajin will soon send troops to encircle and suppress you thieves. At that time, those who took advantage of our Shao family must spit back intact." Shao Chang replied.

"You are confident. Although I don't know where your confidence comes from, I still want to say, let's wait and see. I believe that we will soon be able to wait until the day when you completely give up."

The previous burning of the grain stack did not cause anyone to die, so Shao Chang was not guilty of death. However, he was old and would definitely not be able to leave the labor camp in his life.

At noon, the person in charge of Yizhou Titing escorted the previous arsonist back to Daocheng County.

From the beginning to the end, Diting never considered reporting the matter to the official, nor did the Chengxian County government come to inquire and check. There was a tacit understanding between both parties.

In the afternoon, another 20 people came from Linyi, and Chengxian County finally had enough manpower.

A large family of the Shao family, including the arsonists, 230 seven people, escorted by three soldiers and twenty spies, headed towards Haizhou Bay, where there would be ships from the Xinghan League to meet them. Transport these people by sea to Penglai.

Among these people, the young will be sent to welfare homes, and the adults will all be sent to labor camps.

The court in Penglai will sentence these people to various years of hard labor based on their closeness to the head of the Shao family.

When one person attains the Tao, the chicken and the dog ascend to heaven.

In the past, these people were favored by the Shao family and lived a prosperous life. Now that the Shao family has nothing to do, they are also taken as a matter of course and bear the consequences of their mistakes.

(End of this chapter)

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