Full-time Mage: Copy Mo Fan at the beginning

Chapter 357: Both sides are getting the same favor, and both of them are offended (2)

Chapter 357: Taking advantage of both sides (3)

Among the aristocratic families, the Victoria family was also so special that Kepf would not equate her with the Mu family and the Zhao family.

As the most powerful family, she has numerous overseas interests.And numerous overseas interests make the existence of this family very complicated.In a word, this family has much more internal strife than other families!
He has said before that the fundamental purpose of high-level officials fighting each other is to seize the power to formulate policies.to formulate policies that benefit their supporters.This kind of family with complicated interests is constantly fighting among themselves during the period of strategic expansion, so the problem is not too big.

Because the total amount of wealth is still growing.As long as there is a steady stream of money coming in, everything is easy.It is easier to coordinate politically and can better concentrate its efforts.There is something here, and there is a decent situation there, and the leading faction has a chance to make peace.In other words, it can be said to be both sides.

In the strategic expansion period, when the total wealth can continue to grow, this matter is not a big problem.But here comes the question, what if the expansion cannot proceed?Do you even have to throw away a lot of benefits in order to protect yourself like now?
Then it's bad.Kepf can guarantee that none of the various factions of the Victoria family will think of sacrificing themselves for the friendly forces, but will think of snatching the crutches from their teammates.This approach is very similar to a herd of bison or antelope being preyed upon by a lion. You don’t need to run faster than the lion, you just need to run faster than your teammates.

However, this is not possible... Let alone the impossibility of success, the usefulness of a Victorian family whose power has been greatly reduced due to internal strife has also been greatly reduced, which is not good news for Kepf.Therefore this matter still needs to be resolved.

Then how to solve it?He certainly couldn't repeat what he did in Parthenon, and he couldn't carry out a general purge of the Victorian family.The two sides are still cooperating, so such a thing cannot be done.However, this kind of thing has to be dealt with. If he did such a job today, Kepf would not dare to think about what kind of cruel job he would do tomorrow.A naughty kid who deceives others will always deceive not only himself!

"So we are lucky to be able to reach further consensus in this terrible environment. Dear Speaker of Asia."

A day later, Archduchess Irene came again.I came with the conditions, price and bottom line of the elders in the family.After a brief chat, she reiterated her statement that the Victoria family was still interested in cooperation and would not change or overturn the previous cooperation.

"That's best. But things have to be done. One party has caused unnecessary losses to the other party. Shouldn't we take practical actions to restore the relationship?"

"Well...that's true. But this matter has not been made public, right? However, the Victoria family will still provide compensation. The amount of the order and loan we have discussed before can be increased by [-]%. This should be enough to recover your losses. ”

It's impossible not to give these compensations.This knife is difficult to dodge.Therefore, the elders in the family did not ask Grand Duchess Eileen to spend every penny in such matters.The weight of this condition is just right, no more and no less.Even the Asian Speaker couldn't say anything.

What everyone wants is cooperation, not exchanging money for money. Kepf also accepted it as soon as possible, indicating that the matter can be over.Let’s talk about the next thing.

"The Duke of Caine has made some mistakes. But he is still a Duke. A Duke of Victoria and of the United Kingdom. So we have to be very careful about what we do."

These words were not spoken by Irene, but were drafted by the elders at home for her.This matter is very sensitive. We can neither say it nor do it, nor can we offend the Asian Speaker.

It cannot be dealt with.However, this mistake is not fatal.On the one hand, it’s his identity, and on the other hand, which senior executive doesn’t have such a dark history?Therefore, this requires great caution.

"They have to give in."

"That's natural. Indians don't care who they do business with, as long as they make money. You can take over these things."

In this economic chain, the Himalayan emperors are at one end, providing raw products, and some Indian aristocrats and smugglers are at the middle end, earning commissions and reselling them, and finally the Victoria aristocracy receives them.To put it harshly, this is a bit comprador.

Grand Duchess Irene doesn't care what happens to the Indians. The most important thing they have to do is to throw away this buried thing!Moreover, this trip will make a lot of money!
"But things like this don't end with dealing with one offender. You have to come up with a plan."

"I am not the patriarch of the Victoria family, and my ability to interfere with you is very limited. But let me tell you, if you want to solve this problem, or at least suppress the occurrence of such things, you need new sources of interest."

Everyone is here to make money, not to offend the Asian Speaker to death and cause the angry Kepf to kill your whole family.If the money earned by cooperating with Kepf was not much at all, those people would change their attitude and cooperate well with Kepf!And now Kepf has thought of a new source of benefit for these people.

He didn't pay much, but it was very profitable.

"New source of profit?"

"To put it bluntly, isn't this all about money? As long as there is money to be made, who among them will be willing to make trouble with me? They also want to make money and not die. And I will give them a chance to make money."

"explain more clearly."

"The Yalong is a tamed beast that is loved by all mages. Your Victoria family has also placed a large order for this. But in addition to the Victoria family, there are more small families, downtrodden families and even some loners in Europe. Faced with this, Personal animal taming sales for these people are also a big piece of cake.”

After all, not every aristocratic family can buy thousands of Yalongs at a time like the Victoria family.Many smaller families may only have one or two super mages.In this environment, if they want to buy, they will just buy a Wurm to use.In this case, it is naturally impossible to get goods at wholesale prices like the Victoria family.

So what to do?We can only compete at high prices at auctions based on the retail price!This kind of competition often results in serious price premiums, which is one of the reasons for huge profits at auctions.The auction business in Europe is something that Kepf will not be able to get in a short time.

He didn't have the heart to get it, and he didn't have the extra energy. The original Holy City and Parthenon existed more as hubs and strategic locations, and he didn't interfere much in such matters.But the Victoria family is different. They have plenty of such resources.

(End of this chapter)

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