Chapter 247
The capital of Wu State was Suzhou.

The Lord of Wu, Hou Shen, was in his early forties, which was the prime time of the Spring and Autumn Period.Wu's national power was not as good as Chu's, but Hou Shen's children were all outstanding.

Cai Tong was frugal. Even though he was the leader of a country, he did not build a palace. Instead, he spent all his money on military affairs and people's livelihood.

But Hou Shen is different. He likes luxury, and even the whole country of Wu advocates extravagance.

In Gusu City, there is a palace built by the Zhou Dynasty in the past.After Hou Shen founded the country, he expanded and built it and surrounded it as a residence.

Wu Palace.


Hou Shen's four sons and two daughters all came to the palace at this moment, looking a little unhappy.Perhaps in other aristocratic families, there were fierce battles among the heirs, and even Huan Wu's sons were not immune.But Hou Shen's children are extremely united.

They heard that their father was going to move their younger brother Hou Quan into the palace of the Prince of Shu, and they were very unhappy.

"Father, why did you promise your younger brother Quan to Xia Gongni?"

Hou Shen's eldest daughter Hou Zhaoji was the first to stand up. She was only twenty-eight years old, but she was very heroic.Unlike ordinary women who like jewelry, Hou Shen's two daughters like men like horses and weapons.

Hou Shen had a headache. Others had a headache because his children were at odds with each other, but Hou Shen had a headache because his children were too united.

These six children were united, and Hou Shen's orders were often overturned by them many times.Although it was later proven that Hou Shen's order was indeed wrong.

"What doubts do you have?"

"I have doubts."

Hou Shen's eldest son Hou Tao stood up. He was twenty-five years old and tall and powerful.

"Although King Xia Gongni of Shu has a virtuous reputation, she is just a little girl under ten years old after all. Although she is the heir designated by the emperor today, the world of the Great Zhou Dynasty will be gone. My father, for the sake of a mere orthodox king, Are you willing to sacrifice your brother Quan’s life just for the sake of fame?”

Although Hou Shen founded the country, he was still a minister of the Zhou Dynasty.Hou Tao's words can be described as treacherous and unethical.The disobedience is clearly revealed.

Hou Shen didn't feel anything was wrong.He originally rebelled against his old master and became independent. He swallowed up his master's territory and established his current foundation.He has no regard for the so-called etiquette, justice and integrity, let alone the so-called orthodoxy.

"I agreed to this marriage not because of Xia Gongnir, but because of Yang Xian." Hou Shen stood up and said to the group of children, "Yang Xian is only twenty this year, and he has already controlled a state. Huan Wu competes for the top spot. Among the six of you, who can match it?"

Although the six people had unconvinced expressions on their faces, no one spoke.They were young and energetic, but they had to admit that Yang Xian was better than them.

Seeing that the disciples were silent, Hou Shen continued: "Huan Yang was the enemy of the ninth generation. Huan Wu regarded Yang Xian as a serious enemy and even risked the fate of the Liang Kingdom to capture and kill Yang Xian. But in the battle outside the Pass, Yang Xian With an army of [-], Xian defeated Zheng's [-]-strong army in ten months and beheaded [-]. Such a person, born in this world, is really respectable and terrifying!" "Father, you are afraid of Yang Xian, so for this Are you flattering him so that Brother Quan can marry into Xia Gong's wife?"

Hou Shen's youngest daughter Hou Yueji said very dissatisfied.She is only fourteen years old, but she is loved by her father and brother. She has been accustomed to being lawless since she was a child, and even Hou Shen dared to contradict her.

"I'm actually a little scared!"

Hou Yueji just wanted to provoke her father, but as soon as Hou Shen said this, everyone's expressions changed.

"When Yang Zhong established the Kingdom of Shu, I was just a small captain. You have not experienced that era, and you don't know how terrible he is. Even Huan Wu can only look up to him. Today's Yang Xian, but The best is better than the old. If these people do not die in this battle, within ten years, the world will definitely change."

"Big change? Huan Wu was defeated in this battle. He is still the most powerful prince in the world and has an overwhelming advantage over us. Is it possible that Yang Xian can really go north to the Central Plains?"

Hou Zhi, the second son of Hou Shen, said with some disdain.He simply did not believe that the Shu state alone could defeat the Liang army.

The road to Shu was difficult, so the Liang army was on the defensive, but as long as more than [-] soldiers and horses were piled up at the border of Yongzhou, the Shu army would be exhausted.

"But don't forget, Yang Xian is only 20 years old, and Huan Wu is already in his fifties this year. Although his Yang family is short-lived, Huan Wu may not be able to survive him. If Huan Wu dies, who else will his sons be? Are you Yang Xian’s opponent?”

Wu Lord Hou Shen was often confused about trivial matters, and needed his children to remind him.But when it comes to the general trend of the world, he sees it very accurately.He very keenly sensed the subtle changes in the situation in the world.

"Why was Huan Wu so eager to attack Shu? He just wanted to clear the biggest obstacle for his descendants during his lifetime. Because he knew that if he died, his sons, including Huan Bin, would have no one He will be Yang Xian's opponent. If we want to watch Liang and Shu lose, we must help Yang Xian at the critical moment. And using marriage as an excuse is the best opportunity."

After Hou Shen's words, his six children were convinced.But they were still a little unwilling and said: "But why is Brother Quan? He is obviously the smartest among us, and he will definitely have great potential in the future."

Hou Shen shook his head and said: "I have no choice. If possible, I also want to marry Yang Xian directly. But Yang Xian already has two women around him. One of them is Ye Dongyang's daughter, and the power behind it is Dongyang Sect. One is Jing Ping'er, and behind him is Yan Guo Jingyun. If I marry Zhaoji or Yueji, will I let you be Yang Xian's concubine? What's more, neither of those two women is good. But, you two girls may not be able to deal with it, I’m afraid you’ll only get angry.”

Hou Shen's eyes turned from his two daughters to his sixth son, Hou Quan.Hou Quan is 16 years old this year, but he is very handsome and a rare handsome man.

Hou Shen put his hand on his shoulder and said, "Xia Gong Nirvana is different. Quan Er, if you can control it in the palm of your hand, calm down and plan well. Only when Yang Xian dies, Then Shu will be yours."

"Son, I understand! If we get the Shu Kingdom, then the Chu Kingdom will also be in our pocket. At that time, my Hou family will be able to stand across the river from the Huan family and divide the world into two."

Hou Quan handed over his hand, his face resolute, and his words showed great ambition.

Hou Shen looked at Hou Quan with some relief. He was the only one who understood what he meant.Hou Shen turned around, his back facing the children.

"There's no rush yet. The King of Shu is less than ten years old, and the outcome of this war is even more difficult to determine. Although Wu and Shu have the name of a marriage, it may not necessarily be a marriage. At this moment, it is better to sell a favor to Yang Xian first!"

(End of this chapter)

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