Crowned the New Han Dynasty

Chapter 195: Best in Pengcheng!

Chapter 195: Best in Pengcheng!

"Why did Zhongzheng say this?"

This was not the first time that Chen Zhi and Zu Zhongzheng had met. They had met in the past on occasions such as welcoming Zhuge Yan, but at most they had only exchanged greetings in person. In fact, they did not have much interaction, because officials of this class also wanted to avoid suspicion. Unexpectedly Today, when the Zhengzheng came to announce the final product, he suddenly said these words.

Chen Zhi was surprised, so he shook his head and said: "The classics are a collection of the wisdom of the past, and they are the rules of conduct for people in this world. They are all-encompassing. How can I dare to make annotations with such a shallow knowledge?" He couldn't figure out what the other party was thinking. Chen Zhi chose the safest answer.

In fact, it is not uncommon to annotate classics, more to record the feelings of reading, or simply to help the younger generations to read. There is no threshold, unless your insights are very profound, it is possible to pass them down.

"Too modest," Zuna shook his head and said with a smile, "Annotating this matter is not a big deal in the first place. In order to facilitate the understanding of future generations, many wealthy families have the habit of annotating their collections of books, which is equivalent to recording their words and deeds in The book is for future generations to study. From what you just said, it seems that you intend to influence someone, so I made this suggestion."

Having said this, he took a deep look at Chen Zhi and said meaningfully: "If you want to be influential, you have to start from this aspect. Otherwise, even if you are a political party and the Prime Minister Yin and Yang, there will be a day when someone takes a political break. , You may not have this thought now, but when you experience more and accumulate enough in the future, you will understand how to retain your thoughts."

Chen Zhi was startled when he heard the words. He didn't expect that the commander-in-chief would say such a thing. It can be said that it was a little strange to have a deep friendship.

But he didn't know that it was Zuna who could see that the emperor had a good impression of Chen Zhi, so he warned him in advance, which was also a kind of warning. After saying this, he added: "I don't have many words to say. Having said that, there is only one thing I want to make clear. Although the evaluation was made by His Majesty, I heard that the Holy One originally assigned you a higher grade, but was blocked by the princes in the court. Don't be upset. This is also something to consider. Yes, it’s good for you too.”

Chen Zhi nodded and said: "It's enough to get a top grade. This starting point is already at the level of a top family. How can I get Long Wangshu? Besides, such a top grade is actually a bit inappropriate."

"Hahaha, your words are too modest, but it is always good to be vigilant. I heard that you are about to go out to study and have a high-ranking status. It will be more convenient for you to do things then." Zu Na was talking, seeing that everyone had gathered around When he came up, he took two steps back, "If you have any questions, just come to my house in a few days."

"Thank you Zhongzheng." Chen Zhigong handed over his hand. This suddenly earned him the evaluation of a third-grade local product. Although he got it by accident, he still had a lot of doubts. In addition to the changes in his connections that followed, there was indeed something he needed to ask for advice on.

At the same time, Chen Zhi was still savoring the matter of "annotating classics" in his heart, shaking his head silently, knowing that it was not yet time.

As Zuna said, using the method of annotating classics to spread and preserve one's own opinions and thoughts is a very practical and effective method that can better influence the outside world.

Chen Zhi rushed to resolve the case for a few days just to build momentum and seize the opportunity to influence the special envoy to exert influence and prevent the truth from being missed. But if the classics he annotated could spread to all directions, there would be no need to do so many complicated things and he could do more By making direct suggestions and preventing crises, there is no need to go through so many things.

"But to achieve this step, my own reputation is very important. At least for now, the conditions are not mature yet. If I explain it hastily, it will not have much influence, so it is not yet time."

After thinking about it, he gathered together with the people who came to congratulate him, and had to suspend his thoughts and speak politely.

Outside the door, the servants of the Chen family who were waiting outside also got the news. The matter of the appraisal of top-grade and third-grade rural products shocked these servants to the extreme. Without giving any orders, they immediately separated out a few people and rushed towards each master's house. go--

Chen Zhi was invited to help solve the case, which also caused a commotion in the Chen family. All the masters were very concerned about it and sent people over very early to watch, hoping to get the news as soon as possible.

After the news of the final product came back, the Chen family immediately became excited.

But compared to the shock and excitement of the servants and servants, the old Chens headed by Chen Chi were much more cautious and worried about gains and losses.

"It's not the same thing to go to trial a case smoothly, only to get back the news of a third-grade local product."

"Definitely a third-grade product? Are you sure?"

"The Emperor's appointment of the third grade cannot be a misinformation, right? We must make it clear. This matter is no joke."

"Ascending to the top level always feels unrealistic. It would be embarrassing if we held a banquet and ended up having nothing but joy."

"In short, we should be more cautious and send someone to ask for details."

"Yes, this kind of thing should not be impulsive. If it is true, then we cannot prepare in a hurry. For such a big event, we must inform our ancestors."


Chen Chi, Chen Bian, Chen Yue, Chen Yuan and others gathered together immediately to discuss the situation, with conflicting minds.

Reason tells them that the authenticity of this rumor is questionable. It can be said that there are noses and eyes, and it is definitely not fabricated out of thin air. If it is true, it will boost the Chen family's momentum by more than 01:30 points, and the future situation of the Chen family will not be small. Good, but great!

As the discussion went on, several people became increasingly restless.

Chen Yu frowned and said: "Calculating the time, Chen Zhi's order should have arrived long ago, but it stands to reason that the normal order is to inform the family first, but the family doesn't know yet, but someone outside has spread the rumor, too eccentric."

"Isn't it..."

Several other people couldn't help but mutter, and this was also the source of their troubles.

"I'm coming!"

At this time, the steward Chen Yi ran in in a panic, ignoring the difference of etiquette, came to several old Chens, and said eagerly: "Master Chen Qian sent someone here." "Finally here! "

The anxious hearts of Chen Chi and others were immediately relieved.

"He should have sent someone to ventilate it a long time ago. We are stuck in the air." Chen Bian muttered and walked out with several brothers, and soon met a middle-aged servant.

It was not the first time for this person to come here. He was a familiar person and he bowed and said: "Several venerable sirs, my master does not intend to delay, but this time the final product involves the Holy Oracle, and cannot be disclosed at will, otherwise If someone knows about it, it will be a hidden danger."

When the elders Chen heard this, they were a little dumbfounded.

"Is it really related to the Holy Oracle? Are all the rumors true?"

"It's absolutely true!" The servant congratulated with joy, "Our seventh young master has been designated as a top-notch person by the Holy Spirit. This is a matter for the whole city to celebrate. The county guard and the county magistrate have said that they should be commended. Just waiting for our Chen family to hold a big banquet!"

After hearing this, Chen Yuan, the eighth master of the Chen family who had always been secretive about his joy and anger, could not control his emotions and showed his joy.

Chen Qian is Zhongzheng's assistant officer, and the news he conveys is much more credible than the rumors.

"Then what are you waiting for? Get ready now!"

"Come here, this informant has worked hard, please give me a reward!"

"Go, go out of the city and inform Uncle Third!"

The overjoyed old Chens shouted at the same time, and gave several orders in one breath.

Suddenly, the entire Chen family became busy. Here they were giving money to the messenger, and there were people running out of the house. It was a joyous scene.

When I was young, all the judges came out, the news spread all over Pengcheng, the whole city was shocked, all the old ladies had looked at Chen Zhi differently, but they were still surprised when they heard the news.

Afterwards, all the families prepared gifts and waited for the Chen family's banquet.

The clan heads of those families came to Chen Mansion in advance to congratulate him.

When Chen Zhi returned home, the excitement in the entire Chen family reached a climax, and the children of the Chen family rushed to greet him.

Chen Ting and Chen Xi were pushed forward to greet their top-ranking figures. The two brothers felt like they were in a dream. Only when they saw their brother did they feel a little more real. They were inexplicably excited and felt that there was no greater glory in life than this moment.

When everyone is gathered, he pays homage to the third uncle.

The great-uncle was also beaming. After seeing Chen Zhi, he pointed at him and said with a smile: "This is a third-class figure in my Chen family. He has the style of his ancestors!" Next, he muttered and recalled the scenery of his family back then.

Originally, every time this third uncle spoke, others either sighed or found it noisy and did not bother to listen. But today, they all listened with gusto. Not only that, but they also resonated with each other. It seemed that they would be able to have fun again in a short time. Chen family, restored to its former glory.

Starting from the next day, the Chen family held a banquet for people in the city. For several days, everyone who had relatives or friends could come over to eat and drink. It was very lively.

The Chen family just swallowed up the Bai family's property not long ago, so they don't worry about money, so the running water mats are all good things, and they don't spare money, I'm afraid others don't know that the Chen family has produced the third grade!

Soon, various families in the city visited one after another, and even people from several surrounding counties sent people. Wang Xi from Wuyuan Wang's family arrived at the first time and exchanged pleasantries.

Immediately afterwards, the name Chen Zhi was spread to the people, and everyone praised him. There was a children's song "Chen Jiazi, a third-grade man" spread among the people.

This lively and joyful atmosphere lasted for two months before gradually subsided, but Chen Zhi was still talked about endlessly in and outside the city.

At this time, the special envoy discovered the alien figure behind Wang Mi's case, followed the clues, and found the connection with the Huns in the north. However, except for those who assisted Chen Zhi and other people who knew about it, it was kept secret from the outside world and passed to the court through special channels.

Another half month later, news came that the Marquis of Wuxiang was heading north, which finally diluted the talk about Chen Zhi a lot. Pengcheng slowly returned to its previous situation, but the power of the Chen family increased greatly, and Chen Zhi was faintly the leader. The momentum of Pengcheng.

In this atmosphere, a team of carriages and horses arrived in Pengcheng.

This group of carriages was neither big nor small. They came from the south. When they entered an inn, several monks and young people got out of the carriages.

A young man in white clothes came to a monk, saluted respectfully, and said, "Master Mingfa, if you stop for two days, you must continue on your way. You can't stay for a long time, or you will delay the meeting between the master and the teacher. In addition, I have A few invitations have been sent out, and there are also people in Pengcheng who are valued by the teacher, so I want to invite them to the apricot forum to discuss."

 Thanks to "Blue Spirit", "Heart-Changing Song", "Senior Book Fan 007", "Dian Lips to Purple Blood", "Gu Linxi", "Once Upon a Time" and "Red Dust" for the rewards! Chapter 2 will be later.

(End of this chapter)

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