Protoss in Warhammer

Chapter 283 271 The Circle of History

Chapter 283 271. The Circle of History

When Orion and Negev walked into the restaurant together, Melanie had already finished her noodles.This little girl is hesitating whether to wait for her father or go to school by herself. After all, class starts in 40 minutes, and she doesn't want to be punished by the teacher.

Fortunately, her father came back in time, so Melanie didn't have to worry about being late.But what made her a little disappointed was that Orion touched his daughter's head and said

"I want to talk to this uncle about something. You can go to school by yourself and pay attention to safety on the road."

Melanie looked at the big man in front of her, then at her father, and suddenly understood something.A pair of black pupils were wide open, but she still went to school. When she left, her head deliberately did not synchronize with her body, tilting in the direction of the two of them, and then she ran away.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Negev also had the same expression on Orion's face when he heard his identity just now. What shocked him even more was that the dark angel in front of him actually had a kind look on his face.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

Orion noticed the weird look in the guy's eyes and asked with a straight face. Negev just shook his head gently and said
"I've learned a lot, it's nothing."

After ordering the noodles, Olian waited for the boss to leave, and then asked the first question
"Do you really raise this little girl as your own daughter?"

"Otherwise? What's the problem?"

Negev heard the dissatisfaction in the other party's tone and quickly waved his hand and said

"I don't mean anything else, I just feel very strange. You know, the rumors I heard about the Dark Angels before are that they are a group of cold knights from the feudal world. They are dark, gloomy, and hierarchical. They regard mortals as insignificant. They are always a group of people. A strange warrior who is always suspicious of his opponent.

I didn't expect you to be quite humane, which is a bit contrary to my common sense. "

"Has the legion looked like this after 1 years?"

Orion's outlook was almost shattered after hearing this.During the Great Crusade, although the relationship between the superiors and subordinates within the legion was relatively strict, they definitely did not regard human life as trivial or regard mortals and dogs as trivial. In most cases, they were relatively close to the people.

If the Dark Angels during the Great Crusade were like a group of arrogant nobles with chivalric spirit, why do you feel like the current Dark Angels are just a group of medieval feudal knights living in darkness and fog from the guy in front of you?

At the same time, the other person's other words didn't even make him faint.

"And I want to correct you. There is no longer a Legion of Astartes in the Empire. The Primarch of the Ultramarines created a "Code of Astartes" to split the Legion into one. We are a small war group to prevent you from rebelling again, you should know this."

"Would you like me to tell you the difference between the two?"

Olean nodded when he heard it. There was indeed such a rumor at the time, but he didn't expect that the division into battle groups would have such a big impact.

Listening to the other party's words, it was as if a dismemberment operation was performed directly on Legion, dismantling a healthy person into organs instead of dividing them into smaller people.

This is a big problem.In fact, the adjustments Guilliman made urgently to cope with the severe situation were originally intended to be slowly adjusted by the High Lords Council and the Astartes Chapter.

As a result, the former became greedy for power in the later years and wished that the Astartes Chapter would continue to be half-dead. The latter directly used the shabby book he wrote as the underlying code, resulting in the current Chapter 1+ The result of 1<2.

For example, Blood Angels.If they were originally a legion, they could still find ways to solve the problems of blood thirst and black rage together, but as a result, a large number of sub-legions were forcibly divided and the method to solve this problem was missing.Take the Blood Coffin, for example. This thing can directly transform mortals into Astartes who will not suffer from these two fatal diseases, but this valuable technology was lost in the process of splitting up the sub-groups.There are countless other materials and instruments that can treat these two fatal diseases that were lost during the splitting process.

This resulted in a large number of Space Marines among the Blood Angels dying from this terrible disease, so privately the Blood Angels angrily called Guilliman "Guilliman the Butcher".Because of his broken book, countless Blood Angels were forced to be executed by their brothers for more than 1 years to gain final peace.

(In fact, this is not to blame Brother 13. After all, who would have thought that the High Lords Council would become so useless after the Great Crusade, and the Astartes would really become the Space Knights).

At the same time, he also learned more about today's galaxy during the conversation: the corrupt and powerful empire, the lingering Eldar, the awakened Necrons, the greenskins who are still very Waaagh, and the Tyranids coming from outside the galaxy.And this protoss who has not stepped out of his house for hundreds of thousands of years, and now he decides to clean up the situation, but it may not be of any use yet.

When Orion heard about the Kalai Protoss race, he frowned and said, "The original Great Crusade should have come to the Gulf of Damocles to have a look. If this ancient civilization is allowed to continue to revive, then it will definitely be in the future. The current big trouble for the empire and humanity is no less important than any of the old and new troubles you mentioned before."

After hearing this, Negev smiled and looked at the bowl of mixed noodles that had just been brought to him.

"If you ask me, not coming here back then might have been the Emperor's plan. After all, if his plan failed, it wouldn't be a bad thing to let the former overlord of the galaxy rule again. Although mankind will lose its position as the boss of the galaxy, it will always be It's better than being ruled by those bull demons and snake gods before.

After all, its goal is to allow human civilization to continue. If this plan reaches the worst, worst, worst, worst, it is not unacceptable. "

Orion was a little shocked after hearing this, and couldn't help but ask

"Are you still an Astartes, or human? Where is our glory as higher beings?"

"Man, humans have only been overlords of the galaxy for a short period of more than 1 years, while the Ada have ruled the galaxy for tens of millions of years, and the Old Ones and their eldest sons have ruled for hundreds of millions of years before those pointy ears.

We are advanced beings, but speaking of glory is indeed a bit too forced.Pride is never a good thing, it's deadly.

I stayed here for ten years and learned a lot about their philosophy.One of the sentences that touched me the most was ordered by their leader to be engraved on a monument and stand in front of the most magnificent temple and the most solemn parliament hall in their capital. Do you know what that sentence is? "

Orion asked curiously after hearing what the other party said.
"What is it?"

"Weakness and ignorance are not obstacles to survival, arrogance is."

"... "

"Think about it, cousin, aren't each of the civilizations in the historical trend a living example of this? Let me give you a few examples:

Ada, those pointy ears who don’t know the heights of the world, they have always been so arrogant, thinking that they are superior.The results of it?Their original homeland became the largest hemorrhoid in the galaxy, and their people were almost extinct.

Of course there are us, even now that the empire has rotted like this, almost all humans think that we are still the tallest and most advanced race in the galaxy, and they don't even bother to learn from the so-called dirty and backward alien technology. A blasphemy against reason.

And the Old Ones.Hundreds of millions of years ago, they drove around the Milky Way in very advanced large ships, using the identity of the so-called "Heavenly Kingdom" to enlighten various civilizations everywhere, giving them technology, ideas, and theories.

Sounds good, doesn't it?But have you ever thought that this is the greatest arrogance? This kind of arrogance is higher than the two civilizations mentioned before. I don’t know where it is.

Because I think your civilization is pitiful and backward, your technology is like primitive people, and your thoughts are like single-celled!As the most powerful and advanced civilization in the galaxy, I will give you technology, tell you how to become powerful, and tell you how to obtain excellent ideas.

What?You ask me why I did this?Aren't you worried that those guys will eventually use this knowledge to beat me?

What are you kidding?You barbarians can't defeat me no matter what, because I am the most powerful existence!That's why I'm so relieved.I am destined to be the most powerful existence in the galaxy. You can see my technology as you like, and you can understand my theories as you like. Anyway, you will definitely not be able to surpass me in the end. I am destined to be the king of heaven!
Well, what is the final outcome of such a proud civilization?I think history has given us the answer.

But what is ridiculous and sad is that the once most arrogant existence was the first to learn a lesson after being severely slapped in the face by reality, and took it as a warning.As for other existences... Hey, I'm afraid I won't understand this until my death! "

Listening to this cousin who was chattering in front of him, Olean wanted to say something, but he couldn't say it, because this is the sad fact, it seems that all civilizations cannot jump out of the Moebius circle, because most civilizations No one wants to put down their face.

But Negev didn't think so much. To him, this was just a calm narration of his own reasoning.He glanced at the noodles in front of him and said with some regret.

"Oh, you shouldn't be talking so much. Your face is already hunched over. Stop talking and eat quickly!"

(End of this chapter)

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