Protoss in Warhammer

Chapter 509 497 Ark of Evil Omen (6)

Chapter 509 497. Ark of Evil Omen ([-])

Orega cautiously took his ark and did not go out. He just asked his human and alien cannon fodder to explore the road to see if there were any terrible enemies or ambushes.

Fortunately, the news from the vanguard fleet was very valuable. After all, they had never fought a war with this civilization before. When the news came, a dry laugh came from under the dark prince's tentacle-wrapped face. .

"This is how a country composed of lower creatures is. Even if they have some technology and help, they still have no way to win, even against my slave army."

He placed the information on the left side of his seat and looked at the two bloodthirsty demons on his right who had long been unable to bear it. They calmly and solemnly released the chains of the God of War Dog.

"This seems to be a cowardly civilization. Go, my demon friends, let their blood nourish your chest, and contribute to the great gods!"

The two demons laughed excitedly and immediately flew into the depths of the Ark of Omen to find those warbands who were still fighting against the Tyranids' gene stealers. Hundreds of thousands of Khorne demons couldn't wait to find out. To obtain blood to please their gods.

In every war, he seeks allies, and this time he chooses the God of War himself.Not the arrogant, heroic and fearless Xel'Naga on the surface, but still weak and incompetent in his heart.

Amon is a huge fool, an incompetent god who is content with his past glory and existing territory. He is not enough to compare with Khorne, who is constantly laughing because of wars in the galaxy, and constantly spreading blood and anger.

Advancing with the Ares army is the main force brought by Orega this time, the Orega fleet composed of two motherships, sixteen aircraft carriers, and dozens of storm warships and pirate ships.This demon prince has acquired a large amount of inheritance over the past tens of thousands of years, and also plundered a large number of fleets from the real universe. The troops he brought this time were only less than 1/10 of his warships.

The severely corrupted motherships and aircraft carriers began to slowly sail out of the subspace. The once pure bridge of the protoss was now covered with the corrosion of the subspace, and blasphemous symbols were painted on the console. Dirty snow and residual limbs were scattered all over. Every corner is covered with the original holy gold and pure blue.

When they left the warp, the Teclisian fleet was facing an enemy, while Zeratul on the ground was furious.There is no doubt that Orega's desecration of those ancient battleships has seriously aroused Zeratul's indignation and unbearable anger.

Not only Zeratul, but all Kalai present felt unimaginable anger because the relics of their ancestors were desecrated.Look at those warships, those once noble, elegant, beautiful, and ancient warships, how they are polluted by that bastard Orega now!

Zeratul looked at Erda next to him and said angrily.
"Erda, I ask you to allow me and my troops to go and kill the traitor. In just a short while, I can bring that guy to Ayr and let him accept the trial and punishment of the Ancient Saint!!"

But Erda didn't pay attention to him. He looked at the battleships and just continued to evaluate the threat of Chaos in his mind.It seems that just as he expected, Chaos has already been integrated into the history of the entire galaxy. Whether it is humans, Ada, Necrons, or the descendants of the ancient saints, there is no way to escape the fate of being looked down upon by them.

Erda looked at Zeratul, and his calm words extinguished the anger of the dark patriarch.
"No need, Dark Priest, the Ark hasn't come out yet, and the war now is meaningless. Besides, it's a naval battle, and you won't be of much use up there." After hearing what the other party said, Zeratul didn't act like the young man Instead of expressing doubts and anger like a templar, he thought about the other party's opinion.In tens of thousands of years of life, he has been used to being questioned, and he is also used to finding the right place from doubting.

To be fair, there is only one ship around him now, and a dozen Dark Templar warriors can't really help him if he goes on it. After all, the enemy has many troops, and this is indeed a naval battle. Going up on his own will probably only be of no help.

Zeratul accepted Erda's request, but then he made an unquestionable request, because this request was his bottom line
"I obey your orders, Erda, but if that traitor appears and comes here, his head belongs to me, and I will defeat or kill that scum with my own hands!"

"As you wish, Dark Master."

Zeratul finished speaking and left here. Now they are at the command center on the planet. There is a delay of nearly half a minute before the video reaches here. In the cold void, the war has already begun.

The Tigris warships had formed four battle lines and began to use their main guns and secondary guns to shoot at the advancing fleets.Cation artillery and laser weapons crossed a long astronomical distance to attack the enemy, and heavy anti-ship missiles also came out of the silo, dragging flames and advancing slowly.

But Kalai's mothership used its proud air defense capabilities to disrupt their attack. From the anti-aircraft cannon on the mothership, shells engraved with eight-pointed stars were fired out, hitting the heavy anti-ships that were approaching quickly. Missiles, a large amount of light blue smoke used to deflect and weaken the power of energy weapons are scattered around the mothership.
Although these battleships have been corroded by the power of Chaos, the technological power contained in them can still be used. In addition, the weapons on the battleships have been attacked by gods and controlled by demons. Their power is only Will be stronger than before.

And when the motherships were not ready to attack, the aircraft carrier had already started its own attack.

In the aircraft carrier, drones once again slid out of the cabin where flesh and metal were intertwined, but now the drones were alive in a sense.The intelligence of these drones has spent too many years in the warp, and has been corrupted by demons, turning them into demon engines several meters long.The hearts of these drones are full of pain and anger, and what they can do now is fire on those warships to reduce the torture of chaotic energy on themselves.

Hundreds of drones quickly approached the Teclis fleet, and some battlecruisers in the Teclis fleet also began to release their own fighter jets to fight against the enemy.Hundreds of fighter jets flew forward quickly, and they were about to have their first air battle with drones.

The fighter jets on both sides quickly collided with each other like a flock of flying birds, and then the planes began to fight. Explosions and flames filled the battle scene.

Fighter vs fighter jet battle has begun and warship vs battleship battle is not far away.

(End of this chapter)

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