I chase corpses in Gaowu world

Chapter 441 Heaven and earth care about me

Chapter 441 Heaven and earth care about me
Fang Ze was not particularly panicked. He continued to walk forward. After walking for a while, there was another fork in the road ahead. This fork in the road had two forks, one on the left and one on the right. And the man in red and white clothes appeared here again.

"Let me ask you, is human nature altruistic or selfish?" The man asked Fang Ze again.

Fang Ze didn't have any doubts. He said: "Human nature is selfish and selfish. This is the basic nature of human beings. There is nothing to justify, but on top of this selfishness is cooperation. Pure selfishness cannot tolerate cooperation. Therefore, people will have agreements with each other, including competition and cooperation."

"Human beings are born selfish, but they cannot be so selfish as to think that others are not selfish. On this basis, there are morals, laws, etc., which are the basis for maintaining human cooperation. But if you ask me what human nature is , then I would answer you that it is selfish, but if you say that people are only selfish, I don’t completely agree. People are inherently selfish, but they can also do altruistic things. This is the overall human nature."

The man in white robe said: "Then your final answer is that people are selfish in nature, but there are some shining points, right?"

Fang Ze nodded.

The man in white nodded, and even showed a smile: "If you can realize this, first of all, you have some wisdom, and you have not entered the wrong path. You should take the right path ahead."

With that he disappeared.

Fang Ze saw the two forked roads that appeared just now, the one on the left disappeared, and the right one became a separate road again. Fang Ze stepped on this road and continued to walk forward.

After walking for a while, the scene ahead seemed to turn into a rugged hill, and two more roads appeared here. The man in white appeared again and asked: "Do you think human nature is inherently good or evil?"

Fang Ze seemed to have considered such a question a long time ago, and said without the slightest hesitation: "I think human nature is neither good nor evil. People may have innate tendencies, such as the instinct to let themselves survive, and there is nothing beyond this instinct. Evil, seemingly selfish, is actually just a pure desire to live. This is human nature and cannot be said to be good or evil. It can only be said to be neither good nor evil."

"But as people grow up, they have good and evil. Some people do things selfishly, but they also add pain to others for no reason. Such people are definitely evil. As for good, it is difficult to say that they are truly good. In In my opinion, people are born neither good nor evil, but they grow up to be good and evil, and the more essential attribute is the difference between strong and weak, not good and evil."

After hearing this, the man in white robe suddenly clapped his hands and laughed: "Hahaha, you and I see the same heroes. You don't have to leave on the left side, and you don't have to leave on the right side. I'll give you a path and you can walk on until the end. As soon as it’s out.”

As he spoke, he gave a high five and saw that the two roads in front of the mountain disappeared, and a third road opened in the middle leading directly to the top of the mountain.

Fang Ze took a deep breath, and walked directly up the mountain along this road. He walked all the way to the top of the mountain, but found that the man in white appeared on the mountain again, and two roads appeared in front of his eyes. These two roads were the same as before. The road is different, it is suspended in the air, with stone steps that seem to lead directly to the sky.

The man in white appeared again and asked Fang Ze: "Let me ask you, do I need heaven and earth to support me when I live in this world, or do I need heaven and earth to support me?"

When Fang Ze heard this, he said: "Is this a debate between the Confucian Six Classics instilling me, or me injecting the Six Classics? If so, I would have had the answer already. Of course, the Six Classics inject me, and heaven and earth inject me."

"Between heaven and earth, whether I or not, they all exist objectively. Although I can explain heaven and earth, my achievements are still limited. What really belongs to me is that heaven and earth inject me." "Let me experience all kinds of things in this world, and finally I get to write my story and leave my mark on my own life. This is what my life should be like. If I focus on the world, then I will fall into the situation that my life has a limit, but my knowledge has no limit, so there is no limit. Following Wuya’s experience, that would be meaningless, so naturally the heaven and earth care for me.”

After Fang Ze answered, the man in white robe laughed loudly: "Although you and I are very far apart in time and space, and you may have been separated by life and death when you saw me, your answer is what I want, and I think it is." There are really only a few people who think the same as me. Since you can think of this, your knowledge is indeed extraordinary, so I will give you a way to reach the sky."

As he said that, he looked at the two roads to the sky in front of him and turned into one. Fang Ze's choice had shrunk into one road, so there was no need to choose. He stepped on this step to the sky.

Fang Ze walked up the stairs all the way up to the sky. As he walked, he suddenly found a palace above. Before he came to the palace, he saw the man in white robe again.

The man in white robe stood there and said to Fang Ze: "You are very much in line with me when you come here. I will give you some special treatment. If you are strong enough and pass the next test, then you will be the one here." Big benefit.”

As he spoke, the man in white robe opened his mouth and spoke a few orders. These orders were silent, but turned into large golden characters in the air, and then shrank and printed on Fang Ze's forehead.

Fang Ze felt that several golden orders appeared directly in the depths of his consciousness. These orders were obviously extremely powerful, but they could not be issued with normal words. They could only be felt with the heart. When issued with the soul, it was similar to a divine writing. At the same time, Fang Ze felt as if he had a lot more knowledge in his mind.

A corresponding set of divine texts and secrets, and all the knowledge that could be used to arrange formations appeared in his mind, and then in an instant, the sound of breaking glass sounded in Fang Ze's ears, and all the strange phenomena in front of him disappeared at once, as if the glass was shattering and the mirror collapsed. Usually, what appears in front of his eyes in an instant is the real world again.

Fang Ze looked over and saw that without realizing it, he had walked through the thunder pond and reached the other side through the purple duckweed ladder bridge.

Just now he seemed to be walking in another scene, but in fact, his physical body has been moving forward in the thunder pool, and now he has passed the thunder pool and landed on the other side.

Fang Ze took a deep breath. He recalled that the golden words in his mind still existed, and these words were different from normal words. Each one had a meaning, but the meaning was extremely rich. It could not be expressed in normal words and could only be expressed in words. The soul is conveyed from heart to heart.

At the same time, Fang Ze also gained a set of knowledge related to divine formations. From now on, as long as he has matching materials, he can design some formations he needs.

Fang Ze took a deep breath.

"This devil is right. This duckweed formation is actually torturing people's hearts. Maybe I have the same view as the god and got his approval, so I achieved this result." Fang Ze thought to himself.

(End of this chapter)

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