Chapter 295

"Look at you again, think about your recent study status!"

"May I ask what you are doing?"

"Or have you given up on your dreams?"

"You always have excuses to comfort yourself. When the exam is over, everyone has the mentality that they have finished the exam and can relax..."

"Everyone of you even lies down on the table to rest as you should!"

"But you have to know one thing, when you fail, no one will pity you!"

Fang Bai's questioning voice was like a sharp sword piercing into every student's heart.

Then his hand moved, on the big screen behind him.

Another video was played.

"Success in life is only temporary, but failure is the main theme!"

The vicissitudes of commentary echoed throughout the playground.

The video showed the most energetic appearance of the Dragon Clan at the beginning.

When everyone was not optimistic about them, they climbed mountains one after another and defeated opponents one after another...

Then various barrages flashed by.

[Just a garbage team like the Dragon Clan?Can we also fight GMO? 】

[Haha, you made me laugh so hard, retire early! 】

[For the semi-finals, it’s okay to give the spot in the finals to GMO, and then GMO will win. GMO’s win will be half of the Dragon Clan’s contribution! 】

[Five what kind of rubbish? 】

[Just that little fat guy, what is that? 】

[Wouldn’t it be better to give up early? 】

[Watch GMO win the championship! 】

Various barrages mocking the dragon clan appeared in front of these five people.

This made the five members of the Dragon Clan grit their teeth and clenched their fists. All of this was what they had faced before...

Everyone looked down on them and thought they were a ragtag team.

"However, how to face failure divides people into different ways."

The background sound of the video continues.

"Win, the Dragon Clan wins!"

"They defeated the rising GMOs."

"It's incredible!"

"These five newly debuted players actually defeated GMO, known as the ruler of darkness!"

In the video, the video of the dragon clan defeating GMO that year was played again.

Then the five people hugged each other tightly.

"Some people are crushed by failure!"

"Some people can keep getting up and moving forward!"

In the video, in the blink of an eye, the Dragon Tribe was defeated by SKT...

The five young players fell on their seats in a daze, unable to let go for a long time.

【That's it? 】

【Being run over? 】

[You owe GMO a championship! 】

[If GMO is on board, they will tell SKT how to behave! 】

[You stinky bitches, you don’t want GMO to be a champion! 】

The barrage that humiliated the Dragon Clan was played again on the video.

It can be said that that year, everyone was insulting the Dragon Clan, thinking that the Dragon Clan had taken away the glory that should belong to GMO...

Then came Wu Zi’s retirement...

"I think true maturity is not about pursuing perfection!"

"But face your own shortcomings!"

"This is the essence of life!"

"Romain Rolland said that there is only one true heroism in this world, and that is to recognize the truth of life and still love it."

"Let's start all over again. Isn't it more exciting to climb the mountain than to stand on the top?" "So, this time, I must win!"

The video turns.

Wu Zi's childish face appeared in the video again.

However, he looked at everyone in front of him with a sneer.

He won the trophy of the city competition, the trophy of the winter competition, the trophy of the spring competition...

He looked at the camera and clenched his fists.

"No one remembers the losers because no one pities the losers."

"Winner and loser, this word can be used everywhere!"

"Everyone only cares about the result. As long as you win, everything you did before is right!"

"Once you lose, no matter how hard you try, everything you did before is wrong!"

"If you fail the college entrance examination!"

"No one will remember how much hardship you have suffered and how tired you have been in the past three years!"

"Everyone will only remember one thing, and that is that you didn't do well in the exam!"

"It's like if Li Shimin's Xuanwumen reform failed, then he would become a so-called rebel. The description in the history books is that after the establishment of the Tang Dynasty, the Qin King rebelled and was suppressed by the prince Li Jiancheng, and he was wiped out!"

"You remember, no one will remember the loser..."

At the end of the meeting, Fang Bai's speech concluded.


[Heroes who died in battle will also be remembered by history! 】

[Every time I see Teacher Fang, I am always full of expectations for my future life! 】

[Every time I am bruised and bruised by life, I will visit Teacher Fang. Watching Teacher Fang’s videos, I feel that life is nothing more than this! 】

[Those who strive for their dreams are worthy of admiration! 】

[Yes, everyone who strives for their dreams deserves admiration! 】

[I didn’t expect that there is such a story behind Wu Zi! 】

[The incense pot is also quite pure, just for money! 】

When Fang Bai uploaded this video on his TikTok, it immediately aroused heated discussions among many people.

Originally, when they saw the people from the Dragon Clan, many people were simply envious.

There is an idol concert in the front, and a contestant meeting in the back...

This is already the perfect fulfillment of every boy's dream.

But after listening to those words at the meeting, many people understood Fang Bai's intentions.

[If I could have met a teacher like Teacher Fang when I was in high school, would I have moved bricks at the construction site? 】

[Oh, I’m so envious of Xigao’s students! 】

【I’m really envious! 】

[It is really a blessing to have such a teacher! 】

【Simply incomparable! 】

[Teacher Fang, the eternal god! 】

But Fang Bai didn't read these comments.

But as the meeting ended, all the students were still ridiculed by Fang Bai.

Judging from the study status the next day, this wave of ridicule was still in place.

Students in the first and second years of high school rarely appear in that tired state. Everyone seems to be rejuvenated and starting a new struggle.

Students are always like this and need to be motivated over and over again.

Because once they stop motivating, they will fall back…

Fang Bai is well aware of the disadvantages of students, and it should be said that humans themselves have this disadvantage.

Why are self-disciplined people more likely to succeed?
Because self-disciplined people know what they want and don’t need anyone else to supervise them.

After this meeting, it can be regarded as ushering in the final exam of this semester.

Final exams didn’t happen with many surprises.

However, after the final exam, the second-year students will have to move out of the classroom and into the classrooms of the third-year students, and Fang Bai's office will also have to move from one side to the other.

I move every year, from the first year of high school to the second year of high school, then to the third year of high school...

(End of this chapter)

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