Picturesque Rivers and Mountains in the Red Chamber

Chapter 265 Chapter 461 I don't want to hear about the so-called "Daye Ye Family"

Chapter 265 Chapter 4.61 I don't want to hear about the so-called "Daye Ye Family"

Volume Four

4.61 I don’t want to hear about the so-called “Daye Ye Family” anymore.

"Artillery team, change grape bullets, target Yejiapu reinforcements, load - release!"

"The arquebusiers listened to my orders, primed the medicine pool, and lit the matchlocks. Each general flag formed a team and stood in four teams on standby!"

"Pikemen, get up on their mother's feet. Just like the arquebusiers, form a line with the general flag as the unit. Three rows to meet them. Go up as fast as you can!"

"MD, why are you running away? Come back - Cavalry, go and kill him with two men!"

The chorus of passwords, the long and shrill blast of the brass whistle, the screams of those who were whipped for not being ready, the continuous fire of artillery, the wailing of Yejiabao Xiangyong on the opposite side when they were covered with grape bullets, and even Zhou Yang The shouts of executing deserters made the entire north gate of Yejiabao as noisy as a vegetable market, which made people feel dizzy.

But in such an environment, the military horses of Daye Qianhu Institute also showed the results of more than a month of training. Although it was nearly half slower than the daily training ground, they were still completed in half the time of a cup of tea. In preparation, the spearmen and arquebusiers each had three flags and three rows, and even a quarter of the troops were saved as reserves.

"Command the artillery, stop the bombardment!" Seeing that his own troops were on standby, and the Yejiabao side was still in chaos, Zhou Yang gave the order to the cavalry behind him without hesitation, and a fast horse immediately ran out, arriving less than twenty steps quickly From the artillery position in the distance, the sound of artillery soon stopped, and apart from the wails of the wounded soldiers on the opposite side, the entire battlefield even became somewhat ugly and dead.

"Sir, why don't you fire any more?" After a moment, Yuan Xiu, still with excitement on his face, rushed over and said loudly before dismounting, "As long as you continue to fire, those rabble will soon be able to defeat you."

"Transmit the order, according to the training formation, the three formations will press towards the enemy. Xianwen (Meng Kun from the Hundred Houses of Spears) and Yilong (Li Feng from the Hundred Houses of Matchlocks) are in charge of their respective arms. Execute immediately!" Zhou Yang said calmly! Interrupting him, he explained after giving the order, "It would be a pity not to let your subordinates practice this kind of enemy!"

"I understand your humble position!" Yuan Xiu and Zhao Tong looked at each other and bowed in unison.

Fifty people in a row, a total of six rows of 300 people, marching in a relatively orderly pace and maintaining a neat formation, strode towards the still chaotic Yejiabao Township until both sides realized that they were less than thirty steps away. Unable to continue the chaos, the enemy commander shouted loudly, and soon organized no less than 300 people on the west side of Yejiabao, charging toward the military formation with howls and chaos!
"Sir, we cannot allow the troops inside and outside Yejiabao to merge. They add up to more than 500 people, and they are putting a lot of pressure on us!" Yuan Xiu looked at Damen Neixiang Yong, who was also preparing to attack, and said in an anxious tone, "If If we delay it any longer, we will need at least twice as many people in the future, if we really wait for them to gather here."

"Guang Sheng, you and Guan Qun (Jiao Zhen, Hundred Houses of Matchlock Guns) take your remaining general flag and line up in a row to press against the gate; Dongjie, let the artillery push the infantry cannon to the front of the gate. Within fifty steps, blast the remaining scraps to pieces!" Zhou Yang dispatched the reserve team without hesitation.

"Yes, my lord!" The three hundred households yelled in response, and immediately turned around to carry out their actions.

Zhou Yang then set off with about two remaining small flag cavalry, pressing them to the back of his main force, because the spearmen in the front row had already engaged the opponent in hand-to-hand combat, and the fight became a mess, with screams and There was a loud clash of weapons, and some were even frightened and wanted to desert, but were ordered to be killed by the soldiers behind them.

"Beep--" The shrill copper whistle sounded, causing the matchlock gunners who still hadn't joined the formation to tremble reflexively. Then they saw the messenger behind Li Feng holding a red flag and waving it down violently for a long time. The strictly trained arquebusiers understood immediately. The first platoon rushed behind the pike team without hesitation and stretched out their muskets in the form of inserting them into the air!

"Bang, bang, bang -" there was a roar like exploding beans. Fifty matchlock guns completed the salvo in the blink of an eye. Ye Jiayong from the opposite side immediately screamed, even if he was shaken by the musket, his ears were ringing, and the spear Hand could still listen to the whistle and take the opportunity to press forward. Under the leadership of Meng Kun, he made a beautiful counterattack, and immediately more than twenty blood sugar gourds appeared on the ground.

The first row of arquebusiers who finished firing their muskets stayed put. The second row behind them rushed forward from the huge gap between the first rows and continued to "insert the space" to fire their muskets. Ye Jiajiayong's side immediately burst into flames. Screaming, even one of his own spearmen with red eyes was shot to death on the spot because he rushed too fast and got involved with the opponent.

This time, before the third row of matchlock gunners could come forward, the Ye family was frightened by the death and injury of more than 50 people falling to the ground in two rounds. The less than 200 people who remained immediately screamed and ran backwards, and some even had bad luck. Dan'er accidentally fell down and was immediately trampled by the deserters who followed him. He never got up again.

Almost at the same time, the gate was already covered by the overwhelming iron sand from the infantry artillery. Isamu Uchigo lost the courage to fight. He closed the thick gate with huge casualties and decided to defend the city. "Sir, we won, we -" Meng Kun, who originally commanded the spearmen of the main force, saw everyone cheering and starting to chase. After confirming victory, he laughed and returned to Zhou Yang, obviously preparing to announce the good news.

"Shut up!" Zhou Yang shouted and interrupted him, "I will hand over all the cavalry to you. Now let me bypass the chaos in front. I don't care who is leading the team, with his head Come back, do you hear me clearly?"

"Don't worry, sir!" The joy on Jiao Zhen's face became more obvious. He turned his horse's head and waved to the cavalry, "Follow me, kill the enemy and claim the reward!"

"Ouch——" More than 20 fast horses set off immediately, charging towards the enemy regardless of their horsepower!

"Brother Zhou, where are we here?" Zhao Qiying, who had been silent for a long time, looked at the more than two hundred corpses on the ground with complicated eyes and said with a complicated expression, "Including the subsequent pursuit, there are not many casualties on Yejiabao's side. Below three hundred, and the total number of casualties exceeds [-]% or more, we will never have the courage to continue fighting."

"Follow me!" Zhou Yang waved his hand and motioned for the Zhao sisters to follow. He reached the artillery position and then said to Yuan Xiu, "Blow the door open, and everyone is ready. Later, we will use small flags as units. It is best to Spearmen and arquebusiers mixed together to enter the interior of Yejiabao to carry out a cleanup. No one is allowed to enter private houses, but anyone who holds weapons or attacks our troops will be killed!"

"Don't worry, my lord, I understand!" Yuan Xiu turned around and shouted after bowing, "Change the iron bullet, aim at the gate of Yejiabao, let me release it, when it explodes and stop!"

The infantry artillery that had just stopped firing when the gate closed immediately began to load. First, the cloth bags that had been packed with gunpowder were stuffed into them, and they were pressed tightly with wooden sticks. Then they were stuffed with solid iron bullets, and then they were repeatedly tamped with wooden sticks, and finally they were pressed with iron bullets. The awl was inserted into the fuse hole and the fuse was inserted. After the gunner completed aiming, the second gunner lit the fuse with a fuse!
"Bang——" There was a dull explosion, and the muzzle of the gun was obviously raised and then fell quickly. Because the iron ring at the end of the single-legged gun mount had been fixed to the ground by a foot-and-a-half-long pin, the gun carriage did not shift significantly. The whistling iron bullet flew less than fifty steps away and accurately hit the wooden door, smashing a hole on the spot and accompanied by screams from behind the door.

In the sound of shelling, there was no other noise on the scene. Everyone was either staring at the gate that was constantly being smashed through, or at the infantry artillery that kept firing, their eyes full of interest in this big killer. of awe.

"Sir, I now understand why you insisted on making firearms the core of our army!" Amidst the sound of shelling, Yuan Xiu returned to Zhou Yang with a complicated expression and said respectfully, "If After about two months of training, the number of such elite soldiers will be expanded to [-]. Even if they face the same number of [-] battalions of elite cavalry, it will be difficult to say whether they will win or lose!"

Zhou Yang smiled and patted his shoulder, but didn't say a word. He just looked at the increasingly dilapidated door, waiting for the last moment to arrive.

"Sir -" I didn't want half a stick of incense to pass by, but before the door was broken, Meng Kun, who had set out with the cavalry not long ago, had returned. Before he could get off his horse, he threw two bloody heads to the ground. Then he jumped off his horse and said, "It's a honor to live up to my humble position. I heard from the captured prisoner that both of them are young masters of the Ye family, and their names are."

A total of five hundred households who came together one after another looked at the heads still rolling on the ground with complicated expressions, and slowly showed expressions of envy.

"Wait a minute, you guys all lead the team in." Zhou Yang interrupted him calmly, pointing to the crumbling door and said, "Remember, I don't care what method you use, whoever brings back the head of the current head of the Ye family, whoever This is the first achievement this time. Although due to the special circumstances, it is difficult to say how to be rewarded for meritorious service this time, it will definitely be used in the future; also, I don’t want to hear about the so-called ‘Daye Ye Family’ in the future!”

"Don't worry, sir!" The five of them bowed in unison.

But a moment later, the already riddled gate collapsed, and the other four soldiers set off separately, leaving only the artilleryman Yuan Xiu, who watched with envy as the remaining more than 350 people rushed into Yejiabao. .

"It's a pity that no one of your men can take over this time, so you can only do it under the command of three instructors." Zhou Yang pointed to the artillerymen who had ceased fire and rested, and smiled at Yuan Xiu and said, "Don't worry, you have Twelve infantry cannons, and there will only be more in the future. If this time it is after we complete the training, and we rely solely on artillery to cover it in turn, this ragtag group will not have the courage to call out again, do you understand?"

"I understand my humble position!" Yuan Xiu shouted excitedly.

(End of this chapter)

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