Through the film and television tie system of rebirth

Chapter 291 Chen Fan’s “Proposal”

Chapter 291 Chen Fan’s “Proposal”

"Ah——? Brother Lian; what do you mean?"

"Hmm——; Could it be that Brother Lian, you have other ideas in the future?"

Yes, this Jia Zhen is not stupid. He naturally will not think that Jia Lian suddenly said this to him at this time, and it was only unintentionally.

"Well——Brother Zhen; when you yourself were just now, you already said that."

"Based on your current situation, you will not be suitable to fight on the battlefield no matter what happens next."

"But if your majesties really decide later, it will be for us nobles."

"Then we all can't shirk the blame in the future."

"Brother Zhen, don't forget that in the current Ningguo Mansion, apart from you, there are still my nephew Rong and nephew Qiang."

"Forget it, Brother Zhen, I told you clearly. This is what I mean. If His Majesty the Emperor really needs our nobles to send people to the battlefield in the future."

"Then, whether it's my nephew Rong or nephew Qiang, I hope that in the future, you can give up the title you have to one of them."

"After all, Brother Zhen, you should also know that after receiving the title, they will naturally have a relatively high starting point when they enter the army.

"As for the loss of title among the nobles, after going to the battlefield, I will naturally find a way to get it back for them."

"Brother Zhen; I know, my proposal should not be so easy for you to understand."

"But I can assure you here that the reason why I made this proposal is because I sincerely hope that Duke Ning's mansion will be well."

"And Brother Zhen; I dare not say more than that. As long as you agree to my proposal in the future."

"Then as long as nothing unexpected happens, it will wait until we return in triumph."

"Your title in Ning Guofu must be at least that of an earl."

Yes, this is because I have already known the situation in Ning Guogong's mansion for a long time.

So since Jia Lian came back from Jiangnan, it has been compulsory for him to throw Jia Rong and Jia Qiang from Ningguo Mansion into the martial arts department of ethnic studies.

And not only that, Chen Fan would always take them to the military camp outside the city to experience it when they were on vacation at the Clan Academy.

So this is after more than half a year of conscious and targeted training.

Now that the two of them are on the battlefield, they should be considered qualified soldiers.

"Ah——? The title is at least promoted to earl——? This——?"

Okay; obviously, after listening to Chen Fan's words, Jia Zhen was naturally indispensable next time, but she hesitated.

After all, this is something like "relinquishing a title". No matter who it is, it will not be a trivial matter.

And we all know that Jia Zhen's selfishness has always been relatively serious.

So Jia Lian knew that at this time, if what he wanted to do was to hand over his title willingly, it would be almost impossible.

Isn't it?This is when the team of Chen Fan and the others arrived at the gate of the palace.

This Jia Zhen is also not real, just to give a final decision.

"Marquis; two generals (Jia She's title is first-class general, Jia Zhen is third-class general); you are all here."

"Well——; Let me tell you, your speed is really fast enough!"

"After hearing the Jingyang bell, the three of us hurriedly changed things. At the end, we were still lagging behind you."

Although on this occasion, Jia Amnesty and the others don't want to make it public, they are just joking with the nobles.

But Jia She couldn't help it at this time, so he just teased them a little. "Hey——Brother Enhou; why do I think that what you said now actually has some meaning of being good-looking after getting cheap?"

"It's not like you don't know. According to the current situation in several of our mansions, this is in line with the people gathered by Jingyang Bell, which are only our own."

"And what about you? If you include Ning Guo Mansion, your family will be here all at once, and only three people will be needed."

"That's right; I remember that when I was young, every time I heard the Jingyang bell ringing, in our mansion, there must be three or four people from this or that family?"

"Now it looks like we, the founding nobles of our country, have already declined!"

"Hey——; I'm telling you, this old saying goes well; it's about knowing one's shame and then being brave."

"And I think you all may have guessed in your minds right now that the reason why these two majesties rang the Jingyang Bell so suddenly in the middle of the night must be because of something."

"How's it going? Everyone, do you all have an accurate answer to the proposal I made to you all before?"

Yes, this is a member of the Four Kings and Eight Kilometers among the founding lords of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

When Chen Fan was here before, with the tacit approval of his two majesties, he had already quietly informed several of the powerful people among the founding nobles about the border affairs.

And obviously, this is after his "reminder".

Based on the relationship network of the martial artists in the army, they naturally figured it out very quickly. They should also be very quick in the next step, that is, they are about to make a decision. The great battle of the national destiny will follow in the Great Zhou Dynasty.

"Hahaha; Lord Marquis, to be honest with you, this is after getting the information you provided to all of us."

"We guys have already made a decision. If your majesties make this decision next time, then if it is really a decision, we, the nobles, will be asked to contribute."

"Then all of us will naturally be obliged when the time comes."

"Yes; Lao Liu is right. This has been since Mr. Hou leaked the news to us when you were here before."

"Those of us have been very cruel for more than half a year. We have detained our children at home and trained them very hard for more than half a year."

"No matter what, after more than half a year of training the children, if we let them out now, then they will not be able to embarrass us all in the future."

"Yes, in our great Zhou Dynasty, except for some areas at the border, it still happens occasionally, except for some small frictions."

"In the past more than ten years, there has been no major war."

"And obviously, without your astonishing luck and strength like you, Mr. Marquis, then this is just relying on the small military merits at the border. Obviously, it would not be able to hand over to nobles like us. That is Continue to pass on the title."

"So this time, since there is such a good opportunity, then all of us will naturally have to fight to the death in the future."

"Hahaha; ok, everyone, this is the right thing to do; you should take your fame right away."

"Since everyone has already made a decision now, I am here to naturally wish that all of us will get what we want in the future. .”

To be honest, at this time, the nobles can make the "correct" decision.

Chen Fan was still very happy in his heart at this time.

After all, since he traveled to the world of Red Mansion, he is now a member of the noble family.

So if the power of these nobles can be continued in the future, it will be continued.

So for him, this in itself is a great thing.

What Chen Fan and the others didn't know at this time was that they were all waiting at the palace gate to be summoned by the two emperors.

Before this, Jia Mu was also awakened by the sound of Jingyang Bell. At this time, she had already recruited Jia Zheng and Mrs. Wang to herself. It's in the Hall of Honor.

(End of this chapter)

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