Biography of the traitorous officials who dominated the Song Dynasty

Chapter 225 The Song Army won a complete victory

Chapter 225 The Song Army won a complete victory
Amidst the raging wind, the battle continued until the licensing time that afternoon.

Seeing the setting sun and the mountains like blood, Song and Jin had already fought to the point of exhaustion.

Although the temperature rose slightly, it was not enough to melt the ice on the city wall, causing heavy casualties to the Jin army.

Seeing that night was approaching, if the Jin army insisted on continuously attacking the inner city of Bianliang, the number of casualties would definitely be higher.

Come to think of it, this is true even during the day, let alone at night?

In desperation, the Jin army had no choice but to temporarily withdraw its troops and retreat to the outer city of Bianliang.

The Jin army's fierce attack on the inner city of Bianliang ended in a comprehensive victory for the Song army.

This result was unexpected by everyone in Song and Jin.

Just like Earl Ying and Emperor Huizong, they had already expected the sky this morning before dawn.

In all likelihood, the Song Dynasty should win this war.

However, even a victory should come at a heavy cost of casualties.

It is definitely not the current result.

The specific number of casualties between the Song and Jin Dynasties has actually reached a daunting level.

On the Song and Jin side, the total number of deaths was 3000.

The number of seriously injured people was ignored, and the number of minor injuries totaled 6000.

On the Jin Army's side, there were a total of 5 dead, 3 seriously injured, and a total of 8000 slightly injured.

There was a huge disparity in combat power between the two sides. Compared with the Song Army and the Jin Army, they were like ants versus an elephant.

But the result of this battle ended with the complete victory of the Song Army. This may have been unimaginable by people in the Central Plains for hundreds of years.

As we all know, the Jurchens are a people on horseback. They were born barbaric and cruel in nature, which is in sharp contrast to the people in the Central Plains.

Once a war breaks out, it will always be the Central Plains people who suffer.

In the Northeastern hometown of the Jurchens, there are four distinct seasons, and only autumn is the more pleasant time of the year.

The snow melts in spring and everything is unbearably damp.

The summer heat makes it difficult to survive.

Winter is cold and there is no way to survive.

The cruel natural climate has developed the naturally aggressive personality of the Jurchens.

He doesn't like to beat around the bush when things happen, he can solve them with his hands, and never fights bitterly with his mouth.

Moreover, the Jin Kingdom was established not long ago. It can be said that the predecessor of the Jin Kingdom, the Liao Kingdom, was already cruel, unkind and barbaric.

But the Kingdom of Jin, which is mainly composed of Jurchens, is even far more powerful than the Kingdom of Liao.

It is enough to show that compared with it, the Song Dynasty was really inferior.

Before this battle, the Song Army faced the Jin Army, which was more youthful and better than the Liao State, and would always suffer.

This battle in the inner city of Bianliang directly gave the world a shot in the arm.

From this moment on, people all over the world finally had a rapid change in their stereotyped impressions of Song and Jin.

In other words, after Jin Wushu and Onlibu led the three armies to withdraw to the outer city of Bianliang, the two men were anxious in the military tent.

Seeing that the weather is getting colder day by day, it is much more difficult to attack the city than to defend it.

The Jin army had to risk their lives to attack the city under this situation, which really made things worse.

Jin Wushu was so angry and hateful that he broke the wooden pillar on the side with one punch. He gritted his teeth and said: "These damn people named Zhao are really hateful!" Wan Libu raised his eyebrows and said angrily: "Gah Haha? But I’m not talking about you, second brother. You are not young now, how can you act so recklessly!"

Jin Wushu turned his head suddenly, filled with anger, and immediately grabbed Obi's collar tightly and said sternly: "Second brother, what you said is a bit wrong!"

"Am I acting recklessly? If the troops led by you hadn't been delayed by more than half an hour in arriving at the inner city of Bianliang, I would have defeated the inner city of Bianliang in one fell swoop!"

Oli Bu looked dazed for a while, and immediately with a sinister look on his face, he slapped Jin Wushu hard in the face.

Jin Wushu was almost knocked to the ground by the slap in the face.

He covered his face hard and said angrily: "Did I say something wrong? Second brother, I'm angry!"

Oli looked at Jin Wushu with dissatisfaction and said, "I'm telling you, don't talk to me about these useless things. If you dare to be rude to me, your second brother, try it again!"

The three words "try it" were like a pile of solid ice, which was thrown on Jin Wushu's face abruptly.

After Oli Bu finished speaking, he walked away with a puff of his sleeves.

Jin Wushu stood alone in the tent, his chest heaving up and down with anger, and his fists clenched tightly.

One family was happy and the other was worried. The Jin army was dejected, while the Song Dynasty was singing and dancing.

This battle was so gratifying that Emperor Huizong held a celebration dinner in the palace that night.

Hundreds of dancers tried their best to please the emperor and ministers of the Song Dynasty in the hall.

Everyone smiled broadly, holding wine glasses tightly in their hands, and said to Emperor Huizong: "Your Majesty, long live, long live, long live!"

Cai Jing and Gao Qiu were already drunk and staggering, and said to Emperor Huizong: "This war has allowed the world to see the majesty of our Song Dynasty. It is really happy!"

"The reason why we are able to achieve this situation is because I, the Emperor of the Song Dynasty, am the true emperor, and other ants can never compare with me!"

Emperor Huizong laughed non-stop, clinked glasses with Earl Ying who was sitting next to him, and said, "Guanghou, I won't come home until I'm drunk tonight."

Earl Ying smiled lightly, holding the wine glass in his hand, and nodded repeatedly.

Everyone was so excited, but Earl Ying was the only one who was not immersed in joy.

It's not that Earl Ying is a spoiler, the main reason is that in his opinion, the next second battle must be much more dangerous than today's battle.

You know, this battle in the cold winter is a real playoff.

The competition is not about who is stronger, but who is more patient.

To be able to break the war into such a situation today, to be honest, it's just that the Jin army's irresistible temper gained the upper hand.

This time the Jin army withdrew from the inner city of Bianliang and returned to the outer city of Bianliang. They learned from the pain and reflected on it. They believed that the next war would not be easy for the Song army.

Of course, even so, Earl Ying still has a good chance of winning.

Even if Emperor Huizong ultimately failed to hold on to Bianliang City as he wished.

But at least, it can still win the best result for the Song Dynasty court to withdraw from Bianliang City and settle down in a corner.

Now that there is a way out, Earl Ying feels a little relieved.

The celebration dinner that night lasted almost until dawn. At the end, everyone was already drunk and gradually dispersed.

Earl Ying did not go home, but sobered up and had fun with Cai Jing, Gaoqiu and others in the Dade Hall.

The palace servant placed a mountain of fruits in front of them, and Earl Ying grabbed a few grapes from them and stuffed them into his mouth.

Looking at the pale sky outside the door, he smiled coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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