Chapter 174 Tarot Club

(Chapter 174 - Wanted)

In the early morning after the heavy rain, the weather was clear, and the sun shined through the gaps in the clouds and fell on the earth.

In the drainage ditches on the roadside, the accumulated water with fallen leaves floating on them is gradually receding. After the drainage ditches are exposed to the sun and dried, a rotten smell will be emitted from the roadside.

University District, Hoy University Logistics Department, Mechanical Heart Conference Room

Dorn and Pengka, two suspects died mysteriously in the interrogation room of the police station. The death was tragic and horrific, and there must be extraordinary factors.

What's even more frightening is that David Horik, the Sequence 8 Extraordinary of the "General Knowledge" path, was at the scene, but his inspiration did not appear, and he did not even find the appearance of the murderer.

This is extremely dangerous. The attacker's strength is likely to exceed Sequence 8, reaching Sequence 7 or Sequence 6, and it is very likely that he will have the help of magical items.

"Is it the 'wizard' who once appeared in the suburbs? He attacked the two people who were arrested?" Annie asked, holding her chin.

Classical dark robes, wizard, the target is too obvious.

Horik stood silent, he was noncommittal.

Albert Gore put his hands on the table and said:
"Since the 'Wizard' appeared in the suburbs, attacked the arrested Dorn and others, and then fought with Horik, but did not entangle and ran away quickly, then we assume that the murderer was killed at the police station. He was the murderer of Dorn and Penka."

Albert glanced at everyone and said calmly:

"Then we can draw the following conclusions..."

"His target is Dorn and Penka, and he has no ill intentions towards us." Catherine took over the conversation and came to the conclusion for the captain.

"Yes, since the 'Wizard' did not attack Horik in the suburbs or the police station, judging from the strength of the 'Wizard', he can easily injure Horik..."

Fred sat in the chair. Although he had recovered, Albert had no intention of letting him go on field duty.

"He may be hiding something, and Dorn or Penka know this." Catherine said with her arms crossed.

Horik nodded:

"He has used an extraordinary ability similar to the 'Sleep' spell, which shows that he may be from the Church of the Night, or he may be a wild Beyonder from a related path."

"Okay, I will contact the Nighthawks." Albert picked up the pen and paper on the table and began to write a telegram, "By the way, has any official Beyonder defected from the Church of the Goddess of the Night?"

The conference room fell into silence, defection, this word is a bit scary.

Seeing that no one answered, Albert raised his head and shrugged: "Pretend I didn't say anything."

Horik took the brass-colored Triangular Holy Glory from the table and said lightly:

"After the meeting is over, I will go to the outskirts and ask the villagers about Dorn and Pengka. Maybe I can get news about the 'Wizard'."

Albert nodded in agreement and said:

"Following Catherine's train of thought, let's think about it, what is the 'Wizard', an extraordinary person with extraordinary strength, hiding? Is there any news that he doesn't want others to know?"

Everyone was silent for a while, but they all had the answer in their hearts. Catherine raised her eyebrows and asked:

"Secret organization?" "It's very possible," Albert said. "Judging from the attack methods of the 'Wizard' at the police station, he can kill the target without being discovered without fear of exposure. Then he If you act rashly and kill Dawn in front of Horik, you must be trying to hide something."

"Exactly what he wants to hide depends on whether Horik can find some clues and clues from the villagers in the suburbs."

Fred looked at Horik's background and said slowly.

North District, Blackthorn Security Company
Dunn Smith looked at Dan's autopsy report submitted by Frye without saying a word and frowning.

According to Frye's autopsy, Robert Dan was spiritually unstable and suffered a rapid mental breakdown when he was dying. However, his out-of-control progress was forcibly terminated by certain factors.

That "wizard" was definitely wrong. Dan's death was probably related to him.

But Dunn and Albert also had the same question: why didn't the "wizards" have any ill intentions towards them?

According to the action report of Frye and Luo Yao Leiting, yesterday, the "Wizard" was fighting another wild Beyonder. After the carriage they were riding in arrived, the wild Beyonder fled first, and the "Wizard" also Dodge bullets and run away.

According to the two people’s observations, “The wizard is at least Sequence 8 and is assisted by extraordinary items. He moves very quickly and may have some prophecy ability.

Dunn closed the document and happened to hear the conversation outside. He opened the door and looked at Klein who was walking towards him:

"what's the matter?"


In the next two days, Klein, reminded by his own spirituality, dreamed of the "Antigonus Notes", discovered the room that Chris had arranged as a closed environment, and discovered the body of Katie Bieber. The Nighthawks Rey Bieber was immediately wanted.

On Sunday, Klein also went to Old Neil's home, learned ritual magic from him, and reimbursed a 30-pound bill.

The Nighthawks of Backlund Parish also set out to support the Tingen Nighthawks, carrying the magical item that once belonged to the Antigonus family - Sealed Artifact 2-049.

The Punishers were internally looking for the "instigator" Tris. Because their relationship with the Church of the Night was not very good, they did not inform the Nighthawks of this embarrassing news.

As for Chris, apart from staying at home to read the newspaper, he also goes out to digest potions - he has basically summed up the rules for playing the "Wizard".

The most important point is to act and truly become a "wizard". The rest of the key points are to explore knowledge in the field of occultism, explore the unknown, pray to unknown existences, and get corresponding favors.

In addition, he also bought a pointed wide-brimmed hat and a light-colored classical style robe from a "bizarre costume store" in the East District.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Chris, wearing new clothes, sat on the sofa and watched the crimson tide rising from the floor, boiling into the air, and engulfing himself.

Mr. "Fool" has already sat behind the high-backed chair at the head of the long bronze table. He put his hands on his chin with a mysterious smile on his face. He looked at the three crimson stars above the gray mist with a smile. They erupted one after another, and three different figures flashed out.

Behind Chris's high-backed chair, a man with dark purple eyes appeared, unusually indifferent and lifeless eyes.

Klein looked at that eye and felt that there was a mysterious power behind it that he couldn't see through. It was a power that he couldn't see through even above the gray fog.

Maybe when I improve my strength and sequence, I can see through the "hermit". He is the most complicated of the three...

Klein turned his head slightly and looked at the "hermit" who was sitting quietly on a high-backed chair and wearing a robe.


(End of this chapter)

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