Chapter 107 Resentment? !

Another moment of silence.

Liu Dong did whatever he had to do. This was not the first time he had encountered this kind of thing. He was also very experienced in handling it.

There is no other disadvantage, but it is easy to offend people.He didn't understand why he offended people, but he just knew that after some people asked, there would be no contact, not even a word of thanks, unless they came back for consultation next time.Later, when I was chatting with other classmates or family members, I mentioned this matter, and then I had some insights, that is, "repay kindness with kindness, and treat all other situations with integrity."

I still remember that my mother told Liu Dong something when I went home last time.

That was when his cousin went to the hospital to see a doctor.At that time, my cousin-in-law had a headache and the results at the local hospital were relatively poor, so she decided to drive to the hospital where Liu Dong was practicing to see a doctor, with her cousin accompanying her.They drove 3 hours to the hospital, and because Liu Dong's group happened to be on an operation day that day, the operation day meant that the first operation was performed by Liu Dong's group, and subsequent operations were arranged first by his group.

Therefore, when his cousin and sister-in-law arrived at the hospital, Liu Dong did not go to the hospital entrance to greet them. He just sent a message to his cousin before going on stage, "Although it is difficult to register for the neurology department, they usually give you extra registration. If you don't give it, If you have a plus number, you can go to XX. I have told him that he will give you a plus number. If you have any questions after the results are out, just send me a message and I will find someone to look at it for you."

And that day, Liu Dong also said hello to the teachers in the group in advance, and if something happened, he would leave temporarily to go to the outpatient clinic.As a result, he didn’t hear any news until the three surgeries were finished, so he called his cousin at noon and learned that he had returned from the treatment. He was quite relieved and thought it should be resolved smoothly. question.

His mother told Liu Dong that after seeing the doctor, his cousin and his sister-in-law had been chatting all the way, and they had a big fight when they got home.The main content of the quarrel was around Liu Dong, blaming him for not accompanying her to the medical treatment, blaming him for not being able to open the door for her while working in the hospital, and for making her wait for so long in the outpatient clinic.The final conclusion is, "He doesn't care about us, and our family will never have any contact with him in the future!"

After listening to this, Liu Dong felt very speechless.He reassured his mother that the hospital does not belong to our family. I am just one of the intern doctors and not the director. How can I have such great ability.Moreover, my cousin and my cousin are also from ordinary families. Why do we think of the privileged class at such a young age?

Finally, a high school classmate over there sent photos of medical records from local hospitals. After Liu Dong clicked on them, he read them carefully and then asked, "What is your problem?"

The other party did not type anymore, but sent 4 voice messages one after another.

Liu Dong was disgusted by this, and he preferred to choose direct phone calls or text messages.In the workplace, without headphones, who can listen to the voice?

But for the sake of being a classmate, he still put on his headphones and listened patiently. Sometimes it took him two times to understand what the other person meant.

"After I saw the doctor, the doctor here suggested to me, Balabala. I think his level is not good, so I just want to ask if this is right or is there something wrong with it?"

After listening, Liu Dong was even more speechless, thinking, "You registered for medical treatment. During the treatment, you did not ask the doctor, but sent it to me to ask, what is the purpose, is it to cure the disease? I want to say that the other party is wrong. This Is it to provoke a conflict between doctors and patients? When the argument breaks out, will my words become evidence that the other doctor is wrong? If you win the argument, you won’t mention it, but if you lose the argument, you will blame me again? Furthermore, none of the doctors who interviewed me If I make a correct judgment, I haven't even seen your imaging films, but I just saw a report. How can I still treat a doctor based on a report?"

Taking a deep breath, Liu Dong decided not to reply to the text, so as not to lose his words.He walked out of the office, found a quiet corner in the ward, and made a direct phone call, "Hey, I read yours. According to the report, there is nothing wrong with this."

After the other party listened, he said, "Okay, if you say there is no problem, then it is no problem. Well, are you doing well at work in the hospital?"

Seeing that the other party had no other questions, and instead tended to chat, Liu Dong took the initiative to take over the conversation and said, "There will be other things later, let's talk about your business first, that's it, nothing else." Is there a problem?"

"Well, nothing else. I just feel that the doctor is not reliable. The doctors are too shady and spend so much money."

Liu Dong heard him complaining, but it felt a bit like scolding a bald donkey in front of a monk, so he said directly, "That's it? Let's talk some other time when we have time."

"Okay, you go ahead and do your business first. I'll ask you if I have anything else to do."

Liu Dong was silent for a few seconds, and then said, "Old classmate, for a professional doctor, it is taboo, I just ask casually."

The other party was a little surprised when he heard it, but didn't speak.

"Old classmate, you need to register for medical treatment, and there is usually a consultation fee for online consultation. Moreover, doctors must be responsible for what they say. It is not as easy as you think."

Liu Dong mainly wanted to explain more because he might be "asked casually" after hearing this.

"You may not pay attention to this aspect. But I am in this industry, and I have been paying attention to it. For example, a doctor built a group for the convenience of follow-up with patients who have been interviewed. One day, he The child of an old patient's family was sick, so he asked a question in the group. He gave some advice based on the situation at that time, saying, 'You can observe and observe first, and then go to the hospital if there is any problem.' As a result, that The child's condition worsened and he was admitted to the pediatric ICU. Then the child's parents complained to the doctor on the grounds that 'the treatment recommendations were incorrect, leading to serious consequences.' The hospital, based on the information provided, believed that the doctor was based on the information provided at that time. There were no serious mistakes in the suggestions made in just a few words, but without a face-to-face consultation and a full understanding of the condition, it was impossible to see a doctor. However, in this case, suggestions were still given, and the condition worsened, so a 'warning' was given. punishment. Then, that group was disbanded.”

"Also, you can find out if you pay attention. The hospital's online consultation is mainly for old patients who have already seen the doctor in the outpatient department and need reexamination, not for new patients. This is also because the old patients know the previous medical treatment. They can give advice, but for new patients, some physical examinations or examination data are incomplete, so the advice given may not be accurate."

Yes, hospitals often organize free clinics for doctors, or encourage doctors to popularize science, which seems to be free and for the public welfare, but that does not mean that everything is a public welfare act.

(End of this chapter)

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