Chapter 345 Totem Magic Tool
He was a little doubtful about the existence of this guy, but he still only stayed at the stage of doubt.Fortunately, he was able to remove the whole heart.

Further research is needed to draw conclusions.So all we have to do now is soak this thing in formalin and get back to work.

In addition, this is not the only gain.In addition to a bunch of strange prisoners given to Shao Zheng, the rest of the things found included stock securities, real estate certificates, business development contracts, and various cultivation resources.This old thing is a bit poor, but it still has everything it should have!
And, the most important thing.It's the scepter made of nanocrystals and used to seal Suzaku!Well, even if this scepter is sold at the market price of Najing, it can easily fetch a trillion-dollar price!Because this is a scepter weighing more than twenty kilograms!
Needless to say, the market price of nanocrystals is also worth mentioning.Of course, this thing is naturally impossible to sell.And, the holy totem Suzaku is sealed in this scepter made of nanocrystal.When Kepf held this expensive scepter in his hand, he could feel that Suzaku's power had been lost a lot, but it was still at the imperial level.

It is said that the energy is maintained at the imperial level.Not combat effectiveness.After all, this is already a dead totem.He can't survive either.But this thing still has a lot of use value.

"Maybe I should make a magic tool out of it."

"Made a pair of sneakers out of a totem's body?"

Lingling complained.She felt that when she was around Kapf, she was playing the role of a joker, intentionally or unintentionally.However, the magic equipment made by Kepf really pays attention to concealment.

It is completely different from those magical tools that look golden and make people feel that this is something powerful at a glance.This was also his idea, to hide and carry out a fatal attack at a critical moment.Therefore, what Lingling complained about is true. If Kepf were to do it, there is a high probability that Suzaku would be made into a pair of ordinary-looking sneakers.

"Ha! In this sense, I have to thank him. Otherwise, it would not be so easy to solve this matter. You see, because it has been sealed for hundreds of years, the soul of the Holy Totem has dissipated. To say that it can be done effortlessly It’s really good to make it into a pair of sneakers.”

"Hey, hey, I was just joking. Do you really want to do this?"

"Of course, of course not. But I think this problem can be solved in the future, right? Look, what magic tool is more powerful than a magic tool with the power of a holy totem?"

Suzaku was definitely the largest and most powerful being he had captured!This Suzaku is much more useful than White Tiger and Qinglong!Want to ask why?

Qinglong was already dead.All he found was Qinglong's totem vessel.This totem vessel can create a powerful mage, but that's all.After all, you can't break Qinglong in half.Bai Hu was even more straightforward. When they found Bai Hu, his soul was left.

But Suzaku is different!What's the difference?That is, what is left of the other two holy totems is the soul, and what is left of Suzaku is the body!In Kepf's opinion, the body of a holy totem is much more useful than the soul of a holy totem!
"What are you thinking?"

"Look, I already have beast tamers. A sufficient number of dragons can form a powerful flying legion. But in addition to this fast heavy army, there will definitely be infantry."

Valkyrie and Wurm can form a powerful strike group in the air.This kind of group hunting in the air can ensure that the sea monsters on the ground are helpless!After all, they are sea monsters and cannot fly!
But what about on the ground?After all, a certain amount of ground troops are needed, right?It is indeed possible to reduce the number of troops required by ground troops by building bunkers and fortresses at key intersections, but ground troops are still needed!

Some people would say, aren’t there Hua Zhanhong and Shao Zheng?Do they still have more than 100 million troops under their command?Kepf needs to make this clear.

These troops are huddled in several base cities. Whether they can escape and how many they can escape are unknown!Kepf can only say that he is doing his best to do it now, but he doesn’t know what the result will be!
Okay, let's relax the standard a little bit and think that half of your troops can come out.Kepf wanted to say that it was useless!Really, it’s of no use at all!
Look at Zhan Kong and then think about Lu Zhenghe. The army is overcrowded with people with connections like this!Kepf dared to say that those who ran away were all related people, and those who could really do things would die inside!Moreover, after witnessing the terror of the Kraken, Kepf really couldn't imagine how many people in the army still had the will to fight!

The connections, the soldiers who were insensitive and oppressed to a certain extent, and the pessimistic and despairing thoughts all decided that these guys couldn't fight a tough battle!Maybe the performance of the defensive battle was acceptable, but if they really raised their guns and charged against the terrifying sea monster's bloody mouth, their combat effectiveness would definitely be worrying!
It would be better for these guys to engage in logistics... That's how Kepf sees it!Then, he also needs a new army.Not only the dragon army that was prepared before, but also the troops on the ground are needed!You don’t want to be as strong as the troops in the sky, but at least the quality is above par!

Well then, recruiting mages into the army is not difficult.As long as you pay enough, you can easily recruit a lot of mages.After all, even a mage has to eat and seek promotion!But if you hurriedly gather a group of these guys and go to the battlefield, you will die!

You need to retrain these mages from various industries, and you also need to be equipped with enough weapons and equipment, that is, magic tools... Otherwise, these guys will really become disposable cannon fodder!Leaving aside training, how do you get this magic tool?
It's not like he doesn't know how to make magic tools.Mu Ningxue's magic tool was made by him, and it was very well done.But the problem is, this is not a magic tool for one person, but a magic tool for tens of thousands or even millions of people... Armor magic tools, walking magic tools, shield magic tools, wing magic tools and magic slaying tools are all need!
He is considering spare parts, training supplies for training new recruits, and replacements for broken magic tools. This may require hundreds of millions of magic tools... It is impossible for him to hammer out so many magic tools one by one. !
In other words, we cannot do handicrafts, we still have to incorporate this into industry and carry out large-scale factory production.However, this project has not made much progress before. Yalong has already been put into service in teams, and this project is still at a P2P level.

(End of this chapter)

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