Chapter 239 Trading
1300 pounds?
Chris didn't think the price was expensive, but rather thought it was a bit cheap.

For a set of Sequence 6 potion main ingredients, the price of 1300 pounds is even considered cheap.

He touched his rather bulging wallet, nodded and said:

Hearing Chris agree to the deal, Shatov smiled, got up and walked to the corner, opened the box and took out a bottle from inside.

The transparent glass bottle is filled with light brown powder, accounting for about one-third of the volume of the bottle.

Shatov held the bottle and placed it on the table in front of Chris.

"Ghost bug powder."

Chris looked closer, but just looking at the light brown powder, he felt dizzy before his eyes, and one strange symbol after another seemed to appear in his mind.He raised his head and saw a double image of Shatov in front of him.

He shook his head violently to dispel the hallucinations in his mind.

"Are you sure it's genuine now?" Shatov smiled.

Chris didn't answer. He picked up the bottle, concentrated, and closed his eyes slightly.

In the dream scene that appeared, shattered, and reorganized rapidly, Chris saw Shatov.

He saw Shatov, alone, heading into the woods;

He was seen slashing at trees with an unknown weapon in his hand;
He saw the "branches" suddenly wrapping around his arms like snakes;
I saw him cutting off the skin and muscles of the "twigs" and hanging them on a wooden frame to dry;
I saw him mashing the dried "twigs" and pouring the extremely fine powder into the bottle...

The dream image finally shattered, and Chris returned to reality. At this time, he believed that the glass bottle was indeed the "ghost bug powder" he wanted.

He took out his wallet, counted enough money, and handed it to Shatov.

"It's refreshing enough, you Loen people are different from the Intis people, you are much more refreshing than them."

Shatov chuckled and took the money, put it in his pocket, and pushed the glass bottle forward:
"It's yours now."

Chris nodded and pocketed the glass bottle.

When he bought a coat, he deliberately chose the one with the most pockets, with a total of eight pockets - two on the outside and six on the inside.

Now that the deal has been completed, Chris has no need to stay here any longer, so he gets up to leave.

"Wait a minute," Shatov stopped him and asked with a smile, "You still need gold-winged grass and paper vines, right?"

Chris raised his eyebrows: "You know?"

"If it refers to your path and sequence, then I know it, but if you ask me your name, then I can only shake my head."

Shatov opened the box and took out a wooden rattan and a small wooden box.

"The preservation conditions of paper vine are not so harsh, but gold-winged grass must be preserved carefully."

He said to himself, put the two auxiliary materials on the table, and then smiled at Chris:

"I hope you brought enough money."

Hearing this, Chris felt slightly embarrassed.

Before departure, he had about 1600 pounds in cash. After deducting miscellaneous expenses such as buying food, tickets, sending telegrams, staying in hotels, renting carriages, etc., and subtracting 1300 pounds of "ghost bug powder", he now only had less than 300 pounds. cash.

As for the supplementary materials of Sequence 6 potion, a copy is also around 300 pounds, and I can only afford one of them at most.

However, I still have spiritual materials stored on the "Star Island"...

Chris thought to himself and asked about the price first.

"Paper vine costs 270 pounds, gold-winged grass costs 300 pounds," Shatov replied.

It’s a bit expensive. I can barely afford the “Paper Vine” with my current cash, but after buying it, I’ll be penniless...

Chris didn't expect that one day he would run out of cash.

The main reason is that the price of potion ingredients is too high...

He cursed and asked:

"'Giant', can I exchange potion materials and spiritual materials? My current cash can only afford 'Paper Vine'." "Oh?"

Shatov became interested, "What do you have?"

Chris thought for a moment and replied:
"About 100 ml of ghost shark blood, a crystallized sunflower, a radiant stone, a dawn rooster's red comb, and a rose with a human face."

After Shatov heard this, he was silent for a moment, looked at Chris up and down, and asked:
"Can you carry so much stuff?"

Chris shook his head in embarrassment.

"Is there a 'Warrior', 'Sleepless' or 'Corpse Collector' path?"

"Yes, there is a 'dried adult black-spotted frog'."

"It's worth 160 pounds."

Shatov quickly gave the price, which was slightly lower than the market price.

"Including it, I'm still 150 pounds short." Chris calculated the price in his mind and replied.

Shatov pushed the "Paper Vine" and the box containing the "Goldwing Grass" towards Chris and said:

"Then add a crystal sunflower, its price is exactly 150 pounds.

270 pounds for 'Paper Vine', 'Crystalized Sunflower' and 'Dried Adult Black-spotted Frog' in exchange for 'Goldwing'. "

"Okay," Chris nodded and looked around, "Where is the bathroom?"

Two minutes later, he sat down opposite Shatov again - the bathroom of the semi-underground house was on the ground.

Looking at the two potion ingredients in Chris's hand, Shatov scratched his cheek and said nothing, but the expression on his face was very funny.

After the transaction was completed, Chris returned to the surface alone.

Now I only have one last ingredient left, "Mobile Type Demonic Brainstem", to be promoted to "Scroll Professor"...

Chris thought to himself, feeling faintly excited.

He [-]% believed that Mr. A would be able to get the "Moving Type Devil's Brain Stem". Even if Mr. A didn't have one ready-made, he would definitely try his best to find it for Chris, attracted by the "Darkless One" potion formula.

This is an extraordinary temptation...

Chris thought to himself, took out his ticket and checked the train number again.

The departure time is tomorrow morning, and it's almost noon now. He still has half a day to wander around Winter County.

Chris walked towards the tavern. Before he saw the sign, he heard the noise inside the tavern.

At this time, the tavern was noisy and full of alcohol. The strong laborers in the village had returned from hunting with Shatov. In their free time, they all gathered in the tavern to drink and play cards.

The men chatted endlessly, discussing everything from their harvest to which woman had the most perfect figure, from the origin of "Nepos" to whether the two countries would go to war.

Under the influence of alcohol, a peaceful discussion will always turn into a back-and-forth debate, and then into a heated argument. In the end, they will resolve the argument in a man's way.

Naturally, there is no boxing ring in the tavern. If you want to solve the problem, go to the stable behind the tavern.

Here, the stables take on the role of the boxing ring.

As a foreigner, Chris's dress was very different from theirs, and it was obvious at a glance.

With a smile, he watched two groups of people with different views walking out of the back door of the tavern and heading towards the stable.

Just as he was about to follow him out to watch the excitement, the people who had just gone out all stepped back with panicked expressions, including Andre.

"What's wrong?" Chris grabbed him.

Andre raised his index finger to his mouth and whispered:

"The church people are coming!"

(End of this chapter)

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