Chapter 154 Magic Powder
In the evening, after eating the stewed lamb with peas and Fenbo noodles carefully prepared by Mrs. Phyllis, Chris immediately threw himself into the intense magic powder making.

Extraordinaries of other paths often use magic potions, but "wizards" are different from them. The casting carrier of "wizards" is magic powder.Powder is easy to store, does not deteriorate easily, and is more portable.

In the eyes of the "wizard", any material in nature can become his own weapon. As long as the materials are matched correctly and the production process is correct, then just a leaf can be turned into a sharp blade and slit the enemy's throat.

This is easy to understand: there are many spiritual materials in the extraordinary world, and even ordinary materials have their own corresponding characteristics. "Wizards" can match different types of materials and create unique spell-casting materials through different combinations. .

Theoretically, there are endless types of magic powder - not only different types of basic materials will produce differences, but also different proportions of the same material, and even different spiritualities instilled by extraordinary people will produce different magic powders.

But according to internal information from the Moss Ascetic Order, the most powerful "wizard" in history used no more than ten types of magic powder.

This is easy to explain: these are historically proven safe spellcasting materials.

Before the Morse Trappist Order degenerated into a secret organization, its members were very keen on exploring various materials in nature, and almost all of them were chemists.

But after the fall of the "Hidden Sage", the research of the Moss Dervish Order also tended to stagnate. Many exquisite and rare combinations and production techniques were lost, and in the end, only a few were left.

But this did not stop the members of the Moss Trappist Order from exploring. They mainly conducted research through two methods:

The first is an ancient and traditional method that existed before the Moss Ascetic Order fell:
Keep trying and experimenting in nature.

But the failure rate is very high, and there are very few successes - almost all the materials that can be easily obtained have been tested, and the remaining materials are either extremely difficult to obtain or very dangerous.At the same time, it also has a lot to do with the extraordinary person himself. The degree of digestion of the magic potion and the intensity of spiritual infusion can be the key to success.

The second is a new method discovered by the members of the Moss Trappist Order after its fall:

Listen to the whispers of the "Hidden Sage", accept his transformation, stop the pace of inquiry, and welcome the pursuit of knowledge.

This method has both risks and chances. Before they died, many greedy members not only knew how to make magic powder, but also knew the high-sequence formula of the "Peeper" path, but they could never put it into practice and try to pass it. Even spiritual people without exception become mad.

But there are exceptions, but of course those successful "wizards" will not share their research results with others.

All in all, the magic powder available to a "wizard" is theoretically endless, and its effects are also varied, but since the Fifth Epoch, there are actually less than ten types of magic powder that a "wizard" can use.

For ordinary materials, their own spiritual qualities are very rare and can only be used as a carrier for spellcasting. Moreover, these materials must be hard enough to withstand the spirituality instilled by extraordinary people, otherwise they will fall apart during production.

Currently, the only materials Chris has on hand are a pot of black roses, a pile of sand and gravel powder, and a few pebbles picked up from the river.

After simple and accurate testing, both sand and gravel powder and cobblestones can be used as spellcasting carriers.

Wearing a dark robe, he sat behind a desk with the above-mentioned materials laid out in sequence.

Chris stood up and opened the curtains, letting the crimson moonlight shine into the room. With the candlelight on the windowsill, he could see more clearly.

He didn't turn on the light. He thought that this kind of working environment was not too different from that of a wizard in the fourth era, and it was easier to play.

There is only one black rose, and he must use it carefully.

Chris plucked one of the petals with tweezers and instilled spirituality in it, but the petals shattered into a pile of powder.

His first attempt was a clear failure, the spirituality Chris instilled was too much for the petals to bear.

He then picked another petal, and this time he covered it with a pile of finely crushed red sandstone, and then instilled spirituality into it.This time it was very successful. The red sandstone glowed slightly under the infusion of spirituality, but then the temperature increased and it actually started to smoke.

Of course the stone will not catch fire, Chris swept away the gravel, and the petals buried underneath had been scorched and curled up into a black thing.

Strange, the spirituality of this black rose is obviously stronger, why failed twice in a row...

Chris held his chin and thought. One of the "Wizard's" extraordinary abilities is to increase his sensitivity to materials in nature. When he was in the underground trading market, he intuitively discovered the specialness of this pot of black roses, so he purchased it.

But now the black rose does not respond to his spirituality, which makes Chris begin to suspect that something went wrong in his production process.

Do you need to pray to the "Hidden Sage" first, and also need the help of ritual magic?But it's obviously not needed...

Chris would never pray to the evil god. He just picked off all the petals and tried them one by one.

A little infusion of spirituality, just a drop? ……no.

How about soaking it in water and infusing it with spirituality? ……no.

How about taking out some soil and burying the petals in it? ……no.

What about direct spiritual infusion? …Holy shit!
The rose petals burned through the desk, leaving a black mark on it.

Chris held his forehead, and now only the last two petals of the black rose were left, and a rhizome with sharp thorns.

He was very sure that this pot of black roses had enough spirituality to be turned into a magic material, but he didn't know how to make it.

It's like you have the right key and you insert it, but you can't open the door.

So depressing!

Chris sighed and turned to look out the window. The window of the study was facing the countryside. Outside was a plain. There were only a few lonely oak trees in the field of vision. He could see very far away. If it weren't for the drooping star curtain, he would be almost invisible. The dividing line between the earth and the night sky cannot be seen clearly.

He opened the window, felt the night breeze blowing against his face, and stood by the window thinking quietly.

There was silence in his ears. At this moment, Chris could only hear the chirping of insects in the flower bed downstairs, but now he wanted to hear some other sounds.

Such as the whispers of the "Hidden Sage."

The knowledge he transmits is messy and full of malice, but I can rely on the personality of Star Island to resist it. Do I want to give it a try?Alas, forget it, the knowledge He transmits may not be exactly what I need...

Chris scratched his head and was about to turn around and try his luck again when a figure appeared in his field of vision.

An old man in a red robe walked towards this side. He seemed to be aware of Chris's gaze and smiled at him while stroking his beard.

Chris' inspiration suddenly twitched violently, and he immediately reached into his pocket and pinched a packet of "Sleep" powder.

(End of this chapter)

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