Kai Fu Han

Chapter 312 Breaking the Cycle

Chapter 312 Breaking the Cycle
Liu Xinqi came from later generations and knew that in the early days of the Industrial Revolution, workers' lives were not much better than those of farmers.

The first workers were agricultural workers. Landless peasants worked for big landlords. Men were strong laborers doing heavy work, and women and children did some light work. For generations, they were said to be workers, but more like slaves.

After the start of the Industrial Revolution, initial capital was in the period of primitive accumulation. In order to maximize profits, factory owners would try their best to squeeze workers. The working hours were very long. The workers could only earn enough to support their families, and it was impossible to use their own capital. Turn over.

The government at that time also represented the interests of capitalists, and workers' strikes would be suppressed.

After Lao Ma and Lao En were born, many socialist countries emerged by mobilizing labor movements, causing capitalist countries to issue labor laws and greatly improve workers' treatment, so that workers' living conditions can be improved.

Therefore, not only workers in socialist countries have to thank Lao Ma and Lao En, but capitalist workers also have to thank Lao Ma and Lao En.

Generally speaking, workers in the early days of the Industrial Revolution were very pitiful, and their cruelty was unimaginable to today's people. To take the simplest example, the average life expectancy of British workers during the Victorian period was 35 years.

By now, death from overwork at the age of 35 is considered big news.

But all of the above are processes that the industrial revolution will go through during its normal development.

The Xinghan League is supported by Liu Xinqi's advanced theoretical knowledge and has warriors with excellent physiques as high-end productivity. The Xinghan League's industrial revolution does not develop step by step, but by leaps and bounds.

Moreover, Liu Xinqi did not exploit the working class too much and gave them reasonable remuneration. This led Liu Zhiying to see that the nascent working class was richer than the farmers.

In Xinghan League, Liu Zhiying’s idea is right. If it is implemented, the results will be good.

But Liu Zhiying only saw the superficial benefits and did not see the depth.

In fact, the most essential difference between farmers and workers is that farmers are the property class and workers are the proletariat.

This product is the "means of production".

Among farmers, landless peasants also belong to the proletariat.

Landed farmers, on the other hand, belong to the petty bourgeoisie.

According to the great philosopher Lao Ma of later generations, the proletariat is the most conscious class.

Because no matter whether they are petty bourgeoisie, middle bourgeoisie or big bourgeoisie, they are all bourgeoisie, and the bourgeoisie will always aim at maximizing personal interests. This is due to human nature. Only saints can break through this nature and transcend class constraints.

This shows that the "consciousness" of the proletariat is very precious.

This is what Liu Xinqi wants.

If Liu Xinqi madly occupied the territory, assassinated all the leaders and opponents of the hostile forces and took the final throne according to the force of the soldiers, in fact, nothing would have changed.

The society is still that society, but the previous emperors relied on the hundreds of thousands of troops in their hands, while Liu Xinqi relied on the hundreds or thousands of soldiers in his hands.

After Liu Xinqi's death, the land of China will still be trapped in a cycle of division, reunification, division, and reunification.

But with the proletariat it is different.

Liu Xinqi can rely on this class to establish a society where "the country is above the family", which will be different from the previous feudal society where "the family is above the country".The former will definitely be more advanced than the latter, and it will be possible to break the unsolvable cycle of division, division, and integration, which will make the country prosperous and prosperous, and allow the Han nation to stand at the top of the world's nations for eternity.

"Okay, when I return to Penglai, I will arrange for the Ministry of Industry to set up factories in the seven newly recovered counties to increase local productivity and improve the living conditions of the people." Liu Xinqi agreed, without saying anything more to Liu Zhiying. He won't understand either.

"Thank you, leader."

After thanking him, he didn't ask for anything else, saying that he could overcome it.

Liu Xinqi's early financial support for these county magistrates is very strong, which basically allows them to flourish. Having money can solve many problems.Moreover, these county magistrates have all received military general cards and will not go against Liu Xinqi's will and do anything corrupt or detrimental to public health and personal gain. The money will be used in the right way.

In the afternoon, I took a boat to the island "Yangma Island" in the north of Muping, and went around on it.

This island is also called "Elephant Island". The name "Ma Yang Island" comes from the legend that Qin Shihuang once raised horses here during his eastward tour.

"This island is really nice, but it's a pity that it's located in the middle of the northern coastline of the Shandong Peninsula, with Penglai to the west and Wendeng's Chengshan Mountain to the east."

What Liu Xinqi meant was that there was no need to develop sea trade here.

"Although maritime trade cannot be developed, ships can be built. With this island as a barrier, the waves off the coast of the mainland behind the island are not very large, which is very suitable for building docks and shipbuilding." Liu Zhiying suggested.

But he didn't know that Jimo also had Jiaozhou Bay, which was located in a more favorable area. The area in the bay was vast, and there were no big waves in the sea all year round.

"The League currently has no plans to develop the shipbuilding industry on a large scale. Shipbuilding consumes too much money and manpower. The Baishiwan Shipyard is sufficient for the current development needs. It is not possible to develop and build a shipyard here for the time being." Liu Xinqi declined politely, worried. Liu Zhiying's enthusiasm was dampened and he gave another feasible suggestion:

"Although shipbuilding cannot be developed here, marine aquaculture should be a good direction."

"Mariculture? The sea is so big, how can it be used to raise fish?"

Until cages with reliable quality are available, it is indeed not suitable for large-scale farming of marine fish.

"You can't raise fish, but you can raise other things, such as sea cucumbers or scallops. Sea cucumbers are high-value seafood, and scallops can produce both scallop meat and pearls."

"No one can do this..." Liu Zhiying said hesitantly.

"If no one knows it, just spend money to hire people to do research. There are so many old fishermen. There are always some who are knowledgeable and some who want stability. We can teach them scientific knowledge, let them learn to summarize and learn scientific research methods, and then Try more.”

"If you fail [-] times or [-] times, as long as you succeed once, it will be an inexhaustible wealth for the younger generation." Liu Xinqi said.

Liu Zhiying nodded after listening: "What you said makes sense. Since fish can be raised in small lakes and ponds, it should also be possible in the sea. I will arrange to recruit relevant personnel to start research later."

"Let's go back."

Although the scenery here is good, in this era, the seaside is full of such scenery. Liu Xinqi has seen too much, and it is not strange at all.

Returning to the county government in the evening, Liu Xinqi went back to his room to rest early, waiting alone in his room for the year-end settlement to arrive.

"I hope that year-end settlement will become a routine, so that we will have something to look forward to in the future."

Liu Xinqi prayed in his heart while waiting.

(End of this chapter)

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