I chase corpses in Gaowu world

Chapter 570: Gods and Demons Feed on Blood

Chapter 570: Gods and Demons Feed on Blood

Fang Ze shook his head slightly when he heard this.

All roads to hell are paved with good intentions, and history has proven this countless times.

Sure enough, when Fang Ze heard this, the God Lord Qiumu changed the subject: "But in everything, there is always a difference between imagination and what happened in reality. People will forget their original intentions, and the gods of heaven are no exception."

"The Tianting was established, and its initial purpose was to lead everyone to transcendence, and then the entire human race in Tianzhou, like dragons, walked out on the broad road."

"However, as time went by, the people in the heaven gradually changed. They were originally humans, but now they became gods. After enjoying the worship and offerings of those mortals, some gods suddenly understood why they Do you still want to maintain the relationship with the human race?"

"Those human races are much weaker than them. Even if you don't lead them, you can't threaten the gods. If this is the case, why bother to lead them to some great road?"

"What's more, some people are more extreme. They have developed another set of principles. They believe that humans are just some consumables and can only meet the interests and needs of the gods. There is no need to care about the future of mankind. If you can’t save face, just use some slogans to whitewash and cajole.”

"This group of people once absorbed some of the original power that represented chaos and unknown power during the battle between the human race and the innate gods. Later, they gradually split away, which is the origin of the so-called demon gods."

"In this way, part of the Heavenly Court split off and became the Lord of the Nine Netherworld, which is where the Demon God is. However, this is not a story of good and evil."

"Even in heaven, although they are not consistent with the concept of the devil, they don't particularly care about ordinary mortals. After all, apart from providing them with better resources to live, mortals have nothing to threaten them. If this is the case, why should we pay the price and effort to help those behind us?”

"Soon, both the gods and the demon gods realized that it was more in their own interest to treat mortals as two-legged sheep that provided resources and labor than to lead mortals on some great path."

"Hahaha, in the final analysis, gods and demons are all fed on blood. It's just that the demons go straight and have no scruples. The gods still want to show some face and cover up, but the essence is the same thing."

Fang Ze's heart moved when he heard this.

He finally heard some meaning and flavor.

Lord Qiumu continued: "The first generation of gods were those who had fought against natural gods and demons. Although they had changed in the later stages, they had indeed made great contributions to the human race. , even if these gods are a little shaken, they still have a certain bottom line."

"But all the gods in the first-generation heaven are extremely powerful, but what they think in their hearts is that the good and the bad are mixed. There are overt and covert conflicts among them, which cannot be explained to outsiders."

"Also, even if you get the origin and power of the Dao and become gods, the people in the first generation of heaven have injured a lot of origin in the early battles, and many of them became gods shortly after their lifespan , which only has a life span of 8 to [-] years.”

"One generation of Heavenly Emperors lived for about 10 years, but in the end his longevity was exhausted. Before he died, he passed the position of Heavenly Emperor to a person in the Heavenly Court who has continued his Taoism. This generation The Emperor of Heaven is actually quite idealistic. There are still many divine monarchs in Heaven who have experienced the chaotic wars of the past and restored order to heaven and earth. Even if these divine monarchs have some bad ideas, they will still do it after all. There is a bottom line. After the second Heavenly Emperor took charge of the Heavenly Court, he probably continued this rule." Qiu Mo Shenjun continued: "Before the first Heavenly Emperor died, he did one thing, which was to bring down the entire Heavenly Court. Cleaned it up."

"Anyone who he felt would affect his inheritance and path, whether it was his comrades who fought side by side to overthrow the natural gods, or the juniors and disciples who joined later, he purged them all. The divine kings who followed him to establish the heaven Almost all of them died."

"In this case, he can safely hand over the Heavenly Court to the second generation of Heavenly Emperor, and what the second generation of Heavenly Emperor did not betray his path, but just inherited the previous practice."

"New things happened after he took over. Heavenly Court was good at first, but as time went by, the gap between Heavenly Court and mortals became wider and wider. They became less and less able to understand the mentality of mortals in the world, and the Emperor of Heaven became more and more ambitious. It is getting bigger, consuming more and more resources, and warriors in the human world are constantly showing up with amazing talents, practicing in Tianzhou, they can actually catch up with some gods."

"There were no problems at the beginning, but gradually as time went by, the resources of both Tianzhou and Tianting began to become insufficient."

"In the past, whether in heaven or in the human world, there were only a few strong ones, but because after becoming a god, the lifespan increased, and the warriors and masters in the human world also accumulated, and soon some conflicts and contradictions occurred."

"For some high-quality resources, both heaven and earth want them, and friction and fights gradually began to arise between them."

In the surrounding mirages, new scenes appeared, constantly staged frictions and conflicts between humans and gods, and competition for resources.

"Those martial artists standing at the top in the world are also beginning to be dissatisfied with the heavenly court. After all, it is too far away from the heavenly court to calm down the natural gods, and the demon gods have been eyeing the heavenly court all the time. This kind of thing has lasted for a long time."

"At that time, the second generation of Heavenly Emperors inherited the ideas of the first generation of Heavenly Emperors at first, and the second Heavenly Emperor had three very trusting gods."

"One of them is called Zhihaishenjun Shenjun. His god position is also concerned with the rise and fall of the avenue. This is extremely important to the heavenly gods in the heavenly court. At the same time, he is also given important decision-making power in the heavenly court."

"This Lord of the Sea is a very ideal god. He hopes that both heaven and earth can always live in peace. He also doesn't like war and violence."

"He initiated a resolution called the Covenant between Heaven and Man. He wanted all the gods and high-level warriors in the world to end their disputes and seek a peaceful ending. However, his plan was not supported by the other two gods and the Emperor of Heaven."

"Whether it is the other two gods or the second generation of heavenly emperors, they think that the human race is the weak side, and letting them decide on their own will lead to chaos and turmoil, and the heaven is to return the world to order and save it from chaos and turmoil. Yes, they don’t want to experience another turmoil.”

"However, this sea god was not convinced. He felt that only freedom and equality are the truly just heaven and the human world. He began to plot and unite some gods and humans who shared the same ideas as him, creating a series of riots and attacks. .”

(End of this chapter)

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