Chapter 264 A Big Dream

After all the troops of the Kingdom of Jin withdrew from the territory of the Great Song Dynasty, the Great Song Dynasty spent fifteen days to rebuild the inner and outer cities of Bianliang.

For the major temples and people's residences that were originally destroyed by the water of the Yellow River, the imperial court allocated money to hire skilled craftsmen from all over the world to build temporary residences one after another day and night.

After things in Bianliang City were settled, the Song Dynasty Hall could finally take a short rest.

Because when Emperor Huizong dealt with the matter of Tong Guan, he demoted a high-ranking official in Linqing to death by the way.

Therefore, Emperor Huizong now needed someone to go to Linqing to deliver his edict.

This candidate is actually not that important, as long as he is a safe and reliable person.

After Count Ying heard about this incident, he took the initiative to ask Emperor Huizong to let him go to Linqing.

Emperor Huizong and Earl Ying were just as good as before, and they couldn't bear to let him go.

But Earl Ying said: "Your Majesty, my family and I are all from Qinghe County. We have never been back to Qinghe County since we came to Bianliang."

"The women at home miss their hometown very much, so Wei Chen wants to take this opportunity to take the women back to Qinghe County."

Emperor Huizong was naturally able to understand Earl Ying's thoughts, so he agreed to Earl Ying's request.

The New Year was originally only half a month away, and Linqing City was far away from Bianliang City, so Emperor Huizong gave Count Ying a two-month holiday.

Let Earl Ying spend a good New Year in Qinghe County.

Before leaving, Emperor Huizong specially appointed forty guards to escort Count Ying and his family back to Qinghe County and to Linqing City.

Emperor Huizong specially saw Earl Ying off, and told Earl Ying earnestly and earnestly: "After the matter over there is settled, you should come back quickly. When the time comes, I will give you and Han Shizhong an official title together."

Earl Ying nodded and smiled, and said: "Don't worry, Your Majesty. Wei Chen will come back as soon as possible in two months. I will miss you too much if I don't see you for one more day."

Emperor Huizong stroked his beard and said with a smile: "Guanghou, after I finish reading "Heroes of Jianghu", let's see what new tricks you have in your fourth novel!"

Earl Ying saw deep anticipation and excitement in Emperor Huizong's eyes.

Earl Ying and his family were escorted out of Bianliang City by the guards before they came. It was different from when they came. When they came, Earl Ying thought that "Mr. Chen" was seriously ill and would die soon.

So I was frightened all the way, rushing madly all the time, not daring to take it lightly.

Moreover, they were just a family at that time, there was no one else around, and they were always worried about bandits and bandits.

This time I went back and it was completely different.

It was so leisurely and peaceful, and there was a group of well-trained guards escorting him and his family back.

Along the way, the motorcade stopped and stopped, and the women's faces were filled with smiles.

Earl Ying remembered that not long after Meng Yulou came to the house, among the three women in Jinlian, Chunmei and Ping'er, Jinlian had the most wild temper.

The one that Earl Ying is most worried about is Jin Lian.

So Earl Ying held Meng Yulou's hand tightly and said to Jin Lian, "Have you treated Yulou well since she came home?"

Jin Lian was a woman with a strong xenophobia, and she was very jealous, so she told Earl Ying angrily: "Whether I treat Yu Lou well or not, it's none of your business!"

Earl Ying was stunned and said to Meng Yulou: "If any of your sisters dare to treat you badly, tell me immediately."

"I will definitely teach you a lesson and vent your anger for you."

Meng Yulou said with a smile: "I am a latecomer to the house. Everyone is my elder sister. I am the younger sister. I don't have so many things." Earl Ying shook his head and sighed, thinking in his heart: Throughout the ages, countless men have taken three wives. The fourth concubine is the biggest dream.

But how many people know that once they have more wives, many things will be too troublesome.

Just the relationship between them is actually very difficult to manage.

Who is happy, who is angry, whom you have more affection for, and whom you have less affection for, all are troubles.

He thought that when he first came to this time and space, he was penniless and had nothing, and he was only accompanied by Jin Lian.

He and Jin Lian made an agreement in this life, and it was planned from the very beginning that they would cuddle up to each other and never separate.

If it hadn't been for so many things that happened later, it is very likely that this life would have passed by in such an ordinary way.

After leaving Bianliang City, it took a full three hours for the convoy to arrive at Dragon City.

After arriving at Dragon City, they didn't stop to rest. The team kept driving quickly.

Before leaving, the guards had carefully planned this trip for Earl Ying, and they paid attention to every city they went to.

Earl Ying leaned on Jin Lian's shoulder and fell into a deep sleep.

He had a dream, in which he dreamed about what happened before he was reborn in this time and space.

In that time and space, he lived in despair.

As a street writer who couldn't make a living by writing novels alone, he either worked in a factory as a screwdriver or worked as a security guard in a university town.

Every day I feel like a walking zombie, holding on to such a small dream in my heart that no light can be seen at all, grinding my teeth and struggling to survive.

I have been single for more than 20 years and am so depressed that I don’t even dare to go out and meet people.

The good friends I have made since childhood are either married or already fathers.

But he has always lived with bare hands, and when he was injured, he could only hide in the corner silently and lick the wound alone.

Facing the poverty-stricken family, he was unable to change at all.

Every member of the family is in fear all day long, looking forward to the day when they will never wake up again.

So impoverished, in the eyes of others, the whole family is a noble person with two sleeves.

But who knows, it's just dawdling around in vain.

In these days of extreme embarrassment, Earl Ying developed a habit of living the world he wrote about as real life.

And living every day is just to allow the world in his writing to continue.

Rather, people living in this world are just an attachment to the world he writes about.

In this big dream, Earl Ying reshaped his unforgettable childhood sweetheart and walked into the palace of marriage hand in hand with others;

Earl Ying saw his very young self walking quickly and expressionlessly, and told him: "You still have a long way to go, so you have to keep walking."

Earl Ying saw the flowers falling and blooming, and the flowers blooming and falling. Ten or twenty years seemed like a big dream;
Earl Ying saw a future life that was too bleak to have any brilliance...

(End of this chapter)

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