She Song

Chapter 288 The Destruction of Zonghan Group

Chapter 288 The Destruction of Zonghan Group

Facing three outflanking armies of the Zhenguo Army, Wanyan Zonghan realized that his situation was extremely dangerous. Although he had the numerical advantage, the explosives and crossbows seemed unable to keep up.

Of the sixty Hanwang cannons that had been painstakingly forged, there were now only twenty left, and the shells and gunpowder had run out. Another drawback brought about by the multi-day siege was the huge consumption of crossbow arrows.

In addition to the Jinzhou garrison, the other three troops of the Zhenguo Army should have sufficient supplies. Once they are blocked in Jinzhou, they will become the turtle in the urn!
If you want to choose to break out, the Zhenguo army that landed thirty miles north of Jinzhou should be the weakest link. They must run to Shengzhou to obtain rear supplies.

Immediately, a cavalry team of [-] people and [-] infantry immediately attacked the Zhenguo Army in the north, and the remaining Jurchen troops outside the city also gathered to the north of the city.

The large-scale mobilization of tens of thousands of Jin troops could not be hidden from Xiao Qian. It seemed that Zong Han had already noticed the strategic encirclement intention of the Zhenguo Army.

"In order to annihilate Zong Han, beat me hard and hold back the enemies in the city!"

When the officers and soldiers of the Xiren Division and the Second Division of the Zhenguo Army learned that the Jurchens wanted to escape, they immediately became full of high morale and launched several fierce counterattacks, which immediately overwhelmed the Jin Army.

Han Shizhong, who was responsible for cutting off the Jin army's route to Shengzhou at Thirty Mile Hills in the north of Jinzhou, looked at the [-] men who had built a position, and then looked at Jinzhou City in the south, patrolling back and forth on the hills.

"Dig the trenches deeper, spread out the barricades and pits as much as possible, and set up the artillery. As long as Golden Dog's cavalry cannot get up quickly, they will be a living target!"

Su Ge, his old subordinate, suddenly came out and asked with a smile: "Brother, just rest assured, old dog Zong Han will definitely not be able to escape this time!"

Han Shizhong rolled his eyes at him and said: "The news of being surrounded on three sides can't be kept secret for long. If I were Zong Han, I would definitely attack Sanli Gang. The current strength of the troops is really overwhelming."

Before he finished speaking, five troop transport ships docked on the sea, and 3 fully armed Zhenguo officers and soldiers joined them. At the same time, the southern scouts reported that the Jin Army's [-] mixed infantry and cavalry troops were less than five miles away. inside.

Han Shizhong immediately said to Su Ge: "Get ready to fight!"

Su Ge knew that the ensuing blocking battle would be extremely bloody, so he raised his hands and saluted: "Yes! Promise not to let go of a golden dog!" Then he returned to the hillside on the right.

3 troops came from afar, boundless, and the formation was quite scary.

After [-] steps, Han Shizhong decided to use artillery to kill the opponent's majesty first: "Aim at the cavalry and fire!"

The fifteen Hanwang cannons that had been calibrated to shoot Zhuyuan began to pour out firepower, and the iron balls directly hit the Jurchen cavalry one after another.

The dense Jin army discovered the artillery attack by the Zhenguo Army and immediately adopted evasive tactics of evacuating and advancing forward. However, roadblocks and pits prevented the cavalry from moving forward. Therefore, they paid the price of hundreds of cavalry and advanced to a thousand steps.

Seeing that the Jin army was in chaos, Han Shizhong changed his order: "Load the explosives and attack the golden dogs in a group!"

"Bang bang bang!"

One after another, explosive bombs exploded in the formation of the Jin army!

The vanguard officer of the Jin Army saw that the cavalry was having difficulty marching and being massacred by artillery fire, so he had to order the infantry to charge towards the hills on both sides of the front to reduce the pressure on the cavalry.

So the battlefield was 300 meters wide, and tens of thousands of Jin Army infantry risked their lives to launch the first wave of charge.

However, the skilled artillerymen of the Zhenguo Army always fired shells at any Jin Army soldiers who gathered into groups. Every time a shot was fired, there were always many Jin Army casualties.

A thousand steps away, the Jurchen soldiers were bleeding like rivers.

After finally rushing to a hundred steps, repeating crossbows began to be fired on the hillside. Every time the two thousand repeating crossbowmen pulled the trigger, the unobstructed soldiers at the front of the Jin army fell in pieces like wheat.

The Jin army also picked up their bows and crossbows to fight back, but most of the soldiers of the Zhenguo army hid in the trenches, and most of the arrows fired failed.

The Jin army entered seventy steps, and the second ten thousand infantry of the Jin army rushed forward from behind to join the attack.

Han Shizhong immediately ordered [-] soldiers on the second line of defense to join the attack, and [-] crossbowmen suppressed nearly [-] Jurchen infantry in all directions.

At this time, the cavalry who had finally overcome various obstacles were also thrown into attacking the hills. From a distance of dozens of steps, they were likely to break into the position and defeat the first line of defense.

At such a close distance, the artillery at the highest point of the hillside could not function, but the artillerymen also had a number of ballistae vehicles. They tied fuel bombs to javelin-like arrows, ignited the line of fire, and then smashed open the machine gun.

In an instant, large groups of flames burst out around the Jin Army cavalry who were struggling to attack.

Even so, the brave Jurchen soldiers rushed towards the Zhenguo army desperately. "Explosive pack!"

The distance of thirty steps is a good opportunity to throw explosive packets.

The throwers who were ready ignited the fuse one after another, and threw thirty explosive packets into the enemy crowd.

"Boom boom~"

Like a gust of wind sweeping fallen leaves in front of the position, a small half of the golden army was emptied in an instant. However, soon, the second batch of explosives fell into the pile of golden soldiers again.

After a series of explosions, apart from the smoke everywhere, there were only wails and screams.

The pioneer officer of the Jin Army almost vomited blood. Where the hell is this a war?It was clear that he was giving his head to the other party for slaughter!

The frustrated Jin army retreated. They could not retreat without retreating. With explosive packs and repeating crossbows, no one could advance within thirty steps.

3 people charged, but only half of them came back. Under the stranglehold of multiple levels of hot weapons, the Jin army's casualties were extremely horrific...
"Without artillery, I can't do my humble job!" The vanguard officer's heart collapsed and he was bleeding profusely.

Wanyan Zonghan, who came in a hurry, became furious: "If we cannot attack, the 10,000+ troops will be surrounded by more enemy troops, and we must fight to clear a bloody path!"

So the second wave of a bigger charge began. However, Zong Han's anger didn't work in front of the hot weapons.

Although the Jin Army took advantage of the darkness to break through the two lines of defense, at the last moment, Han Shizhong gritted his teeth and took out his reserve team, always holding on to the high ground on both sides.

Through shipping, Han Shizhong can still receive a steady stream of supplies.

Among the corpses scattered all over the mountains and plains, the morale of the Jin army dropped rapidly, and pessimism inevitably arose.

Looking at the hillside with a height of less than fifty feet, Wanyan Zonghan received even worse news. The first division of the Zhenguo Army had already attacked from the side.

Although there are still more than 5 people on hand, the artillery fire of the Zhenguo Army can always inflict the most brutal damage to the charging Jurchen soldiers. This is no longer something that bravery can solve.

How could an army of 15 be defeated like this?

A word emerged in Wanyan Zonghan's mind involuntarily: the end of the road.

As the core of the Jin Kingdom's senior leadership, he knew that once he was surrounded, half of the Jin Kingdom's combat power would be wiped out.

And the Zhenguo army will calmly attack Shangjing, and the Jurchens' world will collapse like the Liao Kingdom.

At this time, he realized that perhaps he should really listen to Han Qixian's advice, return Yundi and the Han people, and reach a peace agreement with Yanjing.

Only in this way can the long-term continuation of the Jurchen clan be guaranteed.

However, the top brass of the Jin Kingdom, including themselves, relied too much on the cavalry and lacked the necessary understanding and attention to the actual situation of the Zhenguo Army. This led to the complete collapse of the situation at this time.

After a long silence, he said: "Stop attacking and set up camp on the spot."

The Jin army generals in front of the bonfire instantly understood that Wanyan Zonghan, who was unparalleled in resourcefulness, was about to admit defeat.

The next day, surrounded by three sides, Wanyan Zonghan led nearly [-] Jurchen officers and soldiers to hand over their weapons and surrender to the Zhenguo Army.

Han Shizhong led the second division to march north and captured Shengzhou without any effort, while Yuan Shili led the main force of the first division to quickly return to the five states of Yundi to resist Lou Shi's attack.

When he learned that the Zonghan Group had been annihilated, Lou Shi fell into a huge shock. He decisively broke away from the First Division and led his army back to Shangjing in a detour. This guy was so fast that even Yuan Shishi was caught off guard and could only accept it with regrets. The empty Yunzhou City.

At this point, Yanjing recovered all the nine states of Yundi and adopted a comprehensive suppression posture against the Jin Kingdom.

As for Tokyo, Zhao Ji, while continuously cheering, sent Cai You as a goodwill ambassador and sent a large amount of property and supplies.

(End of this chapter)

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