Chapter 332 Gambling
But how can you ask a family to take care of things thousands of miles away from the local area?So even though he is the son of a noble family, it is conceivable that his life is definitely not that good.It was probably because of these obstacles that the woman in front of her gave up her fantasy of big cities like the Imperial Capital and Magic City.

Instead, eat those things that can be eaten in your mouth first!After all, this is next to me, isn't it?If you can't support your children in the imperial capital thousands of miles away, you can't even have influence in the Indochina Peninsula next to your home, right?This strategy is still practical.

"What about you? As the head of a pampered family, why do you want to take such an adventure? Do you have a desire for the endless wealth on those plateaus? Or do you have other ideas?"

Looking at the woman who took off her bamboo hat to reveal her full face, he stared with interest into the latter's amber eyes.Looking at the latter's eyes from the initial embarrassment to regain composure.ha!

Honestly, he liked it.I like to observe the different reactions of different people.

"Of course there is an appeal. After all, if there is no appeal, I don't need to serve you personally as the patriarch."

Everyone is old fritters.Talking about Reagan at this time will only lead to resentment from the other party.So the woman agreed very simply.

"So what can I offer you, dear lady? We could make this a good deal."

In Shangyanshang, the so-called friendship is for business, or for better business.As he said this, he supported his head, which was a bit sore after a day of flying, with his hands, and looked at the woman sitting across from the wooden round table with an appraising look.

"Those things are too far away from us. Whether it's the mountains or the big cities in the north. I really don't think anything about those things. In this troubled time, if the Ruan family can still maintain their independence, then in my opinion I am already thankful to God, I can’t expect too much.”

"However, even for this kind of thing, in the eyes of the lady, it is beyond her power. So you took advantage of it."

"Yes! That damn Base City project! And we can't sit still! Well, I mean, I want you to help us."

Well, the woman blushed a little when she mentioned this, but this emotion only appeared for a moment.The next moment, the woman returned to her normal appearance.However, just this is enough to extract a lot of effective information!
"After all, it's not difficult for them to make up for the losses in the east and make up for the losses in the west, right? And you have to leave the southwest and go to those coastal areas, and sacrifice your lives in vain for an impossible task."


sharp!Kepf’s words hit the nail on the head.Let this woman secretly think that the speaker is not only good at fighting, making money, and technology, but he is also a good hand at cutting cakes!

Although the family groups have common interests, for example, no matter which family is in power, they will exploit ordinary people and civilian mages.This is exactly the same.However, there is also fierce competition within the aristocratic group, and this competition is even more cruel and ruthless than the competition between common people and aristocratic families.

The specific process of one family annexing another family is often not written in history books, but Kepf felt that judging from the moral standards of this world that conformed to feudal society, this process would not be so gentle... It was the same thing.

And now, the major families do have the idea of ​​reshuffling the existing cake distribution!There is a need for this!

Why?Isn't this the arrival of a new ocean era? No matter which country it is, it will suffer at least one round of fiasco.This was almost a sure thing, there was no running around.This is a disaster for the country, but for some people, it is an opportunity!
Because the Kraken is very powerful!Much stronger than humans!The first strike that is prepared will cause extremely heavy damage!Will!And this is the opportunity!

Don't look at him always laughing at Su Lu and Shao Zheng for being cowardly, but he is also a genuine Forbidden Curse Mage!In relatively peaceful times, when there were no emperor-level opponents, it was easy for the Forbidden Magic Mages to suppress opponents who were even more insignificant than themselves!But Ocean War changed everything!
Because the Siren Emperor can kill the Forbidden Curse Mage!It's almost certain to happen!And the death of the forbidden curses belonging to the major families means a political earthquake!The original families will weaken, and some suppressed political fringe forces may rise!For example, the fringe family in front of us, or a shady force like the Black Vatican.

None of this is impossible.So when the woman mentioned it to him, Kepf immediately came to his mind.He thought of something that had been ignored!
That is, the base city plan is to concentrate the country's military forces in coastal base cities.This part of the force can only come from inland areas that will not be affected by maritime wars.And he also said that those middle and high-level officers are essentially the spokespersons of the big and small families.

And these people were transferred away and transferred to a coastal base city where they were unfamiliar.Then it is questionable how much support those inland noble families can provide to these transferred members!There is no doubt that adhering to the spirit of making you happy even if I feel uncomfortable, the fate of these troops can be imagined... Needless to say!

But, everyone is the same, if you strike first, then I won’t be lenient!So in today's scene, this woman talked to herself about the future of her family!Well, Kepf even suspected that maybe it was not just the future of her family, but was she setting a stone for others?
"Say it straight. Beautiful lady, what do you, and they, want? Give me a suitable price. Remember, don't overdo it."

"Look up! If we don't have a suitable partner at the top, we won't be able to make our voice heard. And Su Lu stands idly by and ignores our suffering. He can persuade those stubborn top brass under the right circumstances. The only one left is you."

"Yes. You want me to speak for you and protect the interests of the southwest, northwest and central families. So what is the price? If there is a suitable price, this is not something that cannot be considered."

There is nothing difficult in the world, I'm afraid there is no price!So good, what price do you want?You know, the Speaker of Asia is so busy, how can he have time to focus on small things?What is the consideration?

(End of this chapter)

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