back to being a teacher

Chapter 192 Class Meeting

Chapter 192 Class Meeting
At the end of the semester, all other classes ceased.

Only the main subjects of study remain.

However, for the sake of the students' physical and mental health, Fang Bai made an exception and allowed them to take a physical education class every week, just to relax.

Xigao's courses are not as easy as imagined. Every day from 07:30 to 10:30 pm, there are only six hours of rest every week, which is the six hours on Sunday afternoon.

When Fang Bai was not working as a psychological counselor, there were students in Xigao who wanted to jump off the building every semester...

This semester, because Fang Bai's radio station and psychological counseling room were running well, Xigao did not have such problems again this semester.

Fang Bai remembered that when he was in high school, there was a monthly exam. He couldn't remember what day of the week it was. Anyway, according to the school's rules and regulations, there shouldn't be a holiday.

But during the exam that day, as soon as the exam was over, the school announced a holiday.

Later I learned that during the exam that afternoon, a student jumped from the sixth floor after finishing the second exam because he got the correct answer from other students.

There were no signs, no one even reacted.

According to those witnesses, as soon as the exam was over, the student rushed out of the classroom, then turned over and jumped off the sixth floor.

Without any thought at all...

Fang Bai was quite lucky at that time, because this classmate gave all students a hard-earned holiday. They even joked at that time that it would be great if someone skipped every monthly exam.

Now it seems that there is only regret left.

It's just a monthly exam, there's no need to be so stressed...

Therefore, after Fang Bai became the head teacher, he paid great attention to the psychological counseling of students. Every time he took an exam, he repeatedly emphasized that no students should be allowed to correct the answers. After the exam, those students who did not do well in the exam were found one by one to provide them with psychological counseling. Guidance.

For example, in the last monthly exam, many people in the class did not perform very well.

Fang Bai took the time to hold a class meeting.

Many people in the class were not in a good state and were in a very depressed mood.

To be honest, after working hard for so long, my academic performance has not only not improved, but has even declined slightly...

"Boom boom boom!"

Fang Bai picked up the chalk and tapped it three times on the blackboard.

After focusing everyone's attention, Fang Bai said, "Did you fail in the exam?"

Everyone looked at Fang Bai and nodded, but no one said anything.

"Isn't this normal?"

Fang Bai looked at the students in front of him with a fussy look.

"Where is this normal?"

Chen Yue curled her lips in a depressed mood.

"If you all pass the exam, don't you think it's abnormal?"

Fang Bai also curled his lips and said.

"If you have passed the exam, doesn't it mean that you have all studied well? Are you sure you have mastered so much knowledge? Do you remember all the words in high school? Do you remember the grammar? Memorize all the texts? Do you know all the math and logic? Got it? Can you use physical formulas?"

Fang Bai laughed while talking.

This also makes the students in the classroom feel while listening...

Haha, what Teacher Fang said makes sense!

"Do you suddenly feel like you can't do anything anymore?"

"Does everything suddenly feel normal?"

"Isn't it normal to fail in the exam?"

Fang Bai's repeated questions made all the students in the classroom seem to find reasons to comfort themselves.Don't think that this is making excuses for not doing well in the exam. Making excuses is to help students get out of their depressed mood. If they remain in a depressed state, it will not be helpful to learning.


Many students in the classroom nodded.

"So, it's normal to fail the exam. There's no need to worry about it. Besides, every exam in school is a test of your current study, letting you know your knowledge of this stage. The situation is that doing well in the exam means that we have learned well recently, and doing poorly in the exam means that we still need to work hard!"

"We just need to know one thing. If you don't do well in the exam, find the mistakes, correct them, remember the mistakes, and try to make sure this mistake doesn't happen again next time!"

"If you do well in the exam, then we will continue to work hard, maintain this state of study, study hard, meet every exam, meet every challenge, and prepare for our final decisive battle!"

"We are only in our second year of high school. How long are we until the final battle? There are still a year and a half, and there are more than 500 days. Whether these 500 days can create a miracle depends on who?!"

Fang Bai asked.

"It depends on you, your efforts, and your struggle. Tell me if you have confidence!!" Fang Bai replied decisively.


The whole class shouted in unison.

"That's right. If we fail the exam once, then we will try to do better next time. If we fail the exam twice, then we will do better next time. Just because we didn't do well in one exam, we will act like a mother. They are chirping, hum~"

Fang Bai made a coquettish look and snorted softly.

"That's right, a bunch of girls are chirping, huh~"

Zhou Ming quickly stood up with a sissy look and looked at the classmates around him with disdain.

"Hmph, bitch!"

Zhao Yiliang raised his orchid finger.

"It's up to us sisters to keep up the good work. We've made progress this time!"

Zhou Ming shyly touched Zhao Yiliang's chest and said.

"That's right, sister..."

"younger sister……"


There was a sound of vomiting in the classroom.

But because of the fight between these two live treasures, the gloomy atmosphere in the classroom was cleared away, and everyone almost returned to their usual liveliness.

The scariest thing is not that the students don't study, but the class teacher's inaction.

The class teacher is the soul of a class.

Fang Bai has always respected his students, and similarly, students will respect their teachers.

To put it bluntly, students will treat you the same way you treat them.

Whether he is teaching junior high school or high school, Fang Bai respects every student, treats them as equals, and never coaxes them.

In Fang Bai's view, students after middle school are independent people who can think independently. They have their own emotions and their own personality.

You can't think that just because they are young, they don't understand anything.

In fact, if you think about it when you were in junior high school, could it be that you didn't understand anything in junior high school?

There is no need to coax students. Fang Bai never coaxes students. In his opinion, if you coax students, you are no different from parents.

What adolescent students want is independent personality and the feeling of being respected, not the feeling of being dominated by others...

(End of this chapter)

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