back to being a teacher

Chapter 329 Knowledge Changes Destiny

Chapter 329 Knowledge Changes Destiny
In my senior year of high school, the later I get, the more uncomfortable I feel.

Whether it is a student or a teacher.

The further you get to the back, the more uncomfortable it becomes.

Because the further you get to the back, the more impetuous the students become, and everyone wants to escape from this depressing environment...

As for teachers, they will start to become anxious when they see the students who they spend time with day and night gradually stop studying.

Fang Bai's class was okay, after all, he was doing ideological education work every day.

In Fang Bai's view, a qualified teacher should be able to do ideological work, but should not fall into stereotypes.

When Fang Bai walks through the door of some classrooms, he will hear the teachers inside dissing the students crazily.

What to say: "If you don't study hard now, you will regret it later. You will regret why you don't study hard now..."

"Young idler, an old beggar!"

"Your parents provided for you to study here. If your parents knew..."

When Fang Bai heard such words, his heart was filled with so-called sadness.

In his opinion, these words sounded really disgusting, and it could even be said that there was a sense of sadness about why not eat minced meat.

Don’t students know this?

Which high school student doesn't know these principles? Don't they understand?

Do you need to beep here and beep beep away?
This undoubtedly increases the ideological burden on students. What's more, these words will become the last straw and make students give up school completely...

As a teacher, I always use the tone of a bystander to educate others, and I use the tone of an experienced person to educate others. This undoubtedly feels like making sarcastic remarks.

Thinking of this, he probably knew what to say in his noon broadcast.


Fang Bai came to the radio station.

The students at the radio station were obviously a little surprised when they saw Fang Bai's arrival.

Since this semester, they have seen Fang Bai at the radio station much less often. It can be said that Fang Bai basically doesn’t come here often...

So when they saw Fang Bai, they were a little surprised and a little surprised.

"Mr. Fang, are you going to broadcast at noon today?"

The person in charge of the broadcast today was a girl, a relatively sweet-looking girl. When she saw Fang Bai, she immediately stood up and gave way to Fang Bai.

Fang Bai smiled and nodded.

"That's really great. I haven't listened to your live broadcast for a long time!"

The students cheered.

Fang Bai sat in front of the radio station. The student next to him quickly took out a cup and gave Fang Bai a glass of water...

"Teacher, would you like to start now?"

a student asked.


Fang Bai nodded.

Then the student immediately helped Fang Bai debug the microphone and some equipment.

"Dear teachers and classmates, good afternoon, everyone, I am today's announcer, Fang Bai!"

Fang Bai tried the sound, and after finding that it was OK, he took a sip of water from the water glass.

And when the students and teachers in the school heard Fang Bai's voice.

Everyone had a surprised expression on their face, which soon turned into surprise.

They haven't heard Fang Bai's broadcast for a long time.

Since this semester, I haven’t listened to Fang Bai’s broadcast much, which makes many people feel disappointed.

You know, Fang Bai's voice has been with them for the entire school year, and they have become accustomed to looking forward to noon every Monday.

Looking forward to hearing Fang Bai’s broadcast at noon on Monday.

"Do I have to tell everyone that I haven't seen you for a long time?"

Fang Bai's slightly apologetic voice made many people excited.

Immediately, bursts of shouts erupted in every classroom. "yes!"


"Teacher Fang, we miss you!"

"Teacher Fang, I love you!"

Fang Bai touched his nose in embarrassment. Looking at it this way, he was indeed somewhat incompetent...

"Today, I want to share with you the story of a fortune teller I met when I was a child!"

"I was still young at that time, only a few years old, and my mother took me to a very effective fortune teller to tell my fortune..."

"The fortune teller was an old man with a white beard and he looked quite strong. He touched my hand and then solemnly told my mother..."

Fang Bai changed his voice to a very old one: "You child, the five elements are missing wood, the horoscope is fire, and the numerology is inconsistent. Although he cannot be rich and powerful, he can be regarded as without blessings and disasters... It's just that his marriage in this life is a little bit... Not so good, I should be alone until the age of 40..."

As soon as Fang Bai said this, many people became excited. They listened quietly to Teacher Fang telling his story.

Then Fang Bai regained his voice: "Now the problem arises. I won't get married this year. I will go back to find the fortune teller..."

"More than 20 years have passed and that old man is still telling fortunes!"

"When I found him, he actually recognized me..."

"He touched my hand and was about to do some calculations for me..."

"Then I told him that I was married!"

"After listening to my words, the old fortune teller was silent for a long time, and finally said something to me..."

"Knowledge alters your fate!"

Fang Bai's words stunned all the audience.

When they reacted, everyone laughed.

"This fortune teller... is a bit funny!"

"Knowledge alters your fate?"

"If I give up my studies, I will become a fortune teller in the future!"

"It makes sense!"

"Can this sentence still be explained in this way?"

"Killing me!"

After Fang Bai waited, he got to the point of what he wanted to say today: "Actually, we have heard this sentence since we were young, knowledge changes destiny!"

"Then the teacher always told us that we should study hard. Studying hard can change our destiny!"

"So what is this fate?"

"It's like everyone around you is telling you to study hard, but they don't tell you why you should study hard..."

"Including many teachers, they will only tell you to study hard, otherwise you will regret it later!"

Fang Bai's words indirectly alluded to many teachers in Xigao.

Invisibly, he offended many people.

But he didn't care.

"Then what's the point of our reading?"

Fang Bai asked this question, and then he answered the question: "Change your destiny!"

"So...are we back to that thing where knowledge changes destiny?"

Fang Bai's doubtful tone made many students laugh.

"A few days ago, I met an old classmate I hadn't seen for a long time. I probably understood the meaning of this sentence..."

"That was an old classmate I met when I was shopping in the vegetable market!"

"He's my junior high school classmate!"

"He sells meat in the vegetable market. If he hadn't called me, I wouldn't have recognized him!"

(End of this chapter)

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