Chapter 207 The extremely passive Zhao Ji

Emperor Huizong thought for a moment, then opened his eyes and looked at Earl Ying's face.

After the other civil servants in the court had finished speaking, he said loudly: "What does Ying Aiqing think about the golden man?"

Earl Ying came out and said urgently: "Everyone has their own opinions, everyone has their own reasons, and they can all stand up."

"In Wei Chen's opinion, the second Bianliang Defense War is imperative and must be fought!"

"But before the fight, I, the Song Dynasty, must make thorough preparations. There is a clever plan. Wei Chen was inspired by "Sun Tzu's Art of War". After pondering, thinking, and weighing, he decided to tell this clever plan to Your Majesty!"

Emperor Huizong nodded thoughtfully and said, "Ying Aiqing has come up with a clever plan. Let's talk about it."

Earl Ying said loudly: "In the art of war, as the saying goes, soldiers never tire of deceit. When the gap in strength between the enemy and ourselves is too great, we can bluff and give the enemy a powerful human sea tactic!"

When Emperor Huizong and the civil and military officials heard what Earl Ying said, they all felt that Earl Ying's clever plan might be interesting.

So, everyone listened attentively.

Count Ying said: "There is a plan called the Xuan Xiang Plan. Through the formation of troops and careful planning, the originally small number of troops can be seen by the enemy, and they will suddenly feel majestic and awe-inspiring."

"After the Second Battle of Bianliang Defense began, the soldiers were divided into as many queues as possible. The bigger the distance between people, the better, and many dummies were added to them, just to bluff and make the hearts of the golden people Be frightened!"

As soon as Earl Ying finished speaking, both the civil and military officials in the court fell into deep thought.

Emperor Huizong couldn't help but be moved by Earl Ying's ingenious plan. After a while, Emperor Huizong asked: "It sounds a little tricky, but I want to hear it. How much troops do you want to bluff?"

Earl Ying quickly stretched out the index, middle and ring fingers of his right hand, raised them high, and said loudly: "300 million!"

As soon as the number "300 million" was blurted out, the civil and military officials in the court suddenly became speechless.

At the same time, the "300 million" mentioned by Earl Ying really surprised Emperor Huizong.

"What? Ying Aiqing, you said 300 million?"

Earl Ying nodded and said: "Your Majesty, that's right! Three million is not too much. Logically speaking, the more the better."

"However, on the premise of ensuring that the amount bluffed is enough to scare the Jin people, it is also necessary to ensure that it is realistic and not fall into exaggeration."

"Had it not been for the first Bianliang defense battle not long ago, Wei Chen would have even wanted to fabricate this number into 500 million out of thin air!"

After Earl Ying finished speaking, many civil and military people in the court were about to break out in cold sweat.

They all thought to themselves: You are such a good Ying Guanghou, no wonder you are a writer and have a great imagination.

500 million more?Can you not say 1000 million?
Emperor Huizong pondered for a long time, repeatedly calculating in his mind how feasible Earl Ying's clever plan was.

If before the war started, the 300 million mercenaries of the Song Dynasty were widely announced to the world, it would indeed shock the hearts of all the countries and governments in the world.

But bluffs are bluffs, and no matter how loud the noise is, they will eventually have to compete with the Jin army on the battlefield with sword after sword and gun after gun.

Once you see the real chapter and decide the outcome, what will happen then?

To be honest, this clever plan is indeed very clever, and it will definitely make the Jin people stay away from Bianliang City for a long time.

But what about after this period of time has passed?

It's simply treating the symptoms but not the root cause.

Emperor Huizong thought of this section, shook his head and said: "Ying Aiqing, your clever plan is indeed very good, but the problem is that you can only solve the problem of delaying time, but you can't really fight with the Jin people in the killing field." A battle with real guns.”

All the civil and military officials had the same idea as Emperor Huizong, and they all thought so.

Earl Ying said urgently: "Your Majesty, I am determined not to be just an empty talk! We, the 20 brave warriors of the Song Dynasty, have already shaken the hearts of the people of the Jin Kingdom. We don't have to worry about not being able to achieve a great victory!"

A gambler is really just a gambler.This idea immediately emerged in Emperor Huizong's mind.

Once something unexpected happens, the Song Dynasty will definitely be at the end of its rope.

Alas, it's too risky.

Emperor Huizong didn't dare to play like this, and neither did the civil and military officials. To be honest, Count Ying's clever plan was too risky.

In this case, it comes back to the old question.

Is it a fight or a peace?

The diplomatic level of the Song Dynasty cannot be that bad. Once the Jin people want to attack south, the Song Dynasty will seek peace with the Jin country.

Once the Jin people wanted to return to their hometown in the Northeast, the Song Dynasty would not admit it and would not fulfill the treaty of ceding territory and paying compensation at all.

It's always like this, life or death cannot be justified.

Emperor Huizong began to hesitate, unable to decide what to do.

He originally thought that for such an important matter, it would be best to let the civil and military officials repeatedly negotiate for two or three days in the court.

Make a decision after considering all the circumstances.

However, he didn't expect that this matter was now out of Song Dynasty's hands!
At most, it only took a few cups of tea. Officials outside the court hurriedly came to report that flying pigeons had arrived from the border area north of the Yellow River.

This morning, King Wei Libu of Jin Kingdom and Jin Wushu, King of Liang Kingdom of Jin, jointly led 14 troops and quickly went south to attack Song Dynasty.

There were a total of 18 soldiers of the Song Dynasty stationed on the natural dangers of the Yellow River, and they were all the elite troops of the Song Dynasty.

It was the first barrier to prevent the Jin army from going south to attack the Song Dynasty. Emperor Huizong and the civil and military officials were not sure how effective this barrier could be.

As soon as this news reached the palace, people were immediately panicked, and the nerves of the civil and military officials in the court began to become tense.

The first thing that comes to everyone's mind is the word "fast".

Yes, the Jin Army is really too fast, so fast that it’s so fast that you’re at a loss, and it’s so fast that you’re dizzying.

Apparently there was news just the day before that the Jin army might go south to attack the Song Dynasty.

Only one day had passed, and the Jin army had already reached the edge of the Yellow River.

Emperor Huizong hurriedly collected his emotions and announced that from now on, the outer and inner cities of Bianliang would be completely restricted.

At Youpai time every day, when the sun sets, the people in Bianliang City are not allowed to go out and wander on the streets.

The Second Battle of Bianliang was of great significance and no small matter.

From now on, soldiers and horses from all over the world gathered in Bianliang City as quickly as possible.

For cities below the second line, no more than [-] soldiers and horses can be left behind.

In other words, from this moment on, all the military forces from all over the Song Dynasty would quickly gather in Bianliang City.

Note that it is all, not a portion from each city.

Sun Qingshan, the Secretary of the Ministry of War, specially asked Emperor Huizong to draw up a decree in order that his subordinates would not fabricate facts or deliberately conceal them.

That is: Anyone who conceals the specific number of soldiers, or fails to dispatch soldiers to Bianliang City as quickly as possible, will have the nine tribes destroyed and be executed in a hurry.

(End of this chapter)

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