Chapter 146 Hospital
Chris returns the mystery scroll to the fake cop:

"What's your name?"

The fake policeman grabbed his cap and slowly lowered his head:

"My name is Pop. I was a... well, I was a longshoreman."

"So, he used this scroll to defraud you of 40 pounds?"

"Yes... He said he would give this scroll to me as a gift, but my wife insisted on giving him money... I thought this scroll would bring me some benefit, but it turned out... this is our salary for more than two years, Oh, it’s all my fault!”

As Pope said, he slapped himself hard, and sat down on the ground, leaning against the wall in a decadent way.

Chris also understood the whole story. Wilmot gave this mysterious and useless scroll to Pope and defrauded him of 40 pounds.

Wilmot's frivolous, cynical person could indeed do this.

He handed the scroll back to Pope: "Is your wife okay now?"

Upon hearing this, Popper's eyes instantly became wet:
"There is nothing I can do except continue working..."

Chris sighed silently. The extraordinary world is indeed tempting and attractive enough for ordinary people, but ordinary people do not have any means of identification, and it is common to be deceived. In the least, they will lose their fortune, and in the worst, their families will be destroyed.

He looked at Pop sitting on the floor, suddenly thought of something, and said quickly:
"Perhaps you can get back the forty pounds."


Pope raised his head and looked at Chris in disbelief.

"Now go and buy a ticket to Pulitzer Harbour, hand over something to me, and the errand fee is 50 pounds. Wait..."

Chris said and ran back to the study, got a small bottle of "Ghost Shark Blood" and handed it to Pop.

"That's it. You go buy a ticket to Pulitzer Harbour, go to Pelican Street in the White Rose District, find the 'Warrior and Sea' bar, and tell the bar owner Williams that this is what the 'Captain' wants."

Chris smiled at him and took out five 5-pound notes from his bulging wallet:

"I'll pay you 25 pounds in advance, and I'll give you another 25 pounds when it's delivered."


Pop quickly stood up from the ground, looked at Chris with wide eyes, and looked at the banknotes in his hand.

"thanks, thanks……"

Popper wiped away tears, took the "ghost shark blood" and money from Chris, and thanked him repeatedly.

He never thought he would have a chance to get back the 40 pounds he was defrauded, not to mention that he would get an extra 10 pounds for running errands.

Chris patted his shoulder with relief, took out a ticket from his pocket and handed it to him, saying:

"You can save some money by refunding my ticket."

Pop took the ticket and opened his eyes with tears:
"Mr. Graxe, thank you, thank you..."

Chris nodded and asked:

"Do you remember what I told you?"

"Remember, remember," Pope wiped away his tears and repeated quickly, "Pulitz Harbor, White Rose District, Pelican Street, 'Warrior and Sea' bar, go to the boss Williams and tell him this It's what the 'captain' wants." Chris sent Pope out and warned:
"Pop, please don't tell anyone else, and don't tell your wife about this. By the way, don't believe these things in the future, they are all scams."

"I understand, Mr. Graxe, I will definitely remember it. Thank you, I will buy a ticket now, and buy the earliest ticket tomorrow."

Pope held Chris's hands in both hands, and the latter felt as if his hands had been stretched into dry charcoal, and seemed to be wrapped in rough bark. These were indeed a pair of hard-working hands. The hemp rope has worn out a thick cocoon.

Pop bowed deeply to Chris, then walked away in three steps and turned back. Chris breathed a sigh of relief, then returned to the study, picked up a pen and paper, and wrote the divination sentence on it:
"There is no danger on Pop's journey"

He clutched the paper, closed his eyes, entered a meditative state, and came to the dreamland.

In a dim dream, Chris saw Pope's plain face, saw him carefully put "Ghost Shark Blood" into the inner pocket of his clothes, saw him take the steam train all the way south, and saw him find the "Warrior" "Yu Hai" bar, handed the "Ghost Shark Blood" to the boss Williams...

The dream suddenly shattered, and Chris returned to reality instantly. He let out a long breath, and a stone fell to the ground in his heart.


At night, on an almost deserted street

In the swaying carriage, Dunn and Klein sat opposite each other.

"Klein, you should be able to understand what I just told you, right? Welch and Naya are unconscious, but you still look very healthy. You know what that means."

"This means that I may be in greater danger than them?"

Dunn took out his pipe and sniffed it, then said:
"Yes. Just like the case in March that I just mentioned, the client seemed very normal, had no problems, had a smooth job, and a happy family, but he strangled himself to death just because he participated in a sacrificial ceremony a few years ago. Kill yourself."

Klein felt that the night was unusually quiet. He said nothing, and the carriage fell into silence again, as silent as the street.

After an unknown amount of time, the carriage stopped, and the driver turned his head and said:

"Mr. Smith, the hospital has arrived."

"Let's go," Dunn adjusted his black trench coat, "Don't you want to meet Welch and Naya?"

After Klein got out of the car, Dunn continued:

"Oh, by the way, 'The Expert' is here too, the most famous psychic in Ahowa County."

The two walked into the hospital. The gas lamp overhead in the corridor cast dim light on the pale walls. The pungent smell of disinfectant could be smelled in the air. There were benches in the deep corridor, but no one was there. The atmosphere was inexplicably strange.

Since Welch's father was a banker, Welch and Naya were assigned to the special needs ward on the top floor. Dunn led Klein up the stairs to the top floor and outside the ward.

There is no pungent smell in the corridor outside the special needs ward. On the contrary, you can smell the fragrance. There are night herbs and sleep flowers in the vase at the door, giving people a sense of peace and tranquility.

Dunn gently twisted the handle and pushed open the door. As soon as the door was opened, Klein's hair stood on end. No matter how large the ward is, he wouldn't have the feeling of being watched by many people!

He now feels that in the dark of the ward, behind the medical equipment, and under the hospital bed, there are pairs of eyes hidden, one by one, that are silently watching him!

Klein's back was wet with "shua". He swallowed and reminded in a low voice:
"Something is wrong here!"

Without any pause, Dunn pushed the door open and said:

"No problem, come in with me."

Klein's inner tension did not disappear because of Dunn's firm tone. He followed Dunn, ready to escape immediately if anything unusual happened.

(End of this chapter)

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