Crowned the New Han Dynasty

Chapter 341 Literary Review, can anyone come?

Chapter 341 Literary Review, can anyone come?
Su Liao would not really feel relieved because of Chen Zhi's words, but it could be seen that Chen Zhi was prepared. Based on his responsible attitude towards the mastermind, he simply asked.

"The Xun family has a lot of influence in Shendu Academy. If they persist, even if Shendu Academy has an agenda, it will inevitably take action due to pressure."

"And then?" Chen Zhi sat on the chair, his expression unchanged, "With the strength of an academy, directly facing Tai Leling?"

Seeing that Su Liao was still doubtful, he continued: "I know that what you care about is the power behind the academy, but the power behind it is only behind it after all, and cannot be brought to the table. Taileling is the imperial court. According to the imperial edict, the academies are private schools for the people, and using the power of the people to directly resist the officials of the imperial court is something that a wise man would not do."

"That means?" Su Liao was slightly surprised, "Then Shendu Academy doesn't dare to deal with Shaojun directly?"

"At least for a short period of time, they will be unable to do anything, because Shendu Academy is not the only one. There are at least three comparable academies. One move can affect the whole body. If Shendu Academy gives up its reputation as the number one in articles, Head, then this plaque will be obtained by others."

"However, even if they participate, they may not be able to get this academy."

Chen Zhi shook his head and said with a smile: "It might not be possible to get it, but if I have the heart, I can make them sure not to get it! Even he is not allowed to participate in the literary review."

Su Liao frowned, still not grasping the key point, and said with some confusion: "The literary review does not allow Shendu Academy to participate, but this book review may not necessarily involve all academies."

"Do you think my previous arrangements were really just to ease the conflict between Shouzhuo and Nanshan academies?" Chen Zhi looked at Su Liao with a hint of surprise, then nodded and said, "Yes, the reason why I organized this In fact, the main purpose of this review meeting, even though it is complicated, is to ensure that other academies will participate in the subsequent literary review, because literary review is the key, and it is the key to ensuring that Taile Department will become the real power agency from now on!"

Su Liao thought for a moment and suddenly felt something in his heart.

"Young Master suddenly told me all this. This is a sign of trust in me. If you want to treat me as a confidant, you have to show your worth to me. Maybe this is a test."

After thinking this, Su Liao pondered for a moment and considered his words, while Chen Zhi waited beside him and said no more.

After a few breaths, Su Liao said: "I am also aware of Shaojun's evaluation meeting. Your plaque has been taken out. This whole process is indeed novel. Many academies will be interested, but it is not enough. Let all academies face it, could it be that the key lies in rumors?"

"Yes, it's just a rumor." Chen Zhi nodded and stopped playing riddles. "Actually, I have already arranged some of Taileling's mission activities and made some arrangements. And even if there are no such arrangements, according to the current situation, the rumors In the process of dissemination, it will also gradually focus on the scholars and students of the two academies, so that these people who are still studying in the academies can enjoy the feeling of increased fame in advance."

"How does it feel to gain fame?"

Su Liao frowned when he heard this. At the same time, he was also curious about what the officers sent by Chen Zhi did.

But seeing that Chen Zhi didn't mean to explain further, he stopped asking, and just asked for instructions: "Then what should I do next? I would like to ask you to tell me, Shaojun, do you want to go and inform the old lady? In case at home? Are there any more complications?"

Chen Zhi nodded when he heard the words, stood up and said: "This is what it should be, but you shouldn't go, otherwise you will be criticized. I should go there in person."

Just as Chen Zhi was leaving, the Human Emperor was waiting expectantly for the news.

"The results have come out, how are you? Have you written down everything over there? Come over here and tell me. I've been waiting for a long time."

Liu Dai looked expectant.

In front of him, a guard knelt down on one knee. After listening to the emperor's request, he nodded. With a wave of his hand, two middle-aged scribes walked in. The two saluted familiarly, and then they said something to each other. , and cooperated to describe everything that happened in the Taile Department.

These two people are also very interesting, as if they were role-playing, one said that he was Sun Te, the other said that he was Lu Qian, and later imitated Wang Yan, it was really funny.

Originally, the behavior of the two of them made Liu Dai feel funny, and Chen Zhi's arrangement made it even more interesting, and Liu Dai couldn't stop laughing.

After the whole process was finished, Liu Dai clapped his hands and said to Mo Anjie: "My dear friend, what a pity. I should have gone on a trip incognito this time. I don't know how often we will encounter such interesting things. "

Mo Anjie hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, you have the responsibility of the world, how can you do this?" He was the one who dissuaded the emperor before. Although he had a good impression of Chen Zhi, the emperor's safety should not be ignored. It was difficult to see the emperor's intention at that time. In a twist, he pretended to compromise at first, and later, he took advantage of various opportunities to remind Liu Dai repeatedly, and then he allowed Liu Dai to take back his life.

"Okay, I know everything, but you can't stop the literary review in one month." When Liu Dai spoke, there was a look of yearning on his face, "You talk about a review meeting, there will be this With all this noise, what would happen if the literary review mentioned emphatically by Chen Zhi was like that? At that time, if I just showed my carriage and horses and passed by, no one would say anything more about him."

"No." Mo Anjie still shook his head, and then explained, "Your Majesty, Chen Zhi is undoubtedly capable. The brochure presented before was also well laid out. In Luoyang City, there are several companies that look down on him, so there are still variables. When this review is held, Xu Academy may not really support it. If the emperor passes, it will be embarrassing. Besides, your seal is already enough ""I don't think so, how about it, buddy, let's just make a bet, if during the literary review, the Sifang Academy has sent people, then I will order to go there to help Chen Zhi, and then In the next few scenes, I will come to the scene in person, how about it?"

Mo Anjie shook his head and said: "Your Majesty, you are the master of the world, how can you bet with people like slaves?"

Liu Dai suddenly became unhappy and frowned: "Just tell me whether you are willing or not! If it still doesn't work, then I won't even bet with you and will go directly to you in a month."

Mo Anjie had no choice but to repeat his old trick, so he nodded in agreement.

Liu Dai suddenly grinned and couldn't help but look forward to it.

"However, what you said is true. Chen Zhi's actions must have caused headaches for many people. I don't know if it will affect the literary review for a month. I originally wanted to recruit him into the palace again, but now I won’t cause any trouble to him.”

The emperor's idea is not unfounded, at least there is one family who is extremely troubled at the moment.

Chen Yong, the servant of the Chen family.

At this time, his son Chen Die came over in a hurry and was talking to Chen Yong in the house.

"Father, the child came back halfway when he heard the news. You really can't keep silent about this matter. Those families have bullied us, how can we tolerate it?" Chen Die's tone was a little urgent, full of contentment. His face was full of anxiety.

"It's Chen Huan who found you, right?" Chen Yong looked calm. He asked first and then said, "You should go back to me immediately and follow the army into Shu. This is military affairs. Soldiers are a major event for the country. How can it be a child's play? What happened with Chen Zhi has nothing to do with you."

"Father!" Chen Die became more and more anxious.

"Give me back!" Chen Yong didn't give the other party a chance to speak at all. He put on a straight face and scolded angrily, "If you don't return to the team now, don't blame your father for not showing affection. You will be Zhonglang General, He is a general in the army. It is his duty to serve the country and defend the border. It is also what you have repeatedly emphasized to your father. When things come to an end, because other things are distracting, the opportunity of being a father makes you never have the opportunity to join the army. !"

Seeing his father angry, Chen Die was still a little scared. He knew his father's temper and knew that with his connections, it would not be a problem to cut off his military career.

But Chen Die was also concerned about Chen Zhi's situation. He was following the foreign troops to change defenses. Halfway through the journey, he received news from Chen Huan and knew that the situation was urgent, so he came back and wanted to ask his father to come forward and help Chen Zhi. Originally, this AWOL was quite terrible, and he needed to rush back in time, but without Chen Yong's promise, he couldn't rest assured after all.

"Master, you'd better leave first. Don't offend the master again. The master has been very concerned about it recently. He sends people out every day to inquire about information in Taile Department, shops and hundreds of teahouses. He is definitely not I won't care." There was a confidant who secretly revealed the information.

"I hope so." Chen Die sighed. He had no other choice but to pack up and leave. But when he was leaving the house, a handsome man with a rather stern expression walked towards him.

When the man saw Chen Die, he immediately saluted respectfully.

"My nephew, Chen Hua, has met Uncle Die."

"Chen Hua, you're here too. I see you're still as charming as ever." Chen Die had something on his mind. He didn't even bother to greet this well-known talent from the Chen family in Xiapi. He just said a few words and left.

Looking at Chen Die's retreating back, Chen Hua narrowed his eyes and sneered.

"Chen Die's return at this time must be because of Chen Zhi's trouble. Chen Zhi seems to be powerful now, but he has already got carried away."

After thinking about it, he came to the courtyard of the back house. A group of Chen family disciples had gathered here for a long time. They were all recently summoned from various places to help Chen Zhi. Unfortunately, Chen Yong had not yet had time to explain. Chen Zhi has already done so many things, and his various actions have actually caused a lot of opinions within the Chen family.

"Chen Zi, during this gathering, I just suggested that if you want to give advice to His Holiness, you must warn Chen Zhi! Otherwise, when the article is reviewed, no one will care about it, and my Chen family will be embarrassed by this Pengcheng son. ”

As soon as Chen Hua arrived at the place and saw Chen Zi in the crowd, he said this.

(End of this chapter)

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