Chapter 204 Queen Vinia

Orished, what is he...

Chris thought of the "King of the North" Yurisian in "Grossell's Travels". In the end, five extraordinary people joined forces to kill him.

"Dragon of Justice" Orished should be stronger than Urisian.

The main problem is that the former has "extreme intelligence" while the latter only has instinct.

"At least a demigod."

Chris thought for a moment and gave his own judgment.

"That's not the point of my question," Steve looked around, leaned close to Chris, and asked in a low voice, "Do you think Oris Hed has a human form?"

human form...

Chris knew that human Extraordinaries could evolve into half-mythical creatures at Sequence 4, and he also knew that those born mythical creatures with extremely high Sequences, such as Antigonus, could become humans.

But he really didn't know whether Orishead, the so-called "Dragon of Justice", had a human form in this imagined world.

He realized this and looked at the people around him differently.

"There's no need to make such a fuss."

Steve noticed Chris' eyes, smiled, and continued:
"If my guess is correct, Orished can become a human being, then he should be hidden by Vinia's side."

Chris first thought of the King's Guardsman, and then the image of Sunlet in silver-gray armor with a sharp sword on his waist emerged in his mind.

This "Dawn Knight" can't be the vest of Oris Hed, right?
This is too scary.

"It can't be Sunlet, right?"

Chris expressed his inner doubts.

Steve seemed to have seen through Chris's thoughts. He immediately shook his head in denial and narrowed his eyes slightly:
"I don't think he looks like it. By the way, have you met the queen?"


Chris shook his head. He had never met Vinia's queen, and Vinia had never mentioned this.

It is indeed very strange for a country to have a king without a queen.

Among the oil paintings hanging on the walls of the palace, there is only a single portrait of Vinia, and no women appear.

"Isn't Vinia married yet?"

Chris got into the carriage, Steve beside him, and directed the coachman to drive towards the bar.

"In a bar, you usually get some unexpected information." Steve said.

The carriage slowly leaves the market, where a bonfire dance will be held in the second half of the night and lasts until dawn.

This carnival begins seven days before "Tribute Day" and continues until the day when "Tribute Day" ends.

Ten minutes later, the carriage stopped steadily at the door of a bar.

Steve hopped out of the carriage eagerly, the coins in his pocket clinking.

Chris followed him helplessly. He didn't like drinking very much.

"Two glasses of mead."

Steve threw two strings of silver coins on the table. The coins had an opening in the middle and were strung together by a rope.

The bartender put the silver coins under the table, turned around, scooped out two large glasses of mead from the wine vat in the corner, and handed them to the two of them.

Chris took a sip of the mead and felt the rich and sweet taste.

The thick mead slides down the throat, with a hint of sweetness in the aftertaste.

"Drink it directly? It seems you don't understand at all."

Steve raised his eyebrows, walked aside with the wine glass in hand, scooped out a small glass of mountain spring water from the water tank, and poured it into the glass.

Then, he picked up a wooden stick next to the water tank, reached into the wine glass and stirred it, allowing the spring water to dilute the thick mead.

Chris watched Steve's operation and suddenly felt a slight burning sensation in his throat.

Undiluted mead is too sweet.

Chris followed Steve's example and poured the spring water into the wine glass. After drinking the spring water on top without stirring, he felt that his throat felt better.

"Man, will the king go to the mountain on 'Tribute Day'?" Steve asked familiarly, sitting next to a drinker.

The middle-aged man with a messy beard on his face raised his straw hat, took a sip of wine, and replied:
"Of course. Man, haven't you been to Tribute Day?"

The man curled his lips, with a proud and confident smile on his face:

"I won the lottery ten years ago and participated in the 'Tribute Day' once, but unfortunately I was not selected this year."

Steve nodded and said nonchalantly:
"Oh, then it seems that you are not very lucky. I won the lottery five years ago, and I won again this year."

"Man, answer truthfully, how much did you drink tonight?" The man raised his eyebrows in surprise, "After winning the lottery once, you can only be eligible to draw again after ten years."

He chuckled: "I dare say you never won the lottery!"

"Yeah," Steve deliberately made a disappointed expression, "I really want to see Queen Vinia. She must have a stunning appearance. Maybe I can only see it on 'Tribute Day'."


The man turned sideways, looked left and right, and whispered:

"Don't say this word carelessly, be careful not to let others hear it."

"Oh? Does the king have something to hide?" Steve asked in surprise.

When Steve entered the palace of Vinia, he discovered the clues. He did not see the queen of Vinia, nor did he see any clues about her in the palace.

The two ladies who spent the night with him also kept silent about the queen.

Steve realizes that the Queen exists, or at least "used to" exist.

He originally thought that Chris would be aware of this matter as well as himself, but he thought wrong and had to take the initiative to mention it to Chris.

The man pushed the empty wine glass towards Steve, held his cheek, and smiled.

Steve also smiled heartily and glanced sideways at Chris.

The latter stood up and brought a full glass of ale.

"Man, you've got to ask the right person about this."

The man took a sip of wine and wiped the foam from his stubble, making his cheeks look even redder.

"The Queen doesn't show up on Tribute Day, nor does she show up at ordinary festivals, because she is insane and a madman."

"Why?" Chris asked curiously.

The man lowered his voice:

"It's a curse."


Maybe it has something to do with Oris Hurd?

"Yes." The man nodded, "In a previous 'Tribute Day', the king dedicated his daughter to the 'Dragon of Justice'."

"Yes, I've heard this rumor too."

A short man as thin as a linen sat next to him holding a wine glass. The thin linen shirt on his body made him even thinner.

He took a sip of wine and continued:

"The queen went crazy after the king sacrificed their daughter to the 'Dragon of Justice'."


Chris and Steve looked at each other silently, realizing the severity in each other's eyes.

If this is the case, then the queen, like the king and Sunlet, hates Orished, which is completely different from the people's opinion.

"Why, shouldn't she be happy? Her daughter has a chance to live forever." Steve asked.

The thin man shrugged and said disapprovingly:

"I also think she should be happy. Maybe the queen wants to spend more time with her daughter."

"Is no one surprised by this? Also, how do you know?" Chris asked.

(End of this chapter)

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