Prime Minister take care

Chapter 524: Advance bravely with ease

Chapter 524: Advance bravely with ease
Shaojin is in the north of the city.

In front of the four-wheeled vehicle, [-] soldiers were waiting in formation.

Zhu Jian stood in front of the Ten Thousand Army Formation and looked at the young man holding the feather fan.

Yang Xian was very bold and arrived in front of his military camp with only a few troops.Now that the city of Shaojin has fallen and Huan Zilu has been killed, the twenty thousand righteous soldiers have become a lone army.

Unable to advance or retreat, food and grass are cut off.

In fact, there is only one way before the [-] righteous soldiers.

Ju Yizu's predecessor was the White Robe Army under Lu's command, and then Zhu Jian joined the Liang Army, and many people from the White Robe Army followed.

Because of their combat power, although Ju Yi soldiers are not considered the core troops of the Huan clan, they are still considered the first-rank troops among the Liang army.

However, now that the demon clan has broken through the capital of Liang, Emperor Liang is still in the hands of the demon clan, and Liang generals from all over the country have gathered their troops to respect themselves.

"I will meet the Prime Minister at the end!"

Zhu Jian struggled inexplicably in his heart, but in the end, he still bowed his head.

Jiang Zhou rescued him that day, even though he was unwilling, in the eyes of the world, Zhu Jian had already surrendered to Zhou Jun.

Even in Shaojin City, the generals rebelled, but the officials who were supposed to be in the army did not show up.Huan Zilu died, so the bamboo slips were inseparable from each other no matter what.

Now that the battle has reached this point, there is actually no need to continue fighting with these [-] righteous soldiers.

Lufu and Shendu fell into the hands of the Zhou army one after another, and now Shaojin City was also lost. The [-] righteous soldiers no longer had a foothold.Although there are still some Liang Jun troops in the southern part of Bingzhou, in fact, those are no longer important.

Now that the Zhou army has benefited from Liang, Yong, and other states, and its troops have left the Central Plains, the general trend of the world has changed.

Yang Xian stood up and walked towards Zhu Jian step by step.Zhu Jian saw it, but felt inexplicably familiar.

Decades ago, during the Battle of Hedong, Zhu Jian followed the Lu family and fought a bloody battle with tens of thousands of Yang family's old tribes. They had also seen such a figure.

A generous hand held Zhu Jian's arm, and Yang Xian had a slight smile on his face.

"General doesn't have to do this!"

Yang Xian held Zhu Jian's arm, turned him around, and looked at the [-] righteous soldiers behind him.

"In today's world, foreign races are raging. How can a good man fight with the same house? Xian has inherited the throne of the emperor and appointed General Zhu Jian as my Great General of the Zhou Dynasty. You, under the command of General Zhu Jian, should work together to support the Zhou Dynasty."

"Thank you, Prime Minister!"

At this moment, all [-] righteous soldiers knelt down.

Yang Xian smiled, turned to look at the bamboo slips on the side, and asked: "General Xiang is known for his lightness of speed and his swift march. Xian wants to take something. I wonder if the general can get it?"

"But according to the prime minister's orders."

The feather fan waved lightly and whispered slightly.Zhu Jian looked at Yang Xian, his face was a little surprised, and then he cupped his hands and said: "The general will obey!"


In the middle of the night, the lights in the Demon Emperor's Cabinet were still on.

"Now that the Zhou army has captured the state, let the two barbarian kings Hao Hu and Hao Jing guard the passes and deal with them carefully. In addition, send them more food and grass."

Su Ying received a cold reception from the Demon Emperor and recently resigned. The specific implementation of the military deployment within the Demon Clan has recently fallen to Tu Chuan.

Shendu and Lufu surrendered, and the Zhou army captured Bingzhou, and the situation in the world suddenly changed.The pressure from the demon army increased greatly, and Tachuan had to stay in the shogunate to deploy military forces.

"In addition, let the [-] troops in Langtai change their deployment. Now that Lu Mansion has been lost, it would be better if the Zhou army does not move. If it does, then it can be taken precautions in advance. Now that the situation has changed, what will happen to the Yan State in the two wars? That's right. If they join forces with Zhou Jun, then the situation of Langtai will be very dangerous."

Although the demon clan has now invaded Jizhou, the significance of this base camp is no longer that important.However, that is still the base camp of the demon clan after all, and the Demon Queen and a large number of demon clan clans are still there.Moreover, since the demon army moved south, a large number of foreign races outside the Great Wall have joined, including many gods, who are all there.

At present, Yangdi has not yet fallen, and the 30 Zhou army is blocked.Near Jizhou, the Zhou army was weaker than the demon army, even if the Yan army was added, it was the same.

A gust of wind blew away the somewhat dull air in the room.Tuchuan turned around and saw that the door of the house had been opened, and behind the door stood a beautiful figure.

Nine-tailed fox Su Ying.

Tu Chuan looked happy and said with a smile, "You are finally here."

Tuchuan waved his hand, and Tuchuan's subordinates in the room all went about their own business.Su Ying's arrival meant that the burden on Tu Chuan's shoulders was much lighter.

Su Ying's complexion was not good at all, and was a little pale.

"What's wrong with Mr. Su Ying?"

"The serious illness has not healed, and there is a bit of boredom in the house."

"Then let's go outside to discuss matters!"

Tu Chuan waved his hand and led Su Ying outside the Muchen Pavilion.The night wind blew, and in the darkness, Su Ying asked quietly.

"How's the war going?"

Tuchuan shook his head and said: "Yang Xian took action faster than we thought. Now the Liang army in all parts of Bingzhou has surrendered, and the [-]-an army is about to arrive at Lufu. If it weren't for the Barbarian King Hao Wei still in Hehuangzhi The Zhou army has been restrained outside the ground, and I am afraid that the main force of the Zhou army will now begin to attack our army."

Tachuan was a little lucky and said.

"Do you really think Yang Xian didn't mobilize the main force of the Zhou army because of Hao Wei?"

"Why is that?"

Su Ying did not continue and asked instead.

"A few days ago, Your Majesty killed two great masters, Wang Yue and Sun Lian?"

"Yes. Those two are Yang Xian's spies. Huang Ming's tens of thousands of troops were wiped out because of them. His Majesty killed them, it was to kill our army!"

"Master Takawa really thinks so?"

Tu Chuan frowned and asked, "What do you mean, Master Su Ying?"

"Wang Yue and Sun Lian can't be Yang Xian's spies. Furthermore, to say a disrespectful word, how can your majesty, your Majesty, be able to quietly deal with these two great masters? Any one of them, Their cultivation is not inferior to that of the Demon Emperor. Even if they take advantage of their unpreparedness and attack hastily, they will not be able to fight back at all."

Tu Chuan didn't understand Su Ying's state at the moment, let alone the meaning of her words.

"The Demon Emperor can't kill them unless the Demon Emperor is no longer the Demon Emperor."

"The Demon Emperor is not the Demon Emperor?"

Tu Chuan murmured these words, his eyes widening in vain.He looked at Su Ying, whose eyes were bright in the darkness.

At this moment, a demon official ran out from the Muchen Pavilion and said in a hurry: "Lord Tachuan, there is an urgent military situation in the rear."

"Why so panic?"

"Just two days ago, the Zhou army and the Yan army joined forces and [-] cavalry attacked Langtai. Our army was caught off guard and retreated in succession. Now the Langtai has been lost, the blood pool was destroyed, and all the great witches were killed under the iron hooves of the Zhou army. , the [-] troops were killed and wounded. The general Liu Chi who guarded Langtai is also missing."

Tuchuan was horrified and looked at Su Ying, only to see that the other person had closed his eyes, and there was an inexplicable feeling in his words.

"Look at the day when our clan is in danger, it's no different than when the Huan family was under pressure!"

(End of this chapter)

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