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Chapter 350 Writing an Essay

Chapter 350 Writing an Essay

I saw the news about Aite himself on the Internet.

Fang Bai smiled knowingly...but after seeing the student's screen name, the smile on his face suddenly froze.

Qin Meng looked at Fang Bai who was showing off his face-changing skills in confusion, and asked softly: "What's wrong?"

Fang Bai managed to squeeze out a smile: "'s okay!"


Qin Meng responded and started correcting the compositions of the students in the class.

Just revising it, he seemed to lose his temper. He pushed the test paper forward and said angrily: "How can I revise such a composition? Really, it's not as good as my brother's writing, and there are also bad sentences!"

Fang Bai looked at Qin Meng who was losing his temper. He stood up and walked to her. He put his hands on her shoulders and kneaded her gently: "My little cutie, what's wrong?"

Qin Meng enjoyed Fang Bai's service and muttered: "They are already in their third year of high school. These children's compositions are really bad. I don't even know what to do!"

In the first semester of their second year of high school, Fang Bai gave them occasional composition classes, and their composition classes made significant progress.

But in the next semester, Fang Bai suddenly had more things to do, which resulted in the composition level of Class 6, Grade [-], basically stagnating.

This made Qin Meng feel a deep sense of frustration, and she also wanted to prove herself...

However, as a new teacher, her experience and level were obviously insufficient compared to Fang Bai, the sixth child.

I have to admit that although Fang Bai is only a mathematics teacher, he teaches other subjects well.

Seeing Qin Meng losing his temper, Fang Bai could certainly understand how she felt.

Sometimes he was like this when teaching mathematics. Even after teaching a very simple derivation countless times, the children in the class still couldn't understand it.

Sometimes I really doubt myself, is it the student who is not good, or is he not good... Well, how could someone on our side not be good? It must be the student's problem!Not for students!That's right!

Fang Bai gently patted Qin Meng's shoulder to reassure her, then picked up the essays on the table and read them carefully.

After comparing a few copies, Fang Bai found that there was nothing wrong with the writing of these essays, and they were well-behaved student essays.

It can be said that 80.00% of the compositions written by students look like this.

"What do you think is wrong with these essays?"

Fang Bai asked with a gentle smile.

"Don't you think it's too ordinary?"

"On a simple topic essay, among the 40 or so people in the class, more than 30 people wrote almost the same essay. If I were the marking teacher, I would never give a high score!"

Qin Meng said helplessly with an embarrassed face.

Seeing her like this, Fang Bai felt a little funny and stretched out his hand to rub her little face.

"Wouldn't it be nice to change it? It doesn't matter, they are still just a bunch of kids!"

Qin Meng pouted: "How to change it..."

"Look at you, you can even hang a bottle of oil from your mouth. Since my little cutie doesn't know how to change it, I'll teach you!"

Fang Bai scratched her little nose, and then looked at the class schedule. The next class was biology, which was not easy to change. When it was time for the self-study class, Fang Bai pulled Qin Meng to the classroom.

He asked Qin Meng to sit at the back of the classroom.

Then under everyone's gaze, he walked to the podium.

"What about this class? Let's take an advanced composition class!"

Fang Bai also added an adjective to this composition class.

This has aroused the interest of many people.

"Boss, are there any advanced composition classes?"

"Boss Fang, do you want a VIP class for this advanced composition class?"

"That makes sense. Teacher, this class you are taking... are you sure you can really take it?"

"What if you teach something that cannot be taught..." "What are you afraid of? Teacher Fang already knows the law and is breaking the law. We just insist that we don't know!"

"That's right, we are underage!"

"Teacher Fang, don't worry. When you are captured, we will never fail to betray you!"

"Let me be lenient if you confess. Sit in jail. Teacher Fang, the water here is very deep. You can't control it!"

After reaching the senior year of high school, many people lose a lot of skin.

But when they saw Fang Bai's eyes sweeping over, they still closed their mouths angrily. After all... Skin is skin, don't joke with your life.

After Fang Bai tapped the blackboard twice with a ruler, the whole class fell into silence.

Seeing this scene, Qin Meng couldn't help but feel funny.

"We have been writing compositions for more than ten years. From the first grade of elementary school, we looked at pictures and wrote words, then looked at pictures and wrote compositions, then moved to proposition compositions, and now we write compositions based on a piece of material..."

"Composition is actually very easy to write. In the first two semesters, most people in the class have already learned the formulas taught by the teacher. That is to say, you use these formulas to draft a composition framework and get a basic score. There is no problem!"

"So, what is this class teaching you?"

"Teach you how to get high scores!"

Fang Bai wrote the word 'high score' on the blackboard.

Seeing Teacher Fang's lecture, all the students in the class took out their notebooks. They have developed a good habit of taking notes.

No matter what the subject is, it is right to take out your notebook.

“Actually, Chinese compositions are very similar to English compositions!”

"I've told you before how to get high scores in English composition, but there is another very important point here, and that is vocabulary!"

"If you can write some advanced vocabulary in your English composition, that is, it is not in the textbook, but appears in extracurricular readings, and these vocabulary are used in the composition, as long as the grammar and tense are correct, then it will be a real bonus! "

"Similarly, does Chinese have such advanced vocabulary?"

"Of course there is!"

Fang Bai tapped heavily on the blackboard a few times with chalk.

"The poems and idioms we talked about before are all advanced vocabulary in Chinese!"

Fang Bai also wrote a few poems and idioms on the blackboard.

"So, besides these, is there anything else?"

"Of course there is!"

"Classical Chinese is our most commonly used high-level vocabulary. It doesn't mean anything, but it's this, that, and so on."

"At this time, some students want to ask, what should I do if I can't write classical Chinese?"

Fang Bai said.

"Yes yes yes!"

“Nowadays it is difficult to read classical Chinese texts and translate them, let alone write them!”

"That's right, my head hurts when I read those ancient translations!"

"It's not just my head that hurts, it makes me sick!"

There is a lot of discussion below.

Fang Bai waved his hand and continued after the classroom calmed down: "I didn't ask you to write classical Chinese, I just picked up some vocabulary to use!"

"how to use?"

Huang Xiangyan, who was sitting in front, asked doubtfully.

 Thank you, Lao Tiezhu 103, for your monthly ticket

(End of this chapter)

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