She Song

Chapter 264 Do you want to travel across the four seas?

Chapter 264 Do you want to travel across the world?

Unforgettable?Dong Xiaowan didn’t think so.

He was a genius, and he said it in front of the vice-dean. He also said that he would be given the privilege to meet with him at any time.

Asking for something but not getting it?It's just that I don't want to...

It would be great if he was just an ordinary dean, not a powerful prince, and did not have two princesses...
Ah, what are you thinking about?

Dong Xiaowan suddenly covered his face with the quilt, and shrank into the bed.

Inside and outside the quilt, two worlds.

In the experiment of the steel ship, with the help of the shipbuilders, the actual sample, which was more than one foot long, floated steadily on the water.


Han Wenxiu followed the bachelors in applause. As a support staff, she quickly integrated into the learning and experimenting group. After half a month of hard work, the first prototype ship of the steel ship project was finally able to float.

While being proud, she couldn't help but pay attention to the progress of steam engines and special steel, but the two researches that are crucial to steel ships seem to have encountered great difficulties.

Steel belongs to materials science. If you want to make stainless steel, you need to add various composite metals, but chemistry subjects are in an ignorant period, and apart from "hydrogen helium lithium beryllium boron carbon nitrogen oxygen Buddha neon", Han Xiaoyao can't remember the complete chemical cycle surface.

Therefore, Han Xiaoyao's first step was to try to uncover the veil of chemistry through the three forms of water and the separation of hydrogen and oxygen, and then develop a higher-magnification optical microscope for materials science.

Willow Sapling has since made an exquisite wind tester and a hot-air balloon fuel injection control mechanism, and also won a bronze medal, so he took the lead in developing microscopes without hesitation.

Based on the principle of a telescope, coupled with silver mirror reflection and various knobs, the willow saplings are soaked in the laboratory day after day.

At the same time, Han Xiaoyao explained to everyone through open classes that air is actually composed of gases with many different components.

With a basin of lime water, a candle, and a transparent glass jar, a common little chemistry experiment for children in later generations was completed.

Dong Xiaowan muttered: "Isn't air just air, how could it be different?"

However, after the candle was extinguished, Han Xiaoyao gently lifted the glass jar in front of everyone, and a series of small bubbles instantly muddied the lime water.

This experiment at least confirms that there are some components in the air that can burn or contribute to combustion, and there are some components that cannot be burned.

The invisible and intangible air is really different!
This almost subverted the perceptions of all the bachelors present.

But it was not over yet. Han Xiaoyao continued: "As we all know, there are many minerals in our world, including many types of gold, silver, copper and iron. After refining, they will have different properties, including substances that will not rust, so we have to keep testing. .”

But everyone is still confused. There are thousands of substances in the world. If they are tested repeatedly, the workload is not small.

When someone questioned whether there was really a material that would not rust, Han Xiaoyao took out a bronze sword with a simple pattern, showed it and declared: "It is rumored that this ancient sword originated from the Warring States Period and still maintains its original sharpness for more than 1000 years. As long as you understand the material of the sword, you can prevent the steel from rusting!"

Everyone suddenly understood that although it sounded unbelievable, the real object of the ancient sword proved that this possibility was indeed possible, at least there was a clear direction.After the open class, Dong Xiaowan and members of the steel ship research group discussed steam and power issues with Han Xiaoyao and Han Ping.

Han Ping said that the current efficiency of steam conversion into power is not good, and it is impossible to drive large stone mills unless the steam engine is as huge as a house. It is currently stuck at this bottleneck.

Without investigation, there is no right to speak. Han Xiaoyao immediately entered the steam engine experiment site, watched Han Ping's operation, and then looked at the simple water tank with air leaks everywhere. He knew that the power was not enough due to poor sealing.

In order to ensure the sealing, rubber-like substances are the key to solving the problem.

Later generations heard that Southeast Asia is the origin of rubber trees, so after Han Xiaoyao provided several experimental substitutes, he specially sent secret agents to Qiongzhou, Quanzhou, to find rubber trees through merchant ships going to Nanyang.

Although the steel ship was in a stagnant period, the "six-wheeled sailing ship" was quickly modified successfully. The thousand-material warship was equipped with 26 medium-sized Korean king cannons with a range of more than [-] steps. When the wind was downwind, six water wheels assisted, making it easy Better than similar warships.

With a stroke of his pen, Han Xiaoyao used the last of his wealth to purchase thirty merchant ships worth two thousand materials, and reorganized four wheeled warships worth one thousand materials. The first step was to train naval officers, crew members and chamber of commerce staff. Those who passed the assessment could go to Goryeo traded with Japan and even Southeast Asia.

Because of the premeditation, after getting Tanggu, the Naval Officer School, Shipping Academy, and Tongwen Academy came into being.

Although Jinbei Wang served as the principal of the Naval Academy, the vice-principal of the actual teaching was a Korean.

Gao Bingwu, a powerful general of the Goryeo Navy, became the final victim because he was involved in the political struggle of the Goryeo Dynasty.

After his family was massacred, he was able to sneak into Yandi on a sampan, which was relatively chaotic at the time. He changed his name to Wu Bing and made a living fishing near Tanggu.

Until one day, the Civil Affairs Department of the Yanyun Management Committee went to various ports in Tanggu to recruit Navy instructors. He applied with a trying attitude, and was introduced to Han Xiaoyao because he answered fluently and could read and write.

Before the meeting, the internal guards had already investigated his background clearly, and after confirming it, they determined that the other party was a leader in the Goryeo Navy, and informed Han Xiaoyao.

Therefore, Han Xiaoyao only asked one sentence after meeting: "Have you ever thought about traveling across the sea and sweeping the world?"

Without saying a word, Gao Bingwu packed up and reported to the Naval Academy.

After the transformation of the six-wheeled sailing ship was completed, Gao Bingwu followed Han Xiaoyao to review the first warship of the Zhenguo Army. He was extremely excited when he watched the 24 artillery pieces on both sides blast the beachhead fortress into rubbish.

With such huge ships and cannons, ten old-fashioned warships are free, and only a few six-wheeled warships can control a port city.Even if he encounters all Goryeo navy warships, with his powerful firepower and speed advantage, he is sure to annihilate them all.

A new era of naval battles has arrived!
The notice for recruiting navy soldiers is very straightforward. In addition to the normal military salary twice a month, there is also a generous attendance subsidy. At the same time, they can enjoy the privilege of sharing [-]% of the profits and loot.

As a result, the first batch of [-] fishermen and pirates who were proficient in navigation transformed into naval officers and soldiers of the Zhenguo Army. After three months of formal training by Gao Bingwu, they became proficient in operating various warships.

In early December, four warships and thirty merchant ships departed from Tanggu Port and headed to Kaicheng to sign a sea trade agreement with Goryeo.

And Gao Bingwu was authorized to show force if Goryeo refused to open the port to make the Goryeo dynasty recognize the reality.

Looking at the endless ocean in the distance, Gao Bingwu had mixed feelings, and finally gritted his teeth and said: "Gao Li, I'm back!"

(End of this chapter)

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