Zhuge was reborn, killed the old thief Sima

Chapter 616: Battle Report Returning to Kyoto, Zhuge Yufan shoots Xiao Nao (5 updates)

Chapter 616: Battle Report Returning to Kyoto, Zhuge Yufan shoots Xiao Nao ([-]th update)

This is how the border market in the Western Region began.

A simple sign, an unprestigious opening, and a smattering of wanderers approaching but not daring to inquire.

Hostile neighbors always seem to want to take a bite out of their flesh.

If it were another army of soldiers and horses, they might not be able to resist retreating at this time. After all, there is no support from the rear.

Now they are almost the enemy of the whole world, but such a start is not acceptable to ordinary people.

But unfortunately, the people stationed here this time are not the so-called ordinary people.

Needless to say, there are several generals who are going to the Western Regions this time, including Mi Fang, the fierce bandit from Yongliang. Wei Yan, the Zhenxi general who is currently stationed in Liangzhou, plans to personally visit the Mi family at the end of the year.

The Wudang Feijun under Wang Ping can be regarded as having quite a bit of military exploits, but no amount of military exploits can change the reality.

That was the predecessor of Wudang Feijun. He was a group of elite barbarians who made a living by looting and were later tempted by money and silk to join the army.

Apart from these, Deng Ai's army did not have many troops. It seemed that they were stationed in Huangzhong and fighting in Jiaozhou.
Mountain bandits and bandits, the mountain people are strong and strong. I am afraid they are not much better than the fierce bandit Mi Fang of Yongliang and the barbarian Wang Ping of Nanzhong.

Among them, the ones with the most normal backgrounds are Zhao Yun and his Jingqi.

But Zhao Yun's courage is unparalleled in Liu Bei's command, otherwise he would not have dared to command such a group of "unruly" people to make an expedition.

With the "cooperation" of these people, the reputation of this border city in the Western Regions quickly spread.

The ability of Mi Fang and his soldiers to cause trouble once again opened Zhao Yun's eyes, and their protective temper was also amazing.

When one person is bullied, they immediately mobilize with all their strength to bring the other person down.

Especially after he got acquainted with Deng Ai and Wang Ping, the three of them took turns to battle, and the reputation of this border city in the Western Regions directly resounded throughout hundreds of miles around.

It has even spread to the countries in the Western Regions.

However, this is still not enough to make them feel much trust in this border city. In their eyes, this so-called border city is simply a group of ruthless bandits who are even more cruel and hateful than them.

Until Ma Su came up with a plan again and took the initiative to lower his worth and let Mi Fang look for opportunities to destroy one tribe, and then put the blame on another tribe.

Finally, he appeared again and led this person to this city.

He exchanged his wealth and life for the opportunity to avenge his clansmen, and the result naturally brought the first business to this border market in the Western Regions.

Slaughter the other side's tribe, kill all the other side's men, kidnap the other side's women and children, and then take away all their cattle, sheep, livestock, etc.

Finally, kill the only person who might know the truth and take his life to complete the deal.

It seems like a fool's errand, but this kind of "fair trade" behavior still allows the people in this Western Region to know the rules here, and at the same time, it also allows them to slowly start to have contact with each other.

The rest is Mi Fang's business.

When Liu Bei was still a guest in Jingzhou, Mi Fang had already been in contact with him. He knew very well what good things were available in the Western Regions and what their prices were.Now he has started his old business again, and his business of slaves, women and children, cattle, sheep and horses has made him prosperous.

Countless years later, when future generations read this period of history, they called it the No. 1 trading market in the Western Regions.
Under Ma Su's suggestion, they also continued to use their reputation and business to disrupt the market, and became an indispensable part of the forces in the Western Region.

Everyone knows that they are a troublemaker now, but more people know that they cannot live without their support and help.

Only if they still exist can he be protected. Therefore, when this idea takes hold in the Western Region, it will also be completely established in the border cities of the Western Region.

In the spring of Zhang Wu's second year, the border market in the Western Region was no longer just a small military camp.

At this time, in the first generation of Puchanghai, which is tens of miles to the east of the former Changshi Mansion of the Western Regions, there is already a not-so-small Wubao.

There are a lot of farmland and grazing cattle and sheep around, as well as tens of thousands of people who come here to work for free.

Of course, these are not slaves, but the price paid by several small countries and a dozen tribes to receive the protection of the Western Region Protectorate in the border city of the Western Region!

For so many years, the countries in the Western Regions have dealt with the Western Regions Protectorate and the Western Regions Changshi Mansion many times. This is the first time they have encountered this situation.

Fortunately, Zhao Yun and others managed to stand firm here, and they also succeeded in gaining the "respect" and "love" of everyone.

At the very least, even Wusun, one of the major forces in the Western Region, sent envoys here to ask who had snatched away their Kunmo woman.
Instead of admitting this, Mi Fang said that they were deliberately framed with the intention of provoking a war, and took the lead in attacking and massacring their envoys.
For this matter, Zhao Yun fought several battles with Wusun's army full of resentment. Both sides had victories and defeats, but neither could do anything about the other.

Zhao Yun has many famous generals here, and his soldiers and horses are brave.

One of Wusun's Xihous was eventually killed by Zhao Yun and Wang Ping.

However, Wusun has strong power and sufficient logistics. Although it is unable to send troops on a large scale, it still makes Zhao Yun and others very uncomfortable.

After several months of fighting, the two sides finally settled down. This battle also completely established the reputation of Zhao Yun and others in the Western Regions.

Of course, after the war, Zhao Yun looked at Mi Fang's new concubine No. 20 with five rooms, and Mi Fang's screams resounded throughout the camp.

According to rumors, Zhao Yun singled out dozens of warriors under Mi Fang that day, and fired a bright silver gun. Not only did the group of people who blocked him wail all over the place, but he almost sent Mi Fang to meet his ancestors.
In the second year of Zhang Wu, the Western Region Protectorate was completely established, and battle reports were also transmitted to Chang'an.

Along with simple battle reports, there are also accompanying secretaries that record all the battles and events, which will eventually be included in the Han Dynasty's government offices.

Then for future generations to record history books.

When Zhuge Liang saw the detailed records, he felt his anger rising in his heart as he looked at the items on it.

"Fa Xiaozhi!" Zhuge Liang, who had always been calm and dignified, became furious for the first time in his life. The feather fan made of fine iron with goose feathers inserted outside almost smashed Fazheng's head.

"How much benefit did you receive from that Mi Fang, and how dare you recommend him to the Western Regions!

My great reputation as a big man has completely ruined that guy!
See for yourself what that bastard did!My reputation as a big man! "

In the second year of Zhang Wu, the Minister ordered Fa Xiaozhi to enter the palace overnight and asked to go out to inspect Yizhou. He left that night and did not dare to come back for half a year.
(End of this chapter)

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