back to being a teacher

Chapter 126 Failure

Chapter 126 Failure
"Grandpa, I have read this novel..."

Li Shiguang thought for a while and decided not to talk nonsense now, especially since the two great gods in his family had already quarreled over this matter.

If Li Shiguang admitted that he was the author at this time, he didn't know how things would develop.

"Have you seen it? Did you learn anything?"

Li Jiu asked his grandson with a smile.


Li Guangguang quickly took out a notebook from his schoolbag.

It records Li Shiguang’s thoughts on the novel "Xian Po"...

Li Jiu flipped through the notebook in his hand, looking at the dense notes on it, and couldn't help but praise: "Not bad, you are thoughtful."


Li Shiguang smiled. It felt good to be praised by his family, especially since his grandfather, whom he had admired since childhood, praised the novel he wrote...

This feeling.

"Let's go, let's go into the house with grandpa... Let's have a good conversation!"

Li Jiu directly pulled Li Guangguang up and walked into the house.

This made Li Xinguo very angry, but out of the corner of his eye he suddenly caught sight of something in Li Guangguo's schoolbag...

"What is this?"

Li Xinguo approached Li Guangguo's schoolbag.

Then he took out a book manuscript.

"The immortal breaks the sky?"

Li Xinguo was shocked. This manuscript was densely marked with various things in red pen, such as settings, plots, etc.

The manuscript that Li Xinguo got was the original version.

But Li Xinguo quickly turned over several pages, and it was not difficult to see that this should be the original manuscript of "The Immortal Breaks the Sky"...

"The Immortal Breaks the Sky" was actually written by his own son? !

What the hell? !
No wonder the writing is so good, he deserves to be his own son!The son I gave birth to is awesome!
Li Xinguo's face showed an aunt's smile.

While reading the manuscript, I sighed.

"What's the matter with you? What are you giggling about here?"

Zhang Xiu looked at Li Xinguo, who felt something was wrong.

"Cough, it's nothing!"

Li Xinguo gratefully put the manuscript back in his school bag.

Pretending like nothing happened, he returned to his seat and took a few bites of food...

"Don't eat?"

Looking at Li Xinguo walking into the study, Zhang Xiu shouted.

"I am full!"

Li Xinguo waved his hand and closed the study door.

On Weibo, the two sides who were still engaged in a scolding war suddenly discovered that Li Xinguo had deleted his Weibo and then posted a new Weibo.

[Xian Po Cang Qiong is a very excellent online novel, which is full of blood, passion, and the fighting spirit of young people. I think it is very well written, very good, very good. I highly recommend everyone to read it! 】

As soon as this Weibo was posted, the following reply posts immediately exploded.

[Holy shit, Teacher Li’s account has been hacked? 】

[The biggest anti-Internet writer has switched sides now? 】

[I think my account has been hacked! 】

【Brilliant! 】

[Did Teacher Li take the wrong medicine today? 】

[Ms. Li was educated by his own father? 】

Li Xinguo's defection left many Li Xinguo fans a little confused, especially the parents...

[Teacher Li, has your account been hacked? 】

[Teacher Li, what’s wrong with you today? 】

[Teacher Li, why did you speak for the online article? 】

[Fans turn black! 】

【Li Zhenxiang? 】

[Really fragrant? 】

Many parents have turned from being fans to being negative.

Seeing that many people were questioning himself, Li Xinguo quickly replied: [I have not been hacked, nor have I taken the wrong medicine. I just read "The Immortal Breaks the Sky" again and felt that it was indeed an excellent novel! 】

Then Li Xinguo was scolded.Seeing Li Xinguo join the enemy's lineup, those parents started to attack Li Xinguo without any courtesy.

And after knowing that "Xian Po" is the work of his son.

Li Xinguo also fought fiercely with these parents.


"Teacher Li, did you speak for us?"

"Hahaha, awesome!"

"I'm really impressed by Teacher Li's talent. He doesn't even use curse words in his words!"

"As expected of a writer of fairy tales, black fans, as long as Mr. Li likes "Xian Po", we will be good friends!"

"Great, great!"

Under Li Xinguo's leadership, those who were scolding very vigorously at first stopped scolding all of a sudden.

Li Xinguo was originally the leader of anti-Internet articles, and it was because of his existence that the parents on Weibo became very active.

But the leaders have rebelled, and the remaining minions have nothing to fear.

Victory and defeat!

With Li Xinguo's rebellion.

This war of words is over.

However, netizens’ discussions under Li Xinguo’s account did not stop.

[I just want to know why Teacher Li rebelled at the critical moment! 】

【I also want to know! 】

[Want to know +1! 】

[Want to know +1! 】

[I think it may be because Teacher Li’s conscience discovered it! 】

[Shit, Teacher Li used to be the number one fighter against Internet articles! 】

[Maybe he was convinced by his father! 】

[Besides this explanation, there should be no other explanation! 】

【Oh ho ho ho...】


This is a war of words.

Li Shiguang also paid attention.

However, he found that most of the people who wrote against the Internet were parents. Except for some people who did not seem to be ambitious, most of the comments made by parents were related to ruining teenagers...

As for why his father turned against him in battle, he didn't understand.

After discussing the novel with his grandfather, Li Guangguang put the manuscript in his room and returned to school with his schoolbag on his back.

He didn't think about it otherwise.

During evening self-study, he found Fang Bai.

"Teacher Fang, I want to ask you something..."

Li Guangguang said proactively.

The two people came to the corridor, Fang Bai nodded: "You say it!"

"That's why many parents are against online novels? Don't they just read novels? Don't they have no entertainment activities?"

Li Guangguang expressed the doubts in his heart.

"Are parents opposed to online articles?"

Fang Bai muttered, then suddenly realized: "Are you talking about the scolding war on Weibo these days?"

Li Guangguang nodded.

"How can I tell you this? Kotaro Isaka, an island writer, once said this. He said that when he thinks that parents don't need to take exams, he feels terrible!"

"Why is this scary?"

"Because the lower the education level of parents, the more they feel that they are right!"

"Because their education level is low, they will be full of self-confidence, especially in front of their children. They feel that their children must be inferior to them, and all decisions they make are for the benefit of their children!"

"Why do many parents object to online articles? In fact, not only online articles, but many things have been opposed by parents..."

"In the 80s, parents said that martial arts novels ruined their children. In the 90s, parents said that video games ruined their children. In the [-]s, it was computer games and Internet cafes, and now it is online novels..."

"To put it bluntly, parents don't want to take the blame themselves!"

"The failure of family education means that parents cannot find problems within themselves, but can only find other things as excuses to cover up the failure of their own education!"

(End of this chapter)

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