Chapter 218: Using women for gold and silver
During this day and night, everyone in the Song army was in danger. Everyone tried their best to stand against the inner city of Bianliang, and they were in a desperate situation.

However, the Jin Military Committee was too brave, and under the massive crushing of Tiefutu, the Song Army couldn't bear it at all.

The strategy that Earl Ying came up with did create a certain visual deterrent for the Jin Army.

But just as Emperor Huizong had expected, Count Ying's method of using dummies to fill up the numbers only delayed some time. It was so-called treating the symptoms but not the root cause, and did not fundamentally solve the problem.

The Jin army surrounded all the gates in the outer city of Bianliang. It was now impossible for the emperor to leave Bianliang City and go south.

Maybe, maybe, the only good news at this moment is that the Jin Army has captured the outer city of Bianliang, but the Jin Army has not yet had time to get involved in the inner city of Bianliang.

The military reserve of the inner city of Bianliang is absolutely unmatched by the outer city. In addition, the inner city of Bianliang is larger than the outer city of Bianliang, and there are even more gates.

To put it bluntly, although the Jin army surrounded all the gates of the outer city of Bianliang, because Bianliang was too big and the number of the Jin army was limited, the Jin army was unable to surround the inner city.

As of this second Bianliang defense battle, the Song Dynasty has ended in complete failure.

The generals suffered heavy losses and numerous casualties, and all the civil and military officials in the court were in panic.

Prince Zhao Huan was so scared that he immediately thought of ordering people to sue for peace. If the Jin army stopped attacking the inner city of Bianliang, anything would be possible.

Because he was too afraid of the Jin army, he didn't even have time to ask the Holy Lord for instructions, and sent people directly to the Jin camp.

How could the Jin army have traveled a long way to the south to attack for the second time, so how could it be possible for the Zhao royal family to be so cheap?
Therefore, Jin Wushu immediately posed a difficult problem to the envoys sent by Prince Zhao Huan to Jinying.

Saying 500 million taels of gold and 5000 million taels of silver, the Great Song Dynasty immediately sent them to the Jin camp. The Great Jin Kingdom might be open to the Zhao royal family.

Five million taels of gold and 500 million taels of silver are very simple to say.

However, the Song Dynasty's treasury is now empty, and countless gold and silver were spent in the second Bianliang defense battle, which ultimately ended in a disastrous defeat.

How could it be possible to still get all this gold and silver?

Besides, even before this war, it was very difficult for the Song Dynasty court to come up with all this gold and silver overnight.

Now that the second Bianliang Defense War has broken out, even if the entire Bianliang City is dug up three feet into the ground and the iron is sold, it is impossible to raise so much money.

The envoy was deeply embarrassed, and it would be difficult for him to communicate with Prince Zhao Huan just by going back.

As a result, he began to negotiate with the envoys of the Kingdom of Jin with reason and emotion.

From the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, to the Daluo Immortals, to the hundreds of schools of thought, and the Spring and Autumn Period, they all talked about it in all their glory.

The envoy of the Kingdom of Jin couldn't listen at all, and immediately thought about it and said: "Since you Song people can't come up with money, I, the King of Jin, have come up with a way for you, which can definitely solve this problem."

The envoy sent by Zhao Huan's eyes lit up and he quickly asked: "May I ask, Shangguan, what can I do? If you can help me, the Song Dynasty, solve the current crisis, I will definitely go all out!"

The envoys of the Kingdom of Jin looked at each other, smiled calmly, and said: "Those who can be used as gold and silver can be used as gold and silver."

The envoy of the Song Dynasty felt a thump in his heart, and an ominous premonition suddenly emerged in his mind.

It's not that he doesn't understand what Jin Guo means, it's just that he doesn't dare to think deeply.For a moment, the envoy of the Song Dynasty was filled with doubts. His legs began to tremble as he sat on his seat.

The envoy of the Kingdom of Jin said: "Of course, I can't be sure that is the final price. Anyway, you can take it as a reference."

"A princess is estimated to be worth about 1 taels, a first-grade official's wife should be worth 1000 taels, and a woman in her early 20s is worth almost 100 taels."

After hearing these words, the envoys of the Song Dynasty were deafened and enlightened.

"Absurd, really ridiculous!"

The envoy of the Song Dynasty suddenly stood up and clenched his teeth and said sharply.

The envoy of the Kingdom of Jin shrugged his shoulders, smiled disdainfully, and said: "This is already an advantage for you, the Song Dynasty. If you, the Song Dynasty, cannot agree, then we, Dajin, will continue to use troops against your Song Dynasty."

When the envoys of the Song Dynasty heard this, they couldn't help but feel dizzy.

I wanted to refuse, but I didn't dare. I was afraid that I would not be able to explain to the prince again.

It’s really ridiculous to want to agree!

So, the envoy of the Song Dynasty had no choice but to return to the inner city of Bianliang with the words of the envoy of the Jin Kingdom.

As soon as the envoy of the Song Dynasty saw the prince Zhao Huan, he relayed the words of the Jin people intact.

Prince Zhao Huan's eyes were as wide as those of an ox. He was stunned for a long time, opened his mouth, looked at the envoy in disbelief, and asked sternly: "Did they Jin people really say that?"

The envoy knelt on the ground with a pop, and said tremblingly: "Your Majesty... Your Majesty, this matter is of great importance. It concerns our country, the Song Dynasty, the country, how can I dare to talk nonsense!"

What the envoy said is true. How dare you talk nonsense about such a huge and huge thing?
The prince Zhao Huan really couldn't believe his ears. The Jin people must have gone too far, and they actually thought of using women to make up for it!
Prince Zhao Huan first asked the envoys to retire, eager to report the matter to Emperor Huizong.

At that time, Emperor Huizong was discussing countermeasures with officials in the Youwen Palace.

Everyone had not slept a wink for a whole day and night, and almost everyone had disheveled hair and was dripping with sweat.

Earl Ying was so sleepy that his eyelids bulged, and he stood swaying back and forth beside Cai Jing and Gao Qiu.

Emperor Huizong sighed repeatedly, slapped his palm on the map in front of him, and said: "The Jin people are really bullying people too much. I am very worried!"

"Now that the outer city has fallen, I don't know when the inner city will be attacked. Once the inner city is in danger, I really don't know what to do."

Cai Jing, Gao Qiu and others looked distressed, knelt on the ground and said in unison: "Holy Lord! Take care of the dragon body!"

Emperor Huizong suddenly fell down on the dragon chair, panting and said: "Earlier, I thought that the territory of our Great Song Dynasty was too vast. When I was painting, I couldn't control my brush freely. I couldn't paint such a vast area."

"But now, these golden people are almost at home. I really regret that I did that!"

Earl Ying clenched his fists and said decisively: "There are still millions of residents defending the inner city of Bianliang. Fight until the end. We are not afraid that we will not be able to defeat the Jin people!"

(End of this chapter)

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