Full-time Mage: Copy Mo Fan at the beginning

Chapter 302 Extra 8: Hermione the Pig Killer

Chapter 302 Extra Chapter [-]: Hermione the Pig Killer
As mentioned before, some systems play the trick of killing pigs.However, the system itself has no power.It can't do anything without relying on its host.Therefore, for the final step of killing the pig, you need to find help from others.For example, find a host for another system.

Kepf had slaughtered the big fat pig before, but when he learned that he was actually involved in a pig-killing plate scam by mistake, Kepf came to his senses.Since it is a pig-killing plate, there should be a time traveler responsible for killing pigs.

Therefore, he himself remained vigilant.Now it seems that the time traveler responsible for killing pigs did not physically travel, but occupied the body of Hermione Granger in the original work.You want to ask why he can tell... The fluctuation and length of a relatively powerful time traveler's magic power are obviously different from these little wizards!

So he still has to deal with the second time traveler.But it is conceivable that this time he cannot do what he did with the last guy.Because Hogwarts is not a lawless place, it is different from Knockturn Alley!

He had to think of a way.Get rid of this time traveler.And, try not to harm this body as much as possible.He believed that the original Hermione was still alive, but was living as a wandering spirit. If spiritualism was used to recall her soul, the real Hermione might be resurrected after killing this time traveler!

Therefore, he had to prepare for spiritualism!And, reached an agreement with Headmaster Dumbledore.After all, Dumbledore is the boss at Hogwarts.With his cooperation, I can save myself a lot of trouble!

Of course, this will all happen later.Now let's enter Hogwarts first and then sort.Kepf actually wanted to know which college he would be assigned to.

The train keeps running.Ron talked about his family, Quidditch and the theft of Gringotts.and his views on the academy.Well, exactly as in the original work, all Kepf can say is, very rigid and emotional.

And Harry didn't quite agree... Well, after the Dursleys improved their quality of life, Harry actually went to Flourish and Blotts Bookstore in Diagon Alley and bought seventeen editions of Hogwarts, a history of the school. Come and read.And learned about the dark history of the four major colleges...

Those in power will always discredit others and whitewash themselves.But when all the political claims are put together, Harry can be regarded as getting rid of the stage of blind men and elephants.Yes, Harry knew that Dumbledore was born in Gryffindor, and he also knew that Voldemort was born in Slytherin, but he also knew that everyone had a lot of dark history!
It made him a little more objective.Just a little more objective.Then the eldest son Draco Malfoy came. Well, even if his attitude became a little more objective, Harry still didn't like this Malfoy!

Both Harry and Kepf, whose mentality has completely changed into a veteran, will think that Malfoy has a sense of arrogance.And it's the kind of arrogance that's off-putting and annoying.After all, this little wizard is actually no different from other little wizards.

Originally, Kepf was just watching the show.After all, it's none of his business.But unfortunately, Malfoy, who was in a bad mood after being rejected by Harry, regarded him as an easy target to bully and vented his anger on him... He couldn't turn a blind eye to this!

"You should pick someone who matches you. Don't hang out with these mudbloods sitting in the carriages now!"

"Um...you better watch your back!"

Well, although Harry hated Malfoy, he actually had no intention of doing anything to him.But Malfoy's map cannon hit Kepf sitting on the other side!
Then Harry saw Kepf, who had been affected by Malfoy's map cannon, stand up and gear up to teach Malfoy and his two followers, Goyle and Crabbe, a lesson!
No need for a wand in this case!Just use your fists!Use the one he redeemed from the system last time!Don't worry, he will keep his hands open so that he doesn't punch this little brat to death!

"Inch strength landslide!"

One blow at Goyle, Crabbe and Draco who didn't react!Harry could hear the sound of bones being broken!Although this is just a matter of a bottle of Bone Spirit in the world of Harry Potter, this pain will last for a long time!

"Wow! You're so awesome!"

Ron applauded this without taking it too seriously.Watching Malfoy get beat up made him happy.He knew it wasn't a big deal anyway.The time traveler Hermione's eyes reflected a light, which was captured by Kepf.Then he looked shocked.

"You! How dare you hit someone on the train!"

"Don't worry, no one will die. I have good control."

"Can you teach me this trick? Let me teach this Malfoy a lesson next time!"

"I'm afraid not. This kind of magic can only be used without your hands, and you can't even use a magic spell, let alone magic without a wand."


Well, Ron's failure with the spell just now makes his statement that he wants to learn magic at this time very unconvincing.After all, you can't even use color-changing magic, and you still want to learn the magic of beating people half to death?Think too much!
"Freshmen! Freshmen come here!"

Within 2 minutes, the creaking sound of the train disappeared.Everyone on the express could hear Hagrid's thundering voice.Kepf got out of the car with Goyle and Crabbe, who had broken bones and couldn't stand up, with one hand, while Ron and Harry could only struggle to hold Malfoy who fell to the ground.There was no other way, it would be great if they could trap Malfoy.

"This is?"

"Malfoy called someone a mudblood on the train. As a result, he and his two followers had their bones broken and could not stand up."

"Um...I will find a way to let them participate in the sorting ceremony."

no way.This word involves a politically correct issue that everyone in the wizarding world knows but no one can mention!Anyone who mentions this word deserves to be beaten to death!Also, Hagrid didn't like the Malfoy family.

But sorting still needs to be done.Although his sternum was damaged and he couldn't stand up, he just needed to be clear-headed to be sorted into the hospital.As for other things?When he broke the sternums of Malfoy and his two followers, Kepf also helped them to stop the bleeding, and used a floating spell to pick out the bone residue to prevent Draco Malfoy and his two followers from dying. If the bone residue penetrates into the lungs or other organs!

This is actually interesting enough!Who asked you to take the initiative to fire the map cannon!You deserve to be beaten!Moreover, Kepf just hit you, but he didn’t say he would cause any irreversible damage to you!
(End of this chapter)

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