Chapter 173 The show begins

Because the final exam is approaching, the monthly exam in December has also been cancelled.

All students are preparing for the New Year's Day party. For many students, study is important, but spiritual construction is also very important. The better the school, the better at both aspects.

Many prestigious schools are not assembly-line production machines for the college entrance examination. Many schools have very good cultural activities.

Various entertainment activities and competitions are well arranged.

On this day, December 31st.

The New Year's Day party arrived as scheduled.

On the playground, a huge stage was built in just two days. Fortunately, there was no snow or rain on this day, the weather was clear, and stars could still be seen vaguely.

Two neat rows of incandescent lights on both sides illuminated the entire stage as bright as day.

The stage is covered with a red carpet.

On the playground, the head teacher of each class organized the students to enter in an orderly manner.

The entire playground was crowded and noisy. All the students moved their benches and sat in the playground.

"Hey Hey hey?!"

Right in front of the stage, Lao Zhang and Comrade Zhang Xuande are debugging the machine. This time he is very serious and did not browse the website with the school machine...

The students in Class 6, Grade [-], sit on the left side of the playground, which can be regarded as the middle place, and can just see the performance on the stage clearly.

"What do you think Teacher Fang will perform today?"

“I don’t know, there’s no teacher Fang’s program on the program list!”

"I just know that Teacher Fang will appear second to last!"

"That's called the finale!"

"Shouldn't the finale be the last show?"

"Who told you, the finale is the penultimate show!"

"What's the name of the last show?"

"That's called a press release!"

"oh oh!"

"What a pity. Without me, Zhao Yiliang, this stage is destined to be overshadowed!"

"It's true, without our two most powerful twins..."

"Stop beeping. If you beep again, I'll report it to Teacher Fang!"

Students from Class 6, Grade [-], were playing there.

As for Fang Bai...

Fang Bai was still doing makeup for others. Yes, after Bai Lian knew that Fang Bai's makeup skills were very good, he then pulled all the students in his class who were about to go on stage and asked Fang Bai to apply makeup one by one!

Even Chen Yue and Zhang Jing came over and wanted Teacher Fang to draw a picture for them.

Fang Bai had no choice but to put makeup on these little girls one by one.

However, you don’t need to wear too much makeup on stage, as long as your face is not pale when the light hits it.

So Fang Bai used some dark makeup.

Many actors who perform on stage have heavy makeup on their faces, which looks a bit funny or even unattractive under normal daylight. This is because when strong light hits the face, if the makeup is not colorful enough, it will appear gray. ,very ugly……

Therefore, most people who want to perform on stage will wear some heavy makeup to look normal under the light.

"Teacher Fang, do you know how to put on makeup?!"

Chen Yue was a little surprised when she looked at Fang Bai, who was carefully putting makeup on others.

Fang Bai nodded and didn't explain much.

He didn’t know how to explain it, but he just knew it!
After putting on makeup for these little girls, Fang Bai also put on makeup for himself...

Because he is the school's designated program opening host.

Fang Bai wanted to refuse at first, but under the persuasion of various leaders of the school, Fang Bai still could not refuse.

As the lights on the stage dimmed.

In the entire playground, only the fluorescent sticks in the hands of the students were left waving.

"The Radisson presses the Jets..."

"The [-] New Year's Day Party is about to begin. Please wave the light stick in your hand..."

"I invite you now. Teacher Fang Baifang, who received the most votes from Hope Senior High School, will come on stage!"

"Screams, applause, don't... stop!"

A deep voice sounded throughout the playground, just like a CCTV host reading an advertisement. It was thick, magnetic, and very pleasant to listen to.

Everyone knew that this was Fang Bai's voice.

For a moment, the entire playground burst into warm applause and screams.

With just an opening, the atmosphere on the playground was stirred up.

"Dear leaders, teachers, and all dear students present, good evening, everyone!"

Fang Bai, who was wearing a black suit, walked directly onto the stage, holding a microphone in his hand. Without any stage fright, he walked quickly to the middle of the stage with a figure like the wind.

At this time, Zhang Xuande controlled all the lights to light up, shining directly on Fang Bai's body.

"Clap clap clap!"

Suddenly, more enthusiastic applause sounded.

"thanks, thanks……"

Fang Bai hurriedly expressed his thanks.

As Fang Bai spoke, the applause stopped.

"No, your applause stopped before I even finished saying thank you? After all, I still don't hold enough weight in your hearts..."

Fang Bai looked at the students below with resentment.

The next moment, applause rang out again, more enthusiastic than last time, and mixed with laughter.

"Okay, okay, since my weight is not enough, then I will invite someone with more weight!"

"We would like to invite Principal Yao Lizheng to speak for us. Everyone welcomes you with applause!"


Suddenly the light shone on an old man over fifty years old in the middle of the judges' table.

Yao Lizheng was wearing a pair of eyes and a tie, obviously dressed up.

He stood up first and then waved to the people around him.

Take the microphone handed to you by the person next to you.

First try the audition.

"Everyone should be satisfied with Teacher Fang Bai hosting the show, right?"

Yao Lizheng did not say the opening speech, but asked the students around him.


Suddenly there was a chorus of responses from the playground.

"Originally, Teacher Fang was unwilling to host the show, but under the repeated pressure from many of our school leaders, he still had no choice but to take over the hosting responsibility... As the saying goes, how can the arm be twisted past the thigh? Students, you Say yes?"

Yao Lizheng joked with a smile.


Once again, the students responded in unison.

Then two lights suddenly hit Fang Bai's face, showing Fang Bai's innocent look in front of everyone.

It made countless people laugh...

"Okay, since that's the case, I won't delay everyone anymore. The New Year's Day party has officially begun!"

"For the first show, let Teacher Fang Bai perform for us, everyone agree?!"

Yao Lizheng asked again unconventionally.

"it is good!"

Seeing that the principal is so reasonable, how can the students disagree.

At this time, the students who were preparing to be the first to perform on stage also breathed a sigh of relief.

You must know that the most stressful part of a performance is the first one. It doesn’t matter if the performance is good, but if it is not good, people will nag you for a long time...

Facing the sudden change, Fang Bai, who was standing stupidly on the stage, was dumbfounded.Can you still play like this?

The stage was once again handed to Fang Bai.

Looking at Fang Bai who was stunned on the stage, the students in the audience burst into laughter again.

"At first I thought I was just a soy sauce maker, but who knew I became a soy sauce seller..."

Fang Bai shrugged helplessly.


Seeing Teacher Fang's helpless look, the students in the audience couldn't help laughing.

"Okay, okay, I'll do it, I'll do it!"

Fang Bai nodded helplessly.

"There is a popular meme on the Internet recently, that is, I have a friend..."

"Everyone knows, right?"

Fang Bai asked.

All the students responded in unison: "Yes!"

"Hey, yes, I have a friend..."

Fang Bai said seriously.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Immediately, the students below laughed again, and everyone understood what it meant.

"Don't laugh, it's really my friend, my friend..."

Fang Bai quickly explained in a panic.

The students on the playground laughed even more.

"Whether you believe it or not, I believe it anyway, um, cough, I have a friend..."

Fang Bai explained seriously.

The students on the playground couldn't stop laughing.

Even some of the judges on the judges' bench were dumbfounded.

"Okay, okay, don't laugh. If you laugh again, we won't be able to talk for the rest of the day!"

Fang Bai quickly waved his hand.

The playground fell silent.

"It's just my friend who became a high school teacher. Well, it's not me..."

Fang Bai explained in a serious manner, but the more he explained, the more people below him laughed.

"Then, he had been a teacher for a while, so I asked him what it was like to be a teacher!"

"This friend of mine told me very seriously..."

"He said that the profession of a teacher, to put it in a civilized manner, is to take you to swim in the ocean of knowledge every day for a period of time..."

"Benefactor, the sea of ​​suffering knows no bounds, turn your back and keep going!"

Fang Bai suddenly changed his voice and turned it into a very serious voice, like that of a Zen master studying Buddhism, grand and thick.

This sudden change made more people laugh.

"Then you will find that except for you who have landed, everyone else is still in the sea, and you have to continue to fish them one by one..."

"When you get everyone ashore, you'll find that, damn, some of them are swimming back!"

Fang Bai's words directly spoke to the hearts of every teacher present.

This is sometimes the case. Teachers want to teach every student well, but who would have thought that there are students who get worse the more they teach...

"When I was studying, I was very mischievous!"

"My math teacher often picks me out and tells me, Fang Bai, if you delay everyone for 1 minute, then for 45 classmates, you will delay everyone for 45 minutes. You will delay everyone's class... …”

"I can't figure it out, this time, can it be superimposed?"

"At that time, I really wanted to say something. Since it has delayed everyone's class, then... don't take this class!"

"Then after class, the math teacher will say..."

"I'll delay everyone for another 2 minutes!"

Fang Bai shrugged helplessly.

The students below burst out laughing again.

Fang Bai quickly waved his hand: "Actually, in the final analysis, the teacher is still for everyone's good, whether it is criticizing others or dragging the class!"

"In the end, it's all for everyone's grades to go up. In fact, the teacher and everyone have the same purpose, that is, to hope that everyone can get into a good school!"

"So, I wish every teacher in Xigao who works hard and treats students with heart, good health, all the best, and will get better and better in the new year!"

"I also wish every student that everything goes well and that they make progress in their studies in the new year!"

"I wish everyone all the best in the new year!"

Fang Bai finished his first program very briefly.

Warm applause followed.

Although many opening remarks are relatively formal, Fang Bai's talk show opening remarks are still somewhat unique...

Immediately afterwards came the first program originally planned.

"Thank you Teacher Fang Bai for your wonderful performance!"

"Friends are one of the indispensable people on our way to growth. Many friends lead to many paths!"

"Next, please enjoy the chorus "Friends" presented by Class 4 ([-]) of Senior High School!"

Following Fang Bai's end, a pair of male and female student hostesses came onto the stage.

Then the two hosts walked off the stage, leaving the stage to the students of Grade 4 ([-]).

Then many people moved up the two ladders.

The students of Class 4 (Senior Grade [-]) stepped onto the stage.

They all stood on the ladder.

"In these years, alone, the wind has gone, and the rain has gone!"

"There have been tears and mistakes, but remember to persist!"

Under the waving hands of the class teacher, the students in Class 4, Grade [-], spoke slowly.

It's not very good, but it's better than a group of people singing in chorus.

If you sing a lot of songs together with a group of people, it will be easier to sing with emotion.

As the students from Class 4, Grade [-], spoke up, the students on the playground also began to sing in chorus.

For a time, the song "Friends" resounded above the Xigao playground, and even within a radius of [-] meters, the chorus of Xigao students could be heard.

Many students sang with tears in their eyes.

Especially those students who are in their third year of high school. As the college entrance examination is getting closer and closer, they also know that they will spend less and less time with their former partners...

As the song "Friends" ended, many people felt a little more emotional.

No matter how far the road ahead is, friends will always be your companions on the road.

But how much time do you have to spend with friends?
Even if we can meet thousands of people in this life, one day... there won't be another meeting.

Several more programs followed.

It has to be said that the quality of Xigao students is still good. Whether it is dancing, singing or other performances, the performances are all impressive.

There was even a magic trick performed by a student.

This caused countless people to scream, and she immediately gained priority in choosing a spouse on campus.

Immediately afterwards, a pair of twins performed a mechanical dance on stage. The dynamic music coupled with the puppet-like dance also aroused the shouts of many people.

This made Fang Bai sigh. It feels really good to watch these programs up close. No wonder every school likes to hold such program parties...

Then came Fang Bai's favorite Latin dance.

Well, it’s very artistic.

As a big shot in the music industry, Fang Bai's eyes widened.

The inspiration in my mind is getting stronger and stronger. There should be more programs like this...

 It's too cold, my hands are numb~
(End of this chapter)

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