Mystery: I can change things in books

Chapter 116 Chapter Misty Village

Chapter 116 Return to Mist Village

"It should be an evil spirit. It is possible that someone held some kind of ceremony to summon out the evil spirit sleeping in the suburbs."

Horik fingered the "Requiem" charm in his pocket. In addition to the revolver on his waist, each of them also carried three different charms, namely "Sleep", "Dreamland" and "Requiem". .

"It is possible, but whether they are evil spirits or living corpses, they must be very dangerous, so be careful when moving." Albert touched the ring on the ring finger of his left hand, and the cold touch made him more awake.

With his hands in his pockets, Chris concentrated his mind, raised his left eyebrow from time to time, and switched on his spirit vision, but he is not a Beyonder of the "Corpse Collector" path, and even if he encounters evil spirits and living corpses hiding in the dark, he can't be the first Time to discover.

However, Chris can also get hints from the symbols imprinted on his left wrist by Star Island. Every time he encounters danger or certain characters in the plot, his wrist will feel different, such as tingling or warmth. .

However, it seems that the prompt for the same target will not appear a second time after it appears once, which makes Chris a little helpless.

"It's foggy, have you noticed it?"

Horik covered his mouth and reminded.

Everyone turned to look, and sure enough, a layer of mist seemed to suddenly rise around them, or in other words, they walked into the mist unknowingly.

"Mist Village?"

Albert unfolded the map and looked around. He knew that there was a village in the suburbs that was named "Misty Village" because of the frequent fog around it. However, many years ago, climatologists and the Mechanical Heart conducted field surveys. The reason for the fog was Smoke and dust from several heavy industrial factories spread to the suburbs and lingered around Misty Village for years.

People in this era have little awareness of environmental protection, and there is no "environmentalism". In addition, those heavy industry factories were established under the leadership of the Tingen city government and are an important source of tax revenue. The government has not allowed them to be shut down. Steam engines Coal mines and coal mines operate day and night, spraying various chemical fumes into the atmosphere.

"Probably not," Horik sniffed. The surrounding air seemed to be very fresh, and his throat did not feel the itching sensation that made him want to cough. "This fog is not from around Misty Village."

Albert stretched out his fingers to compare on the map, put it away, and said: "Then we are still some distance away from the Misty Village. Let's go on. We can go there and have a look."

Chris didn't speak. He breathed lightly and let his lungs rise and fall at a minimum. This was one of the small abilities he gained after becoming a "Fighting Scholar".

Everyone walked towards the Misty Village. None of them heard a woman crying on the road, nor did they hallucinate or see a ghost in white.

"The fog is thick again."

Horik took a cigarette in his mouth and mumbled something. He lit the cigarette with a match, took a few puffs, and flicked it away with his fingertips.In the thin white mist, the cigarette butt looked like a falling meteor.

Chris became alert and tensed up. He seemed to be back to the time when he had just crossed over. The white fog that had become thicker for some reason made him feel uncomfortable. He didn't like this feeling of being unable to see the surroundings and determine the direction.

The white fog was getting thicker and thicker, and the visibility was less than three meters at this time. The three of them were surprised to find that they were lost in the suburbs.

The suburbs are under the jurisdiction of the Heart of Machinery. With their eyes closed, Albert and Horik can walk all the way from the suburbs of the South District to the suburbs of the North District without deviation. But now, they feel that they are not even in the suburbs, but in another place. The world is a world full of white mist.

They passed a small cabin made entirely of wood, with no lights on.

Chris felt something familiar. He called to Albert and Horik and stopped in front of the cabin.

"What's wrong?" Albert came over, covered his mouth and asked in a low voice.

"I feel a little familiar." Chris frowned, feeling like he had been here before.Horik reached out and touched the outer wall of the wooden house. Some of the rotten wood became damp due to the mist and felt sticky to the touch.

"Chris, do you know this place?"

Chris pondered for a moment, then remembered, and replied: "The owner of this wooden house is called Gemma, a woman in her 50s... We should be not far from Misty Village."

He walked around to the door and knocked on the door, but no one answered.

"Fortunately, Gemma is not here..."

Chris breathed a sigh of relief. Although Sheriff Downs said she was a bad person, Gemma had helped her when she was helpless, which made him at least somewhat fond of her.

They continued to walk forward. After knowing that Misty Village was nearby, Albert and Horick easily determined the direction. They walked towards Misty Village and successfully saw the road sign.

"Huh, there's Misty Village ahead," Albert scratched the back of his head through his hat, "I haven't been here much."

"Me too," Horik nodded. "The villagers of Misty Village feel that others calling this place 'Misty Village' is discriminatory against them, and they don't interact with other people very much."

"What's the official name of this village?" Chris asked.

Chris returned to his old place, and it was a place that brought him bad memories, which made him a little nervous. He asked a question casually, hoping to relax himself.

Both Albert and Horik were silent. This place was called Mist Village when Albert was a child, and many people have forgotten its original name.

"I don't know," Albert replied truthfully, "We can go to the city archives to check it out after we go back."

"No, it's called Mist Village." A seductive female voice suddenly sounded in the mist. Mrs. Sharon walked over in a white dress. She stood in front of the three of them, stroking her chest and bending slightly, "Mr. Hello, everyone."

"Mrs. Sharon?" Horik recognized this charming woman at a glance, "What are you doing here? It's very dangerous here. Leave quickly!"

Albert didn't speak. He stared at the book held by Mrs. Sharon. The extraordinary ability of the "appraiser" was activated automatically. He realized that this was not an ordinary book, but a magical item that could rival the sealed artifact. !
Albert could feel deep resentment in it. Just looking at its cover made his brain feel very uncomfortable, as if he were facing an abyss!

Mrs. Sharon noticed Albert's reaction, she covered her mouth and chuckled: "Sorry, Mr. Police, this book..."

Albert raised his head and looked directly into Mrs. Sharon's eyes: "Who are you?"

"Me?" Mrs. Sharon opened her mouth slightly, pointed at herself, and showed a surprised expression, "I am Mrs. Sharon, haven't you heard of me?"

Her charming eyes glanced over the three of them, and her eyes stopped on Chris's face.

Mrs. Sharon stepped forward and reached out to touch Chris's cheek, her eyes full of love and affection:
"I know you, Chris Doty, the last bloodline of the Lundborg Doty family. Haha, I don't know why you came to Loen and became the Heart of Machinery... I remember that Lundborg believed in the Church of Knowledge. Is it right?"

Chris twisted his body violently, but found that he couldn't move!

(End of this chapter)

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