Mystery: I can change things in books

Chapter 111 Sharon's Request

Chapter 111 Sharon's Request

It’s Sharon again…

Chris felt like every moment of his life was involved with Mrs. Sharon, like his life was being manipulated.

Could it be Ince Zangwill, 0-08?

No, how could Zangwill know who I am now?I'm not a member of the Nighthawks.

Chris was thinking deeply, but his thoughts were interrupted by Principal Horn.

Horn felt that the face in front of him was a little familiar, and he asked cautiously, "You, have you seen it?"

Chris nodded and smiled nonchalantly: "Principal Horn, I didn't expect you to be so interested in the emotional experience of Emperor Russell."

Principal Horn breathed a sigh of relief, but before he could speak, Catherine's next words made him feel like a bolt from the blue:
"What is your relationship with Mrs. Sharon? As far as I know, you are married, right?"


Principal Horn's face turned red and he didn't know how to answer. Indeed, he and Mrs. Sharon were somewhat ambiguous, but there was no real progress yet.

Catherine crossed her arms with a joking look on her face: "I guessed it right, didn't I?"

"No," Principal Horn quickly denied, "She just asked me to help her research some history, about the history of Emperor Roselle..."


The corner of Chris's mouth raised slightly. Emperor Russell was indeed the key, and what the Witch Sect was pursuing must be the Emperor's creation.

"What did she ask you to study?" Chris asked.

"She... Hey, shouldn't you two police officers be investigating the scene now?"

Principal Horn asked angrily, but he did not dare to shout loudly now. The woman in front of him was not easy to deal with at first sight. If she spread the news about what happened between him and Mrs. Sharon, how could he stay in the university? ?

"We have conducted a brief investigation, and there is no obvious trace of theft," Chris made a gesture to calm him down, "Your safe is also intact, and the door of the bedroom has not been opened."

Catherine nodded and took over the topic: "According to the housemaid, she saw the thief in the hall as soon as she entered the door. The thief was very panicked. He probably just entered your house and didn't have a chance to make a move."

"Principal Horn, what did Mrs. Sharon ask you to study?" Chris then asked.

Principal Horn closed the book and put it back on the table: "I, I don't have to answer your question. This has nothing to do with my home being stolen, right?"

"It doesn't matter. We won't leak any of the conversation. You can trust us. We are just curious."

Catherine raised her eyebrows and smiled. Principal Horn thought this was the smile of a femme fatale. Of course he knew what she meant - you don’t have to tell us, but tomorrow the headlines of "Hoy University President and Mrs. Sharon are having an affair" might be on the headlines. appeared on the front page of a newspaper.

Even if regular and large newspapers such as "Tingen City Honest News" and "Tingen Morning Post" may not publish such content, some tabloids and gossip magazines will definitely not let go of such an opportunity.

In order to attract attention, some weird and bizarre content is added to the story...

Principal Horn shuddered and quickly replied: "Okay, okay, I'll tell you what she asked me to study, but you must not leak the conversation. She and I are just good friends..."

Catherine nodded repeatedly and looked like she was listening carefully. She was just curious about the gossip, while Chris beside her had other thoughts.

"About three weeks ago, Mrs. Sharon came to me..."

Martin Horn stood on the podium wearing a form-fitting suit.

This is a forum held by Hoy University with the theme of "Ruen Import and Export Trade and Economic Development Prospect Forecast".As the president of Hoy University, a doctor of business, and a person who once took a photo with the current King George III, he naturally took the lead in giving a speech.

After the lengthy but informative speech, he returned to the stage and listened to the speeches and reports of other business scholars.

The forum lasted about three hours. When it was over, Mrs. Sharon walked up to him holding a photo and asked him to sign it.

"Principal Horn, can you please sign for me? I have always admired you." Mrs. Sharon put on light makeup and smiled slightly.

To be honest, Martin Horn has not had a heartbeat for a long time.But at that moment, he was completely obsessed with this woman.

Of course he knew who this woman was, Mrs. Sharon, Tingen Diamond, a woman who danced between the Conservative Party and the New Party. It was the dream of many men to be appreciated by her.

"Of course," Horn smiled and took the pen and signed the photo for her. It was his own photo. "I didn't expect Mrs. Sharon to be interested in economics."

"Haha," Mrs. Sharon covered her mouth and chuckled, and took out a book, "Actually, I have been reading this book just now. Its content has nothing to do with economics. Look at the cover."

Horn turned the book to the cover. Sure enough, it was a book called "The Love Story of Emperor Russell".

He turned to the title page, and a line of beautiful words came into view:
Give me a handsome and mighty knight. ——Sharon.

"Mrs. Sharon, what are you..."

Horn's old face turned red, was Mrs. Sharon showing her love to him?

"Principal, this book is for you, but I have one more request..."

"You say, you say."

Horn nodded quickly. He had been charmed by Sharon invisibly, and now he was willing to go up mountains of swords and seas of fire.

"Can you help me research the emotional experience of Emperor Russell? I know that his wife is Matilda, but he may have met a woman before that he will remember for the rest of his life."

Lady Sharon knew of Beryl Marian's existence, but she felt it was not that simple.

She never quite believed what was written in "The History of Love", so she decided to seek verification from various sources. Martin Horn, the president of Hoy University, was her first target.

"Okay, I will do as you said," Horn nodded, "I will start with this "Love History of Emperor Roselle" first, and I will let you know if I find anything new, Mrs. Sharon, yours telegraph……"

"No," the white gauze gloves passed over his cheek, and Mrs. Sharon showed a charming and seductive smile, "My home is on Olsner Street in the East District..."

"Mrs. Sharon is really beautiful." Catherine chuckled.

Chris nodded heavily in agreement.

Principal Horn said helplessly: "But I haven't researched it yet. Emperor Russell's emotional experience is too complicated. Many of his stories recorded in this book can also be seen in other books, but the names of the people are not the same." Same, this is too weird.”

"Maybe the stories in other books are based on Emperor Russell." Chris suggested a direction.

Principal Horn's eyes lit up immediately: "Yes! Why didn't I think of that?!"

His current demeanor does not look like a person whose home was stolen and whose secret was discovered by others. The power of the "witch" lies in this, making people sink invisibly.Ordinary people cannot notice their own changes at all.

Horik opened the door and came in: "Are you done talking?"

(End of this chapter)

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