Wang Wangzhi starts from Sharingan

Chapter 405 Giselle’s Kiss

Chapter 405 Giselle’s Kiss

off the field.

audience area.

Tristan, who was sitting with coach 'Culori' and 'Mr. Glasses', watched the game change instantly on the field.

I can't help but feel relaxed and smile.

"Camus's 'Dancing Tennis' is as majestic as ever."

As a top player on the French U17 team and expected to be the vice-captain, Tristan is not only a teammate with Camus, but also a good friend.

Of course Tristan knew very well.

The tennis path that Camus walked before he realized the "revolutionary tennis".

——Dancing Tennis.

It's 'dance', not 'wu'.

Camus, who was born into a classical aristocratic family, studied classical ballet since he was a child.

After starting to play tennis, Camus, who was extremely talented, also obtained the secret of three points from classical ballet and embarked on the path of "dancing tennis".

Among the unique skills developed, the 'Swan Dream' with three forms is the basic skill.

And then, after some precipitation.

What no one expected was that Camus once again seized an opportunity and unearthed another strength from the depths of his mind and body.

This is the end.

In addition to "Dance Tennis", Camus' subsequent path embarked on an endless road called "Revolutionary Tennis".

That unimaginable power pushed Camus straight to the top and became the No. 1 player in French tennis.

While shocking everyone, it also spread his legend to the outside world.

That will definitely change the tennis world in the future...

Tennis Revolutionary!




"Oh oh oh~~~"

Amidst the din, the cheers of support from the audience outside the stadium raised the atmosphere of the entire center court to a higher level, returning to its peak of heat.


Under the gazes of eager eyes one after another.

On the tennis court, a light yellow tennis ball was thrown into the sky again and rose straight up.

Camus jumped lightly, and in the faint halo of phantom color, he continued to swing the tennis racket with a button, and it had already hit the tennis ball.

Without too many words, Camus gave the most direct response with practical actions.


"Swan Dream——"

"Phantom type!"

Under a series of deafening sounds, the rainbow streamer flashed again and came into everyone's eyes.

The air waves surged, the wind roared, and colorful ripples spread out in all directions.


"Super powerful 'Swan Dream'!"

"No problem, Hoho Hehe, that Kitagawa Sora can't catch it at all, it's [-]% sure it will be an ACE ball again!"

Many spectators outside the venue, after seeing Camus once again performed the "Swan Dream", danced their little fists to encourage and express excitement.

Everything stems from their recognition of Camus's power and their absolute confidence in the 'Swan Dream'.


Will the facts unfold honestly as they envisioned?
The 'Swan Dream' shined again and continued to hit one ACE after another, leaving Kitagawa in a panic when he couldn't catch the ball.


will not.

Camus is not what you would call a wall-mounted protagonist.

And Kitagawa Sora is the big devil hanging on the wall~
They couldn't see the crying and embarrassed Kitagawa Sora, at least in the battle with Camus.

With a heavy step, Kitagawa Sora ejected, his whole body turned from stillness, and in an instant he ran towards the direction of the landing point of the ball.

"Good come!"

At this moment, under the sonorous words, Kitagawa stared intently at the tennis ball that began to rub violently with the ground. The tennis racket in Kitagawa's hand was already aroused.

Invisibly, ripples appeared.

Against the backdrop of the void, the scarlet Sharingan has begun to operate at its limit.

Three Magatama Sharingan - Insight!
On the right half of the court, Kitagawa Sora, who was taking a long stride, suddenly stopped.

Under the insight of the Sharingan, an arc was outlined at the corner of the mouth.

"Got you!"

With a soft murmur, and with Camus' eyes fixed across from him, Kitagawa's empty hand swung the tennis racket rapidly, directly facing the ball of light and phantom color that exploded in a fan-shaped direction.

Choose one from seven.

Based on the previous ball, this time, relying on the extreme insight of the Sharingan, Kitagawa Sora accurately found the tennis ball!


Amidst the crisp sound, a stream of light suddenly flew across the sky, screaming and screaming.

"Under these eyes of mine."

"It's impossible to hit me with two aces with the same trick, Camus!"

Under a faint smile.

As the light yellow tennis ball flew across the sky, Kitagawa Sora adjusted his body shape with steps, waving his confidence to everyone present.

Of course, talk is talk, talk is talk.

Although there is a slight hint of psychological tactics.

But in fact, it is really impossible to hit two ACE balls on Kitagawa Sora with this so-called "Swan Dream and Fantasy Form".

Well, it would be about the same if it were Echizen Nanjiro.

As for Camus~

So, in summary.

The truth is - it depends on the person!
Of course, regarding this, Camus, who is on the left half, is also very free and easy.

Seeing the powerful ball flying quickly under Sora Kitagawa's counterattack, Camus quickly adjusted his condition after a slight movement of his eyes, and stepped forward.

"You've already seen through the second ball~"

"Those mysterious eyes are really outstanding!"

After a little analysis in his mind, Camus sighed, and then stared at the incoming ball and Sora Kitagawa on the opposite side with burning eyes.

Recalling Sora Kitagawa's words just now, Camus responded coldly.

"Since you can't beat ACE."


"I'll attack you head-on!"

By the way, who can reach this level of tennis player without some temper and temperament?

In the last round, Bei Chuankong made it up for so long.

But this time, during the offensive and defensive changes, Camus said, it's my turn to do something.

Take a heavy step and gallop forward.

Camus started ejecting, staring at the tennis ball bouncing off the ground. The red and white tennis racket in his hand was already swinging out rapidly.

At this moment, deep in Camus's calm eyes, there was a hint of shock.

With extreme concentration of mind, he senses the power in every part of his body, mobilizes and instills it through the tennis racket between his breath and exhalation.

Take the move, Beichuan!

"Swan Dream——"

"Shape of Power!"


Under the faint halo of the illusion, the tennis racket, blessed with all the strength of his body, slammed into the tennis ball under Camus's swing.

Amid the roar of explosions.

A beam of phantom light, like a knife, a sword, a gun, like an arrow, set off a tornado and fiercely attacked Beichuan Kong on the right half of the court.

While tearing apart the shackles of the air, bits and pieces of brilliance scattered.

This scene makes Camus's "Swan Dream: Shape of Power" look particularly dazzling.

And correspondingly.

On the right half of the court, Sora Kitagawa, who was also in a posture, stared at the tennis ball coming towards him, his eyes slightly fixed.

"This time..."

"What matters is strength and power..."

At this moment, muttering slightly, Kitagawa Sora was really interested in Camus's 'Dancing Tennis'.

The same 'Swan Fantasy', different 'Speed ​​Type', 'Illusion Type' and 'Power Type'.

Underneath the slightly different postures, there is the same graceful and pleasing dance.

But that's the posture that doesn't look 'powerful' enough.

It's normal to play the 'Phantom Type', it is a technical item after all, but you can also play the 'Speed ​​Type' and 'Power Type'.

All I can say is that science is not easy to explain.

At this moment, after glancing at Camus, Beichuan Kong was moved and even became curious.

What is the power of this ball that imbues Camus with all the strength in his current state?

With his mind rising, Kitagawa Sora's body was already moving.

Also, worth mentioning.

In this 'Swan Dream·Force of Power' shot, Camus blessed not only the power, but also a little skill.

The direct trajectory that went straight to Beichuan Kong's abdomen.

Not only did it stop Sora Kitagawa from rushing forward and block him in the midfield, it also left Sora Kitagawa with no choice but to adopt a different posture to catch the ball.

With a soft sound, Kitagawa Sora held the tennis racket diagonally in front of his abdomen.

And the next second.

The menacing phantom spiral stream of light has already arrived.

Along with a series of collisions, whizzes, and screams, there was also the slight sound of the tennis racket vibrating.

The impact transmitted to Sora Kitagawa along the tennis racket made Sora Kitagawa feel it for the first time in a long time.

The slight numbness on his right hand made Kitagawa Sora couldn't help but confide.

"I didn't expect it..."

Kitagawa Sora really didn't expect it.

At first glance, Camus looked a bit "unremarkable", but he was not a burly type with big muscles.

On the contrary, because of the face, the long hair hanging down half of the chest, and the slender body, she looked a bit feminine and thin.However, it was such a tennis player who hit the powerful volley just now.

With a hint of surprise in his eyes, the corners of Kitagawa Sora's mouth slightly curled up.

Because of that slight numbness, the quality of the return of the tennis racket when pushed diagonally forward was slightly affected.

Under the slightest influence, Camus seized the opportunity in an instant.

In an instant, he galloped forward and sprinted forward. In the area of ​​the center and front court, he staged a forward baroclinic fast volley, smash and straight drive.


"Score works."


The referee's voice sounded, and the score for this goal was already scored by Camus again.

Although the spectators outside the stadium exclaimed and shouted again.

But on the tennis court, Sora Kitagawa was in a very happy mood.

A slight sense of excitement made Kitagawa Kongzhi feel that his whole body was gradually coming to life.

Perhaps, this is the meaning of opponents.

"Come again!"

Under a loud shout, Kitagawa Sora looked at Camus and issued an invitation to continue the game.

That burning gaze made Camus look sideways.


da da da~~~
On the serving position in the other half of the area, the rhythmic sound of hitting the ball again was intertwined with the soft sound of Camus' breathing.

Staring at Beichuan Sora opposite, feeling the rising and rising breath, Camus said softly.

"Are you excited..."

All I can say is that he is worthy of being the Great Demon King~
Amid slight emotion, Camus looked at Kitagawa Sora with a sense of recognition.

Perhaps, this is the same kind.


"Accordingly, I'm also excited~"


Under the roar of the fresh breeze, a light yellow tennis ball once again became the focus of the audience.


"Swan Dream——"

"Speed ​​type!"

Among the scattered colorful light spots, a stream of extremely fast light bloomed under Camus's tennis racket.

But this time, it was different from the previous two goals.

It is not the 'Phantom Type' that pursues phantom transformations, nor is it the 'Power Type' that pursues strength and power.

It is the 'speed type' that pursues extreme speed.

Top speed, simple top speed, pure top speed, the first top speed.

And this time, the 'Speed ​​Type' was faster, stronger, and more powerful than the ball that ended the fourth round.

As fast as the wind and as powerful as a dragon.

With a roar and surprise, the 'Speed ​​Type' went straight to the right half of the field and towards Kitagawa Sora.

And correspondingly.

The excitement was clearly visible between Kitagawa Sora's brows and eyes.

Seeing Camus's 'Speed ​​Shape', Kitagawa Sora stepped out without hesitation and started galloping.


With a crisp sound, Kitagawa Sora could clearly see the 'speed pattern' this time under the three magatama sharingan operating at its limit.

Kitagawa Sora, whose whole body seemed to be slowly waking up, accurately caught the ball with a clean swing and returned the ball with a backhand.

In the sudden breeze, there was Beichuan Kong whose breath was becoming more and more vigorous.

Flowing light flew towards the left half.

But Camus looked more towards Sora Kitagawa on the opposite side.

Sensing that aura and the subtle feeling in his heart, Camus frowned slightly.

Immediately, with a flash of eyes, he made a decision in his heart.

"Quick fight!"

This round was her serve, and there was absolutely no room for error.

As for the subtle feeling that Kitagawa Sora gradually brought to him, it would be better to leave it to the subsequent round to observe.

Camus stepped forward, facing the tennis ball with calm, deep eyes.

Stop, turn sideways, and raise the tennis racket.

Under the graceful and moving classical dance, a new ball skill made its debut in Camus' hands.


Dance Tennis——

"Giselle's kiss!"

This skill is also known as 'Crown·Must Kill'!
The sound of explosion suddenly exploded at Camus' place, setting off a stormy sea and a sonic boom.

The red and white tennis racket moves along with Camus's moving classical ballet postures.

In the colorful halo, Camus' entire body seemed to be stained with a hint of pink.

I don’t know when the petals falling from the sky began to rotate and fall, embellished with Camus’s shot.

In that environment that makes people unable to help but make romantic confessions, it is Camus's ultimate move.

——Giselle’s kiss!

Amidst the roar, a spiral tornado stream of light, set off by the petals, went straight to the right half of the field.

But what caught Beichuan Kong's eyes was a pair of flaming red lips.

Under the terrifying energy fluctuation, she moved straight towards him and kissed him intimately.

Light and darkness, life and death, are not as good as Giselle's final kiss.

Amidst the sudden smoke and dust, the strong wind was chasing, rolling the clothes and trousers, and the flying hair was confusing everyone's expressions.

With that shocking sound, the powerful shot surged again, directly tearing open Kitagawa Sora's defense.

In terms of ball speed alone, this 'Giselle's Kiss' is even better than the previous 'Swan Dream·Speed ​​Pattern'.


With Camus' batting posture, why was he able to hit such a hit?

Science says, I don’t understand~
But it doesn't matter, the French tennis player said, just score.

"Score works."


After the referee's voice, there was noise and heated discussion from all around outside the field.


"Saw it again! This move!!!"

"Camus's 'Giselle's Kiss', the invincible crowning move!"

"Giselle, eternal god!"

"This is the romance of classical ballet, this is the romance of France, and this is the romance of us!"


"Giselle" is a romantic ballet. It also has a reputation as the "Crown of Ballet".

And 'Giselle's Kiss' is exactly the power that Camus realized from it.

Simply put, Giselle's Kiss is Camus's pinnacle skill in 'dancing tennis'.

After that, Camus embarked on the path of "revolutionary tennis".

In other words.

Camus can be said to be full of action. After he was determined to win a small score in this round, he directly used his ultimate move.

There was no delay at all.

And without the slightest hesitation...

Got the second mark!

"Swan Dream——"

"Phantom type!"

"Giselle's kiss!"

Call ~
Amidst a series of explosions, streaks of light ball shadows flew across the center court.

The sixth round comes to an end.

"Score works."

"Game, Camus, score 3-3."

The referee's voice sounded, and there was no doubt that after the score of the game was announced, the crowd surrounding the center court immediately started making noise again.

Wave after wave of sound waves turned into tides, clouds, and breezes, bringing a baptism to the center court.

The shouts and chants rang out for Camus.

The passionate support vented their depression and pressure, as well as their expectations and expectations.

Whether it is an ordinary tennis player or the U17 trio who accompanied Camus.

Coach Crowley clenched his fists tightly and couldn't bear the excitement in his heart and swung them with him.

The passionate and arrogant 'Mr. Glasses' who glances sideways.

and Tristan, who was so moved that he had a look of happiness on his face.

And finally.

Everything turned into a cry.

"Come on, Camus!"

"Go ahead!"

That's right, everything turned into expectations for the seventh round.

Everyone had high hopes for victory and hoped that Camus could take advantage of this opportunity and seize the momentum for another round.

After completing the break, victory is in sight.

of course.

The support from the sidelines is nothing more than that.

It won't have any particularly big impact on the two people on the field.

At this point in the game, Kitagawa Sora on the right half was still thinking about the two previous goals during this short break.

"Giselle's kiss~"

"It's really good~"


(End of this chapter)

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