She Song

Chapter 157

Chapter 157

Under the night, Ji Sen was like a hungry wolf, staring closely at the small building in front of him.

The secret hall of the Beggar Clan is here, guarding for three days and three nights, no matter what, Elder Hai must be caught.

Soon, a red light flashed from the upstairs window.

This shows that Elder Hai is indeed inside.

Ji Sen stood up and called his subordinates to ask questions in a low voice. After receiving a definite answer, he drew his long knife and issued instructions to the more than 20 spies behind him.

"Go! Except for Elder Hai, the rebels will be punished on the spot!"

After saying that, Ji Sen walked straight from the shop to the door of the Beggar Clan's secret hall across the street. The spy guarding the door knew that he was going to arrest someone, so he kicked the door open.

Ji Sen entered the courtyard with his head held high, and more than 20 spies immediately entered each room... to arrest people or kill people.

In an instant, there was a chorus of surprised questions and screams, but only the main building remained dark and silent.

Ji Sen did not enter the building either, but smiled and said: "Zhou Hai, stop being so coy. Do you want Grandpa Ba to carry a big sedan to invite you out?"

In the secret room upstairs, Elder Hai was shocked and angry. His background was exposed by the court's eagle dogs, indicating that someone had betrayed him!

The four people around me have all been tested for many years, who will it be?
But he quickly decided that he would rather kill the wrong person than let him go. He winked at his nephew, and at the same time joined forces to attack and assassinated all four subordinates.

Three people were caught off guard and died on the spot, but one person was lucky enough to escape critical injuries. He covered his chest wound and asked with difficulty: "Why do you want to kill us?"

The corner of Elder Hai's mouth twitched, and he replied: "One of you betrayed me, you must never let him live!"

The man nodded, suddenly smiled strangely, and closed his eyes.

He killed the traitor and ran away quickly, but the secret passage was not reliable for people to come and go. At this time, he suddenly opened the second floor window, and there was a river downstairs.

Water escape should be a very good idea.

As soon as he left, Elder Hai asked his nephew to jump into the river together, but his nephew closed the window.

"Second uncle, don't bother, you can't escape."

Zhou Hai suddenly turned his head and asked sternly: "It's you!"

Zhou Qing nodded and did not hide anything: "It's me."

"Why?" Zhou Hai asked: "I am your biological uncle, and I rescued you from the dead and provided for you. Are you crazy?"

Zhou Qing nodded, but said: "What the second uncle said is right, but I don't want to be a beggar anymore, and I don't want to do those evil things! So, I joined the Imperial City Division to help them settle the explosion. I I can find a job in the army. I want to honor my ancestors and don’t want to be a rat in the sewer... Please, second uncle, please recruit me truthfully!"

Zhou Hai grabbed Zhou Qing's collar, stared at his nephew who had been raised since childhood, and raised the dagger high.

Zhou Qing closed his eyes and showed no resistance.

After a long time, Zhou Hai just slapped his nephew hard, then jumped through the window pane and fell into the river.

But a large net slowly rose from the river surface, and in the net was Zhou Hai, the elder of the Beggar Clan, who was wrapped in a fishing net and dragged ashore.

Sitting on the bamboo chair, Ji Sen glanced at the only members of the beggar gang remaining in the secret hall, and asked Zhou Hai who was kneeling in front of him with a smile.

"Cases involving the royal family and the court are supervised by the Imperial City Department, and no one can escape. If we recruit them, these ten or so people will survive. If we don't recruit them, none of them will survive. I'll give you a stick of incense time."

Zhou Qing immediately lit an incense stick, which could burn for about a quarter of an hour.

After the incense was gone, Zhou Qing started killing people, slicing No. 1's throat with a dagger, and soon the second one...

This method of death is very bloody and cruel, with "gurgling" and "hissing" death struggles.

When Zhou Hai finally couldn't bear the invasive torture and agreed to confess, five people had already fallen into a pool of blood.

After recording the confession, Ji Sen finally identified the person behind the explosion. According to speculation, the person was the biggest "fish" lurking in Tokyo City, Han Ji Naiwei!
Of course, the secret underwater passage in the Royal Garden was leaked by the Beggar Clan, otherwise a large amount of explosives would not have been transported in. Similarly, it was also their fault that they directly entered the Xifu Courtyard through the underground passage.

One hundred thousand!
Ji Sen sneered and said: "Do you know how much it cost to build the big pavilion? A million dollars, including the Privy Council, is more than 200 million... Tsk, tsk, Elder Hai has lost a lot on this deal!" He paused. , said: "Take him back, the others..." He made a motion of cutting his throat.

Just as Ji Sen walked around the wall, Zhou Qing had already used the knife to cut the throats of the remaining gang members one by one.


In the early morning, Zhou Qing came to the Forbidden Army's new army training camp with a package on his back to report.

The guard checked the recommendation letter, ordered the package to be opened and checked, and finally found a sharp dagger.

"Personal weapons are not allowed into the camp! They are confiscated!"

Zhou Qing quickly took back the dagger given to him by his second uncle: "It was given to me by my elders, I dare not leave it!"

The duty team came after hearing the news. Seeing Zhou Qing confronting the guards, they said after learning about the situation: "Training camps are based on strength, and you can break the rules if you want. Just knock down the four guards and bring the dagger in. How about you keep it here and pick it up when you are eliminated?"

Zhou Qing accepted the challenge without fear. However, four soldiers surrounded him and beat them down. After knocking down two of them, he was still beaten with a bruised nose and a swollen face.

Team Leader smiled and said: "Boy, who comes here and isn't very arrogant? But hundreds of people are eliminated every day. Don't suffer this as soon as possible. Go back with the dagger!"

Zhou Qing spit out a mouthful of blood, stood up through gritted teeth, handed the dagger to the captain, and staggered into the camp carrying the package.

"I'll come back to pick it up in three months!"

Captain looked at the beautiful brass dagger, smiled, and said, "Okay! My name is Ma Jun. If you don't come here for three months, the dagger will be mine!"

Without looking back, Zhou Qing waved his hand and stepped into the camp gate.

Obviously, Zhou Qing's sudden arrival surprised Zhong Fu.

Yu Huangmen gave a smooth answer: "It doesn't matter how he came in. Zhong Duzhi just needs to take care of the training. Of course, I guarantee that if he doesn't follow the camp rules or fails to meet the assessment standards, he will be eliminated. "

Zhong Fu nodded thoughtfully.


Xiao Fugui, who was carrying a salesman's load, returned to Liujing Lane in Nanshi City early in the morning. When he was about to open the courtyard door, a large number of spies and agents appeared at the end of the alley.

Ji Sen, who was lying on the roof, sat up straight and greeted warmly: "Old man, I bought the things in the load. Please give me a price!"

Xiao Fugui slowly raised his head, looked at Ji Sen sitting on his roof, and said with a smile: "I'm afraid the official can't afford it."

Ji Sen smiled and said: "Old man, you are joking. If you don't put up a price, how do you know that others can't afford it? I'm a proud person, so I have to buy it today!"

Xiao Fugui had just possessed him and was about to reach out to touch the salesman's shoulder, but an arrow hit his hand.

Divine Arm Bow!
A divine arm bow with a range of up to [-] steps!
Knowing that Liujing Lane and his residence had been surrounded by the Imperial City Division, Xiao Fugui no longer tried.

Ji Sen then smiled and said: "After waiting for three days and three nights, Huangtian has paid off and finally got it today! I'm Ji Sen, supervising the Imperial City Department.

Please, Mr. Xiao, please spread your arms and take two steps back, and don't make any moves that cause the crossbowman to misunderstand, otherwise the next arrow will not miss! "

Under the aim of the divine arm bow, Xiao Fugui could only follow the orders one by one.

Two detectives came up and tied Xiao Fugui's hands behind his back.

Ji Sen jumped down and waved his hands to let his men and Nei Si enter the house to search.

But when he turned around and glanced, he found that the two detectives had actually pulled out a black cylinder, and a smile suddenly appeared on Xiao Fugui's lips.

A strong sense of uneasiness came over my heart...

"Don't move!" He ran towards the two detectives.

(End of this chapter)

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