Protoss in Warhammer

Chapter 259 247

Chapter 259. Chapter 247
Yuan Yuan did not have any panic or change due to the other party's gang-hopping actions. He continued to command his troops without any action because he fully believed in his troops and soldiers.

After about 20 minutes of the enemy's gang-hopping operation, a message was transmitted to the executive officer's face.Through those sliding screens, the executive quickly understood the battle and enemy losses.

"The enemy gang-hopping troops have been eliminated. It is estimated that no less than 100 enemy Space Marines were many...oh, and one was captured? This is really a rare commodity..."

When it came to the last one, Yuan Yuan couldn't help but smile. It was really rare to be able to successfully capture an Astartes.But soon, another piece of news made his smile last for only a moment before disappearing.

The losses their warships suffered due to enemy attacks obviously exceeded their expectations. Those wounds alone required a large amount of supplies, not to mention the deaths of thousands of crew members and a large amount of infrastructure damage. This ship The ship's combat effectiveness will obviously be affected.

And another piece of news about the main battleship also came over.Commander Yingyang was in greater trouble. They were also attacked by the enemy, but they did not take more timely precautions because there were also enemy aircraft carrier fleets at that time, which also launched fighter jets at very close range to harass. A large number of them The anti-aircraft battery did not succeed in intercepting any further boarding torpedoes.

Those Asta and the others even attacked to a place only more than 200 meters away from the bridge before being blocked. Although they were finally successfully eliminated, 1/7 of the entire ship had been reduced to rubble, and they lost nearly 1/4 of their ships. With close-in defense artillery and two main guns, the opponent's commander obviously not only had more Astartes in this operation, but also acted more sophisticatedly, successfully making this suicide attack more successful. progress.

But the bigger problem is another one, that is, the enemy has begun to break away from the Necron fleet, and it is very likely that they have obtained what they want.

This news is simply terrible for Vision. Their goal is to find a way to destroy or capture that kind of subspace shielding weapon. Once this kind of thing falls into the hands of the Chaos Power, it can be said to be a threat to the entire civilization. A catastrophe, who knows what they will do once the Chaos witchcraft and this thing merge.

"Order all warships to intercept immediately, tell the aircraft carrier to release all fighter jets, mount all anti-ship torpedoes, and wait until the opponent comes within range to find a way to slow them down!!"

The Iron Warriors had indeed completed their mission as Yuan Yuan imagined. The small dynasty of the Necrons simply did not have enough power to withstand the attack of the Iron Warrior Legion. They quickly discarded two devices, and these two Each device was also dismantled back to their warships under the supervision of the war blacksmith, using a large number of slaves and machines.

Alakir almost lost his own life, and now he can only watch angrily as the thieves stripped him of his weapons under the protection of his guards, and his fleet is depleted.

The Overlord finally dismantled the damn Chief Tomb Technician and turned him into beetle food.Although he has lost almost everything now, the only thing that comforts him is that there is still a little bit of something left, which can at least temporarily save his life.

The good news now is that the lackeys of Chaos are fighting with the lackeys of Kalai Protoss and will not care about them for the time being.Anrakil immediately ordered his troops to advance quickly and flee from the area that made him feel uncomfortable.

"We are about to enter the fourth-dimensional space, and we will use this passage to evacuate."

Anrakil ordered his men to do so quickly, and at the same time looked back at the last instrument. He now has another destination which is the territory of a former overlord who also belonged to his dynasty, and there are still a large number of undead there. , as long as they can be awakened, everything can start again.

But just as they were about to enter the four-dimensional space, a fleet suddenly arrived.Anrakil looked at those warships with different styles with confusion. At first glance, they looked a bit like auxiliary troops, with a strong technological flavor.However, some signs similar to religious symbols can be seen on the bridge, and a large number of runes are carved on the bow of the ship and are shining. "What kind of battleship is this?"

Anrakil said with some confusion, but he had no time to think about these things because the other party was already firing at them.A 6000-meter-long heavy cruiser used the heavy volcano cannon on the bow to fire hot lasers at the Necron warship, successfully causing a scarred Sickle frigate to almost sink.

"Discover the enemy! Launch fighter planes! Buy us time!!"

Looking at those strange warships, Anrakil threw out his few remaining fighter jets without any hesitation, but the opponent continued to move forward, and more warships jumped out. There were at least 60 of those strange-looking warships. With multiple ships, it can be considered a standard sector fleet.

Anrakil looked at those strange fleets, and his men began to report that
"The main fleet of Kalai Protoss has been discovered. They are approaching the human fleet. They are probably coming to fight."

After hearing the order, the overlord should also know that the enemy fleet in front of him is either his vassal or their ally. In short, no force on the battlefield is his friend.

"We have to get out of here, fast!!"

Under the command of the Necron Overlord, the battleship began to move forward, but it was obvious that the space dwarves did not want to let him go.In the previous intelligence, they already knew the problem of the Necrons here. This time, they didn't expect to encounter Ke De and behave well.

The 6000-meter-long battleship just now is the space dwarf's fortress ship.Compared with the classification of other races, space dwarf warships only have three simple classifications, which are fortresses used as mobile bases, battleships used as fortress defenses, and finally cargo ships used for mining and transportation.

The huge laser cannon on the fortress ship is specially used to crush asteroids as big as an entire nest for easy mining. This ancient golden age volcanic cannon can give full play to its old skills in this case. This line, and when in danger, this is definitely a terrible anti-ship artillery.

Anrakil looked at his battleship, and he understood that he had to leave quickly.But the space dwarf's fleet cannot be easily broken through, and the only thing waiting for him is death.

The golden fleet can finally come here to fight and support the auxiliary fleet that has been fighting hard for a long time.The Chaos Fleet also quickly discovered their enemies. Perturabo discovered that those damn enemies had occupied Mandeville Point, and they had to defeat them if they wanted to leave here!

Tassada looked at the Glory Queen-class battleship in the distance, feeling the last glimmer of glory in the era of humankind's great expedition. He knew very well that what followed would be a life-and-death battle.

(End of this chapter)

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