back to being a teacher

Chapter 162 Publishing Comics

Chapter 162 Publishing Comics
After seeing off Team Leader Ye, Fang Bai finally breathed a sigh of relief.

You will find that the essence of life is to be busy. After you are busy for a while, you will be busy for a while...

At noon, several uninvited guests came to the office.

The leader was a middle-aged man wearing glasses, with a pleasant appearance.

"Excuse me, is this Teacher Fang Bai's office?"

The middle-aged man knocked on the door and poked his head in from outside.

Fang Bai was stunned for a moment and glanced at the middle-aged man, but he didn't have any impression.

"Yes, it is!"

Fang Bai nodded.

"Are you Teacher Fang?"

After the middle-aged man saw Fang Bai's appearance clearly, he quickly put on a flattering smile and walked in. As he walked, he took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket.

Without even taking it apart, he handed it directly to Fang Bai...

"Does Teacher Fang smoke?"

The middle-aged man smiled like a chrysanthemum and held a cigarette in both hands.

"Uh... pump it, pump it!"

Fang Bai originally wanted to refuse, but the other party's cigarettes... are a bit expensive, and they still handed over a pack of cigarettes.

To put it bluntly, this is the art of passing cigarettes. When there are many people, it is done.

When there are few people, just hand over a packet.

As the saying goes, take others' hands short and eat others' mouths softly.

Fang Bai remembered that in his previous life, he had a summer job in college, working in a computer maintenance department. Some people who came to repair computers would smoke, but Fang Bai basically didn't answer them.

Occasionally, he would be called out to install the system. Once, he went to a ceramics factory to help a retired leader install the system. As soon as he came to the door, the leader poured Fang Bai a glass of water and handed him a pack of cigarettes...

As a result, Fang Bai tried his best to help the leader fulfill all his requests. He even specifically asked him how to use the computer before leaving, which was extremely considerate.

Seeing Fang Bai accept the pack of cigarettes, the middle-aged man also smiled happily.

"Teacher Fang, we are from Shengqi Novel Network!"

The middle-aged man quickly introduced himself.


Fang Bai's hand holding the cigarette froze in mid-air.

He suddenly thought that the discontinuation of "Xian Po Qian Kun" seems to have caused some uproar on the Internet...

Are these people in front of me here to kill someone on our side?
But what does this have to do with someone from our side? This book was not written by someone from our side, but by Li Guangguang...

Wait a minute, this book seems to be filled with someone's bank card and... ID card?


Fang Bai swallowed his saliva abruptly.

"Teacher Fang, don't get me wrong, we just want to ask, when will updates be resumed?"

Seeing Fang Bai's alert look, the middle-aged man quickly waved his hand.

They can't afford to offend Fang Bai now. If Fang Bai says never to update, their website will probably be demolished...

"This... resume update..."

Fang Bai muttered.

"Look, you have been out of service for more than a week, and many people on the Internet are urging you to update... We also know that you are a bit busy, but can we please update a little bit every day, even if you update a thousand words a day..."

The middle-aged man looked at Fang Bai with a troubled expression.

They were really helpless. If it weren't for "Xian Po Qian Kun" being so popular, they wouldn't be so humble as to ask for help.

"This... okay, okay!"

Fang Bai nodded.

"By the way, Teacher Fang, this is a new contract. Look, the ratio of sharing has been changed in the old contract. From [-]/[-] between you and the website, it has been changed to [-]/[-]. There are two of us, but the only requirement is that you cannot interrupt updates, and you must update at least one thousand words per day..."

The middle-aged man quickly took out a contract from his bag.

He put it on the table in front of Fang Bai respectfully.

Fang Bai picked up the contract, and now the contract has to be guarded against...

However, after careful inspection, Fang Bai did not find anything wrong. He actually understood some professional terms.

"Okay, no problem!"

Fang Bai signed his name happily.

"Thank you, Teacher Fang!" The middle-aged man quickly put away the contract.

Fang Bai had a detailed chat with the middle-aged man about the update, then exchanged contact information, and then the people from Shengqi Company left.

It can be regarded as not being sloppy.

But this thing...

Suddenly a great revelation came to Fang Bai.

"Novel can be serialized online, but can comics also be serialized online?"

Fang Bai touched his chin and said.

Thinking of this, Fang Bai picked up his cell phone, found the middle-aged man's phone number and broadcast it.

The middle-aged man who had not yet reached the school gate was stunned when he received Fang Bai's call.

Is it possible that Teacher Fang wants to break the contract?

The middle-aged man quickly answered the phone.

"Hey, Teacher Fang, it's me, Zhao Guangming, that's right!"

"Comics? As for comics, this aspect hasn't been done yet!"

“I heard you can post on Weibo!”

"Well, Shengqi is a novel website after all!"

"Do not disturb do not disturb!"

The middle-aged man answered all Fang Bai's questions respectfully, and then wiped the sweat from his forehead...

Fang Bai hung up the phone and turned on his computer.

Open Weibo, and there is a function to upload pictures.

To put it bluntly, publishing comics on Weibo means uploading pictures on Weibo, but there is a paid function next to it. If you want to see the pictures, you have to pay before you can see them...

Fang Bai looked at Aite's own junk messages and couldn't help laughing at himself: "You like to step on me, right? Okay!"

Fang Bai made a call and asked a brother from the security company to buy a scanner.


[This is a comic about basketball. It is also a group of high school students’ pursuit of their dreams. It is also an interpretation of friendship!He is here, he is here, national teacher Fang Bai is here with his comics! "Slam Dunk", a wonderful comic not to be missed!
Click the link below to go directly to the comic page! 】

Less than an hour after Fang Bai uploaded his comic, Weibo directly gave him a recommendation, and then directly gave him a hot search position...

There are many people who post comics on Weibo, but most of them are street authors.

So there wasn't much of a response.

But this time, it was the comic posted by the fifth-tier star Fang Bai on Weibo. Coupled with the previous scolding war, Weibo also wanted to make this fire even more intense.

When there are quarrels, there is traffic.

In this era, traffic is king!
So Weibo directly pushed Fang Bai’s comics.

This made many Fang Bai's fans very happy. When they saw Weibo pushing Fang Bai's comics, they were sincerely happy. Doesn't this mean that even Weibo is optimistic about Teacher Fang!
So these fans flocked to Fang Bai's homepage to read the comics.

[Basketball comics? 】

[Does the first episode seem a bit too bland? 】

[It doesn’t feel as exciting as the ghost blowing out the lamp! 】

[Teacher Fang, how about we stop this "Slam Dunk" and you go draw "Ghost Blowing the Lamp"? 】

[But this Sakuragi Hanamichi is a bitch! 】

[Why is it still a comic named after an island country? 】

[But this Sakuragi Hanamichi is such a sand sculpture! 】

 I went to Changsha to attend a wedding two days ago.

  I have to go to the cave entrance to attend a wedding in the next two days...

  Alas, I am busy every day.

  Thank you Sun Huaxin for the 100 reward.

  As for the question you raised, Mr. Sun, it will take a long time before the hole is filled.

  As for Mr. Wangchuan...

  Let me tell you, I came here to read articles for free...

  I can only update [-] words every day. Because I work part-time and write for fun, it’s a bit difficult to get more.

  But during the holidays, I will try my best to save my manuscripts!

(End of this chapter)

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