Chapter 447
"Old thief Yang Chun fell ill?"

As one of the leaders of the inner guard, Dian Shiwu has been hiding in Haojing City since the defeat in Liangzhou.During the Battle of Liangzhou, several leaders of the inner guard were either killed by Zhu Zi, or were later hunted down by Yang Xian's Qingyi, and either died or were captured.The entire internal defense system also suffered a heavy blow.Dian Shiwu's cultivation was not particularly outstanding among the entire inner guard, but because Huan Wu took a fancy to his qualifications, he became the youngest leader of the inner guard.

Although Dian Shiwu is the leader, he is also a teacher and friend with the other leaders of the inner guard.

Dian Shiwu did not participate in the Battle of Liangzhou, but he felt the intensity of the battle firsthand.The intelligence from the front comes every day, and Dian Shiwu can peel off the cocoons from the complicated intelligence to get the clearest facts.

Liang Jun's powerful code could not be clearer.

But, they still lost.The most powerful monk force in the world since the defeat of Chengtian Dao was assembled, but it ended in a ridiculous way.

Of the 23 great masters, three died under Zhu Zi's gun, and the rest either died under Yang Chun'er's Dingyuan Fist, or were captured into the Nether Prison, and only a few of the remaining ones escaped. Those in Liangzhou are like rats in the sewer, hiding and afraid to see the light of day.

Zhou Jun did not publicize the Battle of Wuwei too much, and Liang Jun naturally would not exaggerate a failed war.But Dian Shiwu knew best the tragedy of that war.

Although the twenty great masters were injured in the battle with Zhu Zi, they were not meat on a sword and could be slaughtered by others.What's more, there are monks from the Divine Machine Guard and the Inner Guard around them.

In fact, although Yang Xian took Liangzhou by surprise and used surprise troops to break in when Liangzhou was in chaos, the power he mobilized was limited after all.If it weren't for Yang Chun, who single-handedly restrained the twenty great masters, the thousands of monks from the Inner Guards and Shenji Guards near Wuwei would not have been wiped out.

But for such a great master with extremely high cultivation level, news came that he was ill?

Dian Shiwu had heard many jokes in his life, but none of them made him feel more absurd than this one.

When Dian Shiwu heard the news, he was stunned for a moment.He even wanted to ask the person who sent the news if he had made a mistake?
But the clear words Yang Chun on the note in front of him made him swallow the words in his mouth.

"Is Yang Chunzhen ill?"

As a result, Dian Shifeng asked again after a long silence.

"The information is accurate. Yang Chun suddenly fell ill, and the Shu army in Taolin kept it secret. Yang Fu, the adopted son of old thief Yang Chun, has secretly gone to Taolin and taken over Taolin's military affairs. Our detective hidden in Taolin When the school sent the news, it was said that the inside and outside of Taolin had been blocked by the Shu army. This line was personally followed up by Mr. Fang Yuting. After multiple confirmations, the final result was that Yang Chun was really ill!"

After receiving an accurate answer from his subordinate, especially when he mentioned the word Fang Yuting, Dian Shiwu suddenly wanted to laugh.

How many monks in the world want the life of that old thief Yang Chun?Now was the best time to take action, but none of the monks dared to move.

Because there are [-] of the most powerful troops in the world stationed in the peach forest.

Yang Chun, the old thief, has been relying on violence all his life. How arrogant is he?
But now, he fell ill.

Could it be said that Yang Chun would die on the bed of old age like an ordinary country man?
This is a ridiculous ending for a great master who once dominated the world.

But when he thought of this ending, the smile in Dian Shishi's heart suddenly shrank, and he felt a sudden anger.

How could this be?

Old thief Yang Chun, how many crimes have you committed in your life?Several of the people closest to me died at your hands.How could I let you die peacefully on the hospital bed like this?
Dian Shiwu became very fierce, making the inner guard in front of him feel a little scared.

"Boss, the imperial court has sent an order to let us assign tasks. In order to publicize his achievements, Yang Xian will hold a banquet to reward the army in the palace. At that time, important generals such as Zhechong, Changce, and Heiyu will participate. Both Yang Xian and the pseudo-emperor Xia Gongnier will be there. The imperial court asked me to wait for the equipment and manpower to break into the palace at that time and kill Yang Xian, Xia Gongnier and all the generals of the Shu army." "What?"

Dian Shiwu was a little confused, why was the court suddenly so aggressive?

"There are [-] forbidden troops in the palace, and the generals under Yang Xian's command are also extraordinary people. We want to assassinate them with our strength?"

You must know that the generals under Yang Xian's command all came from the same lineage in the military, and most of them were personally trained by Yang Chun. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are his disciples and grandchildren.The combat power of these generals is difficult to deal with even if they are used alone.What's more, now, when the internal defense has suffered heavy losses and is struggling to survive.

"You alone are not enough."

With a soft voice, Fang Yuting's figure walked in from outside.Dian Shiwu did not expect that at this time, Fang Yuting, who was supposed to be by Huan Qing's side, would personally sneak into the Haojing city.

"I had already met Chang Yu before coming here. He promised to help us."

"This old guy has both ends and is not worthy of trust."

Dian Shiwu did not have a good impression of Chang Yu, although he did not tell them where they were hiding when he offered Hao Jing.

No matter from any angle, this is very dangerous.Because if Yang Xian knew about it, he, the Grand Tutor, would probably be thrown into jail immediately.

But even so, Dian Shiwu still didn't trust him.This may be because Chang Yu is one of the few people who is elusive no matter when or where he is.

"It wasn't enough, so after meeting Chang Yu, I went to meet another person."


"General Huben Xia Jieshu!"


Fang Yuting saw Dian Shiwu's surprise, but he smiled.

"When our army's offensive was at its peak, many people from the territories of various princes sent letters of allegiance to the late emperor. The same was true for Xia Jieshu's father, who was in a high position in Shu at that time. This letter is still there today. In our hands. Ten years ago, I secretly went to Shu to find out the whereabouts of Ye Dongyang, and the person who received me was General Huben."

"What did you talk to him about?"

"The enemy of our enemy is our friend. Yang Xian is not only our enemy, but also the enemy of the Xia family. We take action, and all he has to pay is to let the soldiers patrolling a certain section of the palace on the night of the banquet. Disappear. And, let someone mix this bottle of potion into the wine at the banquet."

Fang Yuting took out a small bottle of transparent liquid from his sleeve and shook it slightly.

"Why not?"

 One chapter today

(End of this chapter)

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